fat/e7bbd0df-3854-45d0-8e33-de387e20fc5e It is also pretty light. Even in the picture you posted. None of those purples/pinks are that dark to me but my flooring for sure is to bright. --- Double Post Merged, Dec 25, 2015 --- The maps don't need extensive themes. They should look good though.
Well, I figured out what my first map will be (getting H5 tomorrow). It will be pretty...blocky. I'll save you all the stress and not submit it for the throwdown contest. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!
Or you could do like the rest of us and try to learn aesthetics. The bar ain't exactly high mate... Case point, my map is pretty bare bones and has been blown away by the aesthetics other forgers have done at this point, but it's enough where people say the map looks visually appealing. Merry Christmas to y'all as well.
Ben, I look forward to your pile of blocks. Are you remaking a map of yours, or working on a new design?
I have to say, this new iteration of Forge has thrown me for a loop. The new control scheme, the initially over simple-seeming block/primitive pieces. I still for the life of me cannot get the hang of the manual rotation, so I am happy for now hitting "x" and using the rotation menu. That, and having it fail to save a map, then the servers throwing us to the main screen, losing 2 1/2 hours of tedious work...bad words, ALL the bad words...didn't touch it for 3-4 days. However, there was something else, something I couldn't really articulate until a post 2-3 pages back. I wasn't INSPIRED. Why? One thing that didn't help was game play itself. Mom doesn't like being stuck with an underpowered pistol on spawn, 30 seconds away from any action in Warzone. Lack of gametypes limits my imagination as well, when my later Reach days were spent making Grifball maps that looked different but conformed to the regulation size/performance. almost too much freedom. It was mentioned that some people start with the asthetics and build the function, and other people start with the function and then do the asthetics. (Note: it was Three legged Goat who made the comment on page 50 I realized I had always started with the asthetic, since I would challenge myself to take the set pieces and blocks we were given and flip and use them in ways no one did before, create patterns and spaces in unintended ways. I just LOVE when other Forgers do that, and create a space that plays well AND suspends disbelief of the map you knew it was Forged on, Forge "Inception" if you will. Halo 5 Forge forces you to use a LOT more blank canvas creativity. I cannot use the hidden crutch of "Oh look, how clever and pretty her map is, due to the known restrictions of Forge pieces" anymore. Just knowing that some start with asthetics and some start with layout/flow makes me feel better. I am inspired and RELIEVED by how good other Forgers are making their maps, not so basic looking! I also regrouped a bit in my own mind, reminded myself I will have my own style someone else may be inspired or even jealous (ha!) of. I am designing some "set pieces", as I call them, out of initial toys and primitives. This approach is teaching me how to select, then group, then weld, then change the physics of the new item. It also lets me create these key pieces, then scale the rest of the map around them to make sense of the scale to the set pieces AND gameplay. I look forward to sharing With love, Your Mom, ~AnonomissX~ Decided to rework one of my Asymmetrical Halo 4 forge maps as my first venture into this new forge system. Not sure if anyone remembers my map Framerate, but it was one of the maps that made me rage quit forging for awhile... During my Impact forging phase. I'm still early blockout stage, but I'm already feeling good about this one and I'm getting use to the new controls too. Excited to see what Halo 5 can do for the map, because I really liked the layout.
Love your interpretation of Guardian ! I'm working on a Guardian Remake myself. Helps me a lot to learn the new features. What exactly did you use to construct the railings top mid ? ;-) BroWithTheFr0/video/13465498 Just made a Machinima-Style door with sound effects, lights and multiple moving pieces
Lol, I was going to re-approach my re-imagination of block fort that I have done in Halo Reach (because dedicated colors are now possible and would be a simple layout to practice the new forge), which would be for FFA if i test it at all. I just wanted to poke fun by hinting that it was blocky. I do have something that I tried in H2A (and failed quickly) that I might re-attempt for H5. But between sprint and clamber, things will get very dicy. Whatever the case, I just really don't want to remake anything unless it's a matter of re-approaching the design. I'm gonna try to keep this handy as well because otherwise my brain might be dead on map ideas moving forward. Schnitzel, I don't think you'll have to worry about me disappointing you. My imagination concerning aesthetics may prove to be rather limited for Halo 5, but I still take presentation seriously. inb4 "good to know"
Been reforging that blockout I posted a couple days ago. I really wish you could make maps look like they do before you bake lighting.
I've been calling this Sinkhole for now. Centre beam in the pit is a grav lift back up to the top, I'm still working on it though. Think I finally have enough done now that I can test it out if anyone is interested, 2v2 or FFA.
final boss - deciding on mirror symmetry or inverse symmetry. think i'm sticking with mirror. the inverse layout is slightly better for Strongholds, but the pathing isn't very interesting on a donut. it's irritating to look across the map and see the same piece of geometry rotated. at least with mirror, everything can be offset by 30° which means i gotta spend another 3 hours to get to where i just was. smh
Looks cool and I think Sinkhole is a perfect name. Add me and I'll help you playtest. GT is same as here. Just realized I left my mic at home 4 hours away though.
I think you articulated something I failed to clarify. Perhaps it was a mistake to use the word "narrative", as it was the domino that spiraled off in the wrong direction. Story has its place in map design, but I intended to refer more towards a map having a unified palette and purposeful geometry that creates that suspension of disbelief, as you say. It isn't necessarily about creating maps with a backstory, but rather making them look believable and presentable alongside developer maps. This was very difficult to do in the past, but the possibilities are almost limitless now and will only get better as new objects and features are introduced.
Here's what I have started for the 2v2. I suppose I should state the theme lol. Ancient alter of the forerunners.