Is this what the size of 2 forge units is now? It looks even bigger than 2 units on MCC It looks great though. Aquaduct was one of my favorite maps.
Ah I found that, but for some reason it's not an option on the pieces that are giving me the most problems with it :/ To answer your question honestly, yes this is the only thing I really have so far.
That looks amazing. I'll have to check it out in game to see what pieces you used. Sounds interesting, I would like to see a picture of it.[/QUOTE] Here's a pic, I still have much work to do
Holy Goat. Love the look and atmosphere of the map. I especially love the pillar of rails (wires?) it reminds me of the middle pillar in Haven. Is the map complete or do you still have to mirror the other half?
we call em crystals and they're definitely from Halo 4's Forerunner stuff. Still have to mirror it and clean it up when i rebuild it but i think the pathing is done. And I haven't had "done" pathing on a map in ages.
I started messing around with a 2v2 idea on paper. Ended up making this super small 1v1 in forge. It's playable if anyone wants to try it. SPANK 90 second camo 120 second hydra It's damny inspired but I'm not sure it shows. Edit: @SecretSchnitzel Is your map Chiron inspired?
I've noticed there are two main approaches to aesthetics forgers have been doing.... One goes with aesthetics through interesting geometry by primitive pieces, while the other goes balls to the walls with the accents. Both look pretty cool. I'm at a loss for how to do the latter, and which is better.... I'm in favor of the former though. Would be cool to see people posting tutorials on how to do cool aesthetics.
I've had this BTB cathedral map idea for awhile, you've given me hope that it's possible. You've done a great job with the look and feel. Are you just playing with aesthetics right now?
Sorry. I didn't mean anything negative by it. The light colored walls along with the caution tape detailing on the doors reminds me of Chiron. That and the fact that many of the rooms seem similarly sized and are connected by a number of doorways. I'm not implying it would play like Chiron, I just think it sorta feels like it, if that makes sense.
units are different now and no I don't believe it is. I believe a 2x2 is 24'x24'x12' @thefro3po I have a map in h2a i didn't finish you need to see if you if you like the idea of a cathedral as a btb map. h2a just ****ed me over when making it.