Also, Forerunner is not "ALL THE TRAPAZOIDS". Map looks cool, but it's more sanctum of solitude krypton looking to me than Forerunner.
Just wanted to give @Sethiroth a shoutout for helping out with Genesis earlier today. Had a lot of good feedback from APK, GodlyPerfection, Ripshade and a few others throwing ideas around, but Seth especially went balls to wall with the differentials. He really understands how a map should feel both from a gameplay and thematic standpoint and I definitely needed the sounding board to see where to take the map next. One thing in particular that he mentioned was about the pathing in the current iteration of Genesis. Every single path is circular shaped and it overlaps over another circle, which makes the map feel tightly coiled and well rounded. If a path doesn't wrap over another however, it goes to a power position, so the player is making the decision to follow a path or deviate and go to a position, where they encounter another player and vie for control of a neutral space. I'm not sure if I'm an accidental genius for the way I designed it or if Seth is just really good at reading a map (or both, that's cool too). Nevertheless, I'm super excited to see where this map goes.
It doesn't have to be Forerunner but nothing wrong with there being different styles. There are a dozen ways to do Forerunner architecture based on the Campaigns and anyone can branch off from there to create their own theme. Either way, ya'll are still young grasshoppers when it comes to forging Forerunner. Just wait till Genesis is all arted up.
Detailed aesthetics that we really haven't been able to achieve to this extent in previous iterations of forge is generic?
I just finished up my map "Deluge" today, a remake of Halo 2's Backwash. Just waiting on whatever bug the forum has to be resolved so I can post the map thread.
Sooooo.... you gonna actually finish it? --- Double Post Merged, Dec 31, 2015 --- No, the design, as in the layout, is. We played some games on it tonight and it was fun, but it ain't nothing to write home about. But since you want to talk about the aesthetics, I'm not a fan of them either. It's predidominently composed of trapezoid pieces, and falls in line with 343's GENERIC sci-fi style. And as I said before, too much was focused on the center structures, which doffers look cool, leaving the perimeter extremely bland in contrast. Did I lay that down Barney style enough for ya, or should I explain it again?
Assuming a meteor doesn't hit my house this week, I'll probably have it playable once I'm comfortable with the pathing. I'll clean it up and put some basic orientation art down. I usually don't reach that stage unless I'm 99% on the geometry though because I don't like making ginormous changes to a terrain map after a playtest. Maybe others have different policies though. Some Forgers dislike making changes even after testing. Res might be inclined to make another pass over the geo on her map if necessary, so constructive feedback is always a good source of information. I know @GodlyPerfection mentioned earlier that getting a map playable as fast as possible to get that feedback as soon as possible is an important part of being a level designer. It's definitely something i'll be improving, but I'm generally not one to put something out there if it has glaring flaws poking out everywhere. There's a saying in the music industry where if you die before you release the final cut of the song, the demo should be good enough to release on its own. I ain't releasing sloppy demos
I liked it. I kinda agree with Schnitz about the rest of the map being dull compared to the center but the center looks freakin awesome. I wouldn't change it. I do think the sword was a bit powerful as well but over all that map was great looking & fun to play.
I'm not sure why choosing 343's style of Forerunner aesthetics is the end of the world. Explain it again. I love you, you love me We're a community With a great big b*tch and an insult from me to you Won't you say you love me too?
@goat Seth gave me some really good feedback on hot trash the other day as well. If you didn't know Sethiroth I made all those changes already. I just have some z-fighting and clamber ledges to fix.