I'd like to give my Backwash remake a shot if possible. Probably on FFA Slayer or Strongholds, whichever people would prefer. It only supports a maximum of 12 players though, so if the lobby gets bigger than that we can't play it.
Sounds good I will review your changes and keep the map on the playlist, if the lobby fills up then your map will be put to the test! Also if you want to play it with us on stream i'll clear out a spot for you I remember taking a look at it and the aesthetic was really good. Will this map support Team Slayer? I'm not sure if I can get an entire lobby to use honor rules, on top of running the stream and everything it entails. It would be nice for everyone to know what they're getting into straight out the gate without any additional information required. Will your map support that? I am only going to include just a few map remakes so I'll have to take a look at it tonight. I would venture to say that our lobby will be a pretty big one. Just so I know - does the map only have 12 starting spawns total? Or how is it that your map only supports 12?
It only has 12 initial spawns, 6 per team and 12 neutral for FFA. I figure a map like that isn't even worth playing on with more people than that lol. But I can throw more spawns on there if I need to. If it can't make it in I understand, no biggie.
I'm going to add some detail on the playlist for the recommended amount of players - because I don't know how big our lobby will be it would be wise to have that information ready for whichever situation we have.
Ok. I went ahead and added the spawns anyway just in case. I did try changing the spawn order priorities though, in the hopes that the more desirable spawns will be used first and the others will only be used when the amount of players necessitates it. Hope that works. The map is called Deluge and it's in my files if you want it. Here is a link to the map thread. http://www.forgehub.com/maps/deluge.1054/
I reworked a section of Impulse and changed the name. I need to play test it a bit more so if anyone's online please send me a message for an invite.
Map: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/castle.1059/ GT: xXxMENTALxXx This was intended for 2v2 but it is large enough 4v4 may work. Objective gametypes are supported but not specifially designed around so slayer is the safer option. (strongholds might be good for a larger game though) If your constantly at 12-16 players please feel free to not play this. I would rather not annoy people with an improperly sized map.
Just an update! I found a few bugs and squashed them so the latest one as of right now is good to go! See you guys on Saturday!
Unfortunately it does not support team slayer. I understand if you take it out of the rotation since hon or rules are hard to enforce when not everyone has a mic.
Hey, if i could get my map 'Deadlock' added that'd be awesome. It's all setup for slayer and strongholds and has been tested a bit but I'm looking to get some real feedback on spawns etc. to fine tune it.
If you guys need a extra I'm always down to play my GT is VwS Executioner invite me even if it says I'm offline it's just a Xbox glitch --- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2016 --- Really....deadlock....
I'm terrible with time zones but has this already happened or is it still going ahead? I'm down for some customs and have a btb map I'd love to slot in if possible.
I'm in Australian time so +10GMT. 17 hours from now for me would be midday for me I believe. If there's room sign me up! And the map to be tested is Checkpoint.
Use this - https://savvytime.com/converter/gmt-to-est Its 8PM EST and convert to your timescale.. i think you'll be in the AMs like 2-3AM
I'm going to try to have a playable version of Nowhere ready before your stream, even though I won't be there. I'll let you know if I get it to that point before I have to leave in the afternoon, in case you need an extra map in the lineup.