Hello all, new to the forums and to H5 forging in general. I have created my first map, a nod to the original narrows. Check it out here: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Neo%20Hybodus/video/13373361 I have fixed a few things since that vid (like invisible barriers, a couple of ramps, spawn zones, etc... etc...). Anyway, my gamer tag is Neo Hybodus. Check it out and let em know what you think...
I'll let others comment on the rest of the map, but for now I will just say that it is a bad idea to use windows for the floor. Having a bumpy floor like that is always incredibly frustrating to run/play on. Otherwise, welcome to Forgehub (<--- This is underlined in red... Forgehub does not recognise its own name as a word)!