EVENT COMPLETED Here is a recorded broadcast - Total time 5 hrs 11 minutes Reply to this thread if you have a map you would like to test. Prior to the event I will edit this post to provide a map playlist. Event Time: Saturday at 8PM EST Event Location: www.twitch.tv/iParaTVImportant note: Stream audio is configured so the stream will hear everything everyone says. On that note i believe it to be necessary to mention that all talkative, nonsensical 12 year olds need not apply. Event Details: If the map author would like to playtest their map during the event they will have precedence to join over whomever else is in the party. I will choose 15-20 maps at the end of the week for the event. I will try to spread out the playlist between action-sack, minigames, and still have plenty of competitive testing so everyone can have fun, get great feedback, and give the community a way to see what amazing things we've done in just the short amount of time using forge. Event Duration I would estimate the duration of the stream to be about 2-3 hours. Event Schedule: I will update this post with a list of maps lined up for the testing event. Feedback will be actively provided through stream and I will select a certain few for which I will provide a full review. Playlist: (sorted by capacity) xxBRYTExx 4-8 Team Slayer on 'Uncivil Fusion' Reidrum 8-12 CTF on 'Beyond' Its Ghosted 8-12 Team Slayer on 'Optic' lol Darkprince909 & Team CreativeForce 8-12 CTF on 'Reliquery' SmoknBrIz64 8-12 Team Slayer on 'Power Outage' (remake) JoeDannyMan 8-12 Team Slayer on 'Guardian' (remake) SZR iParanormal 8-12 Team Slayer on 'Paragon' EnoughLemon 8-12 CTF on 'Warsong' xXandrith 8-12 CTF on Bastille ReclaimerX22 8-12 Team Slayer on 'Deluge' (remake) xXxMENTALxXx 8-12 Team Slayer on Castle AnonFriction 8-16 Team Slayer on 'Remembrance' (remake) Crypocalypse 8+ Team Slayer on 'Checkpoint' SZR iParanormal 12+ Action Sack Team Slayer on 'Qube' Welstoce 12+ Action Sack 'Super Saiyans' on 'Dragon Ball Z' SmoknBrIz64 12+ Big Team CTF on 'Hazard Valley' (remake) 12+ Big Team CTF on 'Ice Fields' (remake) oo XM oo 8v8 Big Team CTF on 'Archipelago'
Thunder 86. There is a space. Map : Constructed V1.2. I would like to play test/fix it up before saturday so hit me up with a message on xbox
Best way to find testers is to use the shoutbox at the top of the forum page or use Halocustoms. Let me know if you get the map done before Saturday and we will playtest it.
I would love to play test my map! It was designed with Big Team battle/ CTF in mind so yeah... I still need to adjust the lighting and spawns but it should be ready to play by the weekend! Gamertag: oo XM oo Map Name: Archipelago
JohnnyZ Cake is my GT. And my map isn't finished quite yet but it should be playable by tonight. Putting the finishing touches on it right now. But it's meant for infection when it hopefully comes out in the future so it would need honor rules in place
This map is huuuuge. Can you maybe add a few more vehicles outside the bases for any away spawns? Also some teleporters or more man cannons would be awesome for people who like playing on foot. I would also recommend putting something in the water to help identify where you will die that would encourage a more positive player experience imo.. i mean I was running around inside the map and died randomly because the water got too deep. I can see the map being a lot of fun but revising things like this may more guarantee that experience Looking at Beyond 1.1.1 I think it would be a great map to test for the stream. What gametypes does it support? I checked out RR25 - looking good so far. Let me know what gametype would be best and what honor rules should be used.
That would be awesome if I could have my map playtested on Saturday, I don't know for sure if I will be able to participate, is that an issue? If you could run a game on it, and I could go to your past broadcast on Twitch to watch it, it would be greatly appreciated. But I will try to be on in time to participate if I get in. GT: hardcor3 h3ro Map: Deity current iteration is Deity2.7 but if I have any updates before Saturday I will make sure my most up-to-date version is the one in my Bookmarks.
Very nice aesthetic Hero this will be sure to make the cut! Hope you can make it but btw what gametypes will play on this best?
Sweet! Thanks for the feedback. I came up with some ideas to help make it a better experience, i'll work on it tonight and comment again with the newer version. As for the size, I really had no idea how big it would be considering this is my first map . Do you think that the size is an issue? Should I try and make it smaller?
I can't speak for others but I believe it to be a bit on the too-big side. Im going to try to keep the testing lobby at 4v4 but because Halo 5 doesn't let us set a lobby limit I wont be able to control it. It will be nice having a bigger map ready for testing if we do get a full lobby and need the larger maps to proceed so I included it on the playlist. I would seriously advise you to fix the death in the water randomly in the middle of the map, and at least establish a clear boundary around the outside just so players naturally know their limits.
thx iPara!! It supports CTF, but if the teams aren't properly balanced it would probably be best to stick to Slayer, I had a Playtest on it last night that only lasted 3-4 mins because one team was able to score too fast.
Okay all the improvements have been made. There is no way anyone can die in the water unless of course they go far off the sides of the map (Which I added safety cones to highlight the edges of the map and the natural boundry is in play as well.) I also added a few more vehicles. Tweaked some scripts. Added some guns and sounds. I also adjusted the lighting so now its under 100%. All and all I think it turned out great. Its a damn big map and I understand if you don't have the time nor people to play on it. I plan on watching the stream and playing with you guys if possible!
Okay, I have the playable map up, it's called mercy city ad the game type is called infection. It's free for all slayer with starting weapons AR and energy sword. Humans are not allowed to use the sword and the zombie must only use the sword. Before the match starts there has to be a designated zombie. One if using 8 players, 2 if using 16 players. When a player is killed by a zombie they become a zombie and can only use a sword. Any accidental kills by humans does not turn them into a zombie. Also, my map was designed with 16 players in mind but I'm sure 8 can work although it might not be as fast paced as I intended it to be. The map is playable but aesthetics still aren't finished and probably won't be finished by the time the playtest happens. Right now I simply want to test for game play and worry about how it looks later