ForgeHub Site Update

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Dec 29, 2015.

By ForgeHub on Dec 29, 2015 at 4:15 PM
  1. ForgeHub

    ForgeHub The heart of the Forge community
    Administrator Senior Member

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: ForgeHub v3

    ForgeHub will be receiving a site update tomorrow December 30 and will be offline for approximately 6 - 12 hours until the migration process is complete. We hope you enjoy the update as a lot of thought and care was required to deliver this experience to you. ForgeHub v3 is intended to build a better foundation for the site in both back and front end utility. While fixing and addressing many issues with this update we are aware of the possibility that new ones may surface as a result. There are no new features to announce at this time however we will make updates as we build and move forward, so please share your thoughts with us and help make ForgeHub a better experience.

    Tomorrow, December 30th
    6 - 12 Hours

    Thursday, December 31

    The update is intended to preserve essential functionality while we transition to the next phase and will be seeing more updates and hot fixes in the future. Thanks for participating on ForgeHub, we look forward to providing the best atmosphere for everyone to express their creativity, enthusiasm for level design and build new friendships with the community here.

    <3 - The ForgeHub Team
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Dec 29, 2015.

    1. Nitro
      Can't wait, hope the site conversion goes well!
      WAR and Xandrith like this.
    2. theSpinCycle
      Super duper hype mode engaged!
    3. WAR
      What do you guys think of the new update so far? We can use this thread for feedback and suggestions as well
      InvokingTexan and Xandrith like this.
    4. Xandrith
    5. Rifte
      I dig the new layout for mobile a lot! One thing Ive been wondering though, why isn't there a section on the forums page for fh site related stuff? Like announcements or a customer service/recommendations page?
      WAR likes this.
    6. Kell Of Scots
      Kell Of Scots
      Im having issues uploading maps from phone and tablet, dont know about PCs. Its something to do with requiring download link and banners?
    7. iParanormal
    8. TickleMeBuddha
      Im trying to add a new map to the site but it is asking for an exteral download link and im not sure what that should be since 343 didnt give us a true file sharing sytem like bungie did, any help would be greatly appreciated
    9. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      You can pretty much put whatever you want there. I'm about 99% sure it doesn't even need to actually link to anything, so you could even type gibberish if you want to. ;)
    10. TickleMeBuddha
      yea that's what I tried and it just keeps asking for it I'm very confused by it lol this is what I get

      download url:
      please enter a valid url
      . ( I have as the url and even tried putting my 343 profile neither worked)
      and you must upload a file to create a version or map

      am I just missing something I feel like I must be doing something wrong but I just cant figure it out
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
    11. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Hmm...could be a glitch with the site update. It was tested ahead of time and was working correctly, but sometimes strange things happen with updates. If/When we figure it out, I'll let you know.

      Edit - I just tested it myself. I was able to get past the download link by putting in a valid URL. However, I'm still unable to post a map because of a 'bannerimage' error, which several other people have mentioned.

      We'll pass this on to the tech team, and try to get it resolved.
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
      Goat likes this.
    12. xTRUExKILLAx
      cant download any maps is it cuz of the update?
    13. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      There's no online file sharing in Halo 5, so it's impossible to download maps directly from a forum.
      To download a map you have to:
      - Add the forger as a friend.
      - Select them from your friends list in Halo 5.
      - Navigate to Map Variants and find the file you want to download.
      - Press in on the left thumbstick to download it.

      It should then be available in your 'Bookmarks' in either Forge or Custom Games.
      xTRUExKILLAx likes this.
    14. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      I tested this myself and I'm getting the same error. Map submissions were tested prior to releasing the new site update and everything worked fine, but sometimes unexpected things happen when you do updates.
      We'll notify the tech team of the error, and work towards getting this resolved as soon as we can.
      Sorry for the hiccup guys. :(
      Kell Of Scots, WAR and Xandrith like this.
    15. ReclaimerX22
      Yeah, I just tried and got the same error.
    16. Box Knows
      Box Knows
      Ok I thought I was going crazy because I tried to post like 10 times lol
      Xandrith likes this.
    17. TickleMeBuddha
      ok awesome im not crazy I did forget to mention the banner issue but I only got that one when I used my 343 profile as my external link thanks for getting back to me so quickly you guys are awesome
    18. WAR
      Right now, submitting a map requires you to provide a download link. Halo doesn't support an online file browser system at this time so you will just have to provide a working link to a site, can be anywhere. We will remove this requirement after the holiday soon. Thanks for reporting this issue and if any others come up please let us know.
    19. Buddy Jumps
      Buddy Jumps
      This new design looks fresh! Only thing I don't like is the font used for the map names. It is kind of uncomfortable to read. :) I think an increased letter spacing (just a tiny bit) would help the legibility.
      Another thing I recognized was that the little signs (map box) for comments and views are not being updated. Only the 'downloads sign' is being updated.
      Last edited: Dec 31, 2015

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