Why WyvernZu is the Forge hero we need

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Debo37, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Some of you may not have heard, but currently there is this mild-mannered Swedish dude by the name of WyvernZu who is remaking Halo 3's Sandtrap in Halo 5 Forge.

    Just let that sink in a bit, because the very idea of doing that would have been completely inconceivable to any one of us in any of the previous iterations of Forge. It's a massively ambitious project, but he's making steady progress toward the goal and despite setbacks is well on the way to actually getting it done.


    So what makes WyvernZu special? He's streaming the whole process on Twitch, and in doing so he's bringing a LOT of attention to Forge and the Forge community in general. He's kind, humble, patient, and precisely the kind of person whose behavior we want representing us to the wider Halo community.

    His stream has been so successful that it's only been beaten on Twitch by professional Halo players - and that's pretty damn remarkable considering how heavily promoted competitive Halo is within the community. His stream is currently second only to the live broadcast of the official Halo channel in terms of viewership.


    So hats off to WyvernZu - the Bob Ross of Halo 5 Forge.

    If you read this thread, do WyvernZu the courtesy of visiting his stream and leaving a supportive comment. The more we embrace and support people like this, the more likely we'll be able to revive the floundering customs and Forge communities and perchance bring back the glory days of Forge (and by extension, this website).
    #1 Debo37, Dec 20, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    buddhacrane, Blaze, WAR and 6 others like this.
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    I gotta say that looks really impressive. He even managed to make it looks kinda sandy
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    What area of the map is he forging over to give the sand look? This is awesome!
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    he's on parallax.
  5. Jesus in Malibu

    Jesus in Malibu Legendary

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    Him and his friend did some testing lobbies tonight after he hastily set up some basic spawn points in a matter of 2 minutes after freeing up some object space. I joined and so far, it actually played half-decent for how fast he put the spawns together.

    WyvernZu and his friends are true godsends.
  6. VwS Executioner

    VwS Executioner Sweaty Online Warrior
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    You know that he's Swedish right? So when he's livestreaming there's like no one else live streaming h5 because they're all sleeping just wanted to point that out since right now it's 6:30 am on Monday and there's only naded and the speed runner livestreaming h5 but anyways... Does it look small to you guys? It kinda feels small to me idk just maybe because it isn't h3 with the dimensions like idk why but the buildings feel like they are closer but yet hey are the same length and size as h3 but for same reason they feel small to me... Idk h5 forge dimensions playing mind tricks on me or something
  7. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
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    tuned into this a few days ago and was blown away. few forge maps do that to me but the sheer cajones on this guy to attempt this, and the creativity he's used to get it to this point should be commended. he's definitely going to pave the way for 343 to introduce more to Forge, like actual Phantoms for instance (his UNSC ship was uncanny though).

    he's had 150+ viewers for over two days. that many people watching a dude forge is a feat any way you slice it.
    a Chunk likes this.
  8. NEKTryhard

    NEKTryhard Legendary

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    Wanna hear something even more impressive? I was watching last night and he is not only making this classic gametype version but, He is also making another one for Halo 5's mechanics! Incredible!

    So who gives a shite about how many other streamers are on when he is? This is a massive undertaking that deserves a little respect. Also if you watched the stream at all you would know that he scaled the entire thing with crates from Halo 3 to Halo 5. He has Halo 3 going on his 360 to scale it unit by unit. So no it isn't "too small" or "too big" which frankly I'm sick of hearing, not just in regards to Sandtrap but it seems to be all anyone can say about any map. Constructive criticism begins with intelligent responses not with generalized blurbs about size. /rantover
    Jesus in Malibu likes this.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    My mind is blown

  10. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
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    He's also going to make Guardian, the skybox he set up was looking really good already. He made the dark trees around the map from rocks which actually looked quite good.
  11. Suicufnoc

    Suicufnoc Ancient
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    Nice I'll have to check that out
  12. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
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    Here it is at 1:21:00

    xzamplez likes this.
  13. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Forge Hero? Lol. A true Hero Innovates not imitaties. What we need is innovation not recreation. Remakes are meh to me. Sort of like tracing or grid square art... Anyhow my opinion asidreProps for undertaking the project and hope it turns out well for those who want sandtrappy
    xzamplez likes this.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    He's bringing some good exposure to forge and halo in general, so I'd say that's pretty awesome of him.
    REMkings and xzamplez like this.
  15. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    In that respect, yes.
    xzamplez likes this.
  16. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Your "no true Scotsman" notwithstanding, he's actually innovated quite a bit in doing these remakes. First and most obviously, he's brought Forging content to another medium - streaming - which the rest of us would do wise to imitate. Second, he's really laid the groundwork for combining fog and map FX to create varied level backdrops in Halo 5.

    Both of those things are huge, with positive implications for the future of Halo Forge as we know it.
  17. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
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    I somewhat share Salty's opinions on this. His view count seems to be solely based on the "Oh, I've seen that map before, so I know it's not a scrub forger design." effect. It's a remake.

    But I do agree with you that he is doing good for the forge community.

    "Bob Ross of forge" was way too much. I don't take that lightly, and there's not a soul that has earned that title.
    Dunco likes this.
  18. Suicufnoc

    Suicufnoc Ancient
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    lol, agreed.

    Whether we want remakes or new makes, its much easier to be excited about a remake, because you know basically what you're getting, where the average forge maps sucks, so even though there are gems, you don't get that anticipation
  19. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    I didn't mean to diminish what he is contributing to the community. I'd assume most viewers of his twitch are already forgers or interested in forge/halo in the first place. Still, the more exposure the better. The bigger the community the better. I've been around since halo 3 and am one of the few forgers whose stuck it out forging in all games thru halo 5.
    Do appreciate I what he's doing? Yes. Does remaking a map impress me? No.

    So I wouldn't call him a "hero" personally. However, that's just me and I'm entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. In the end I'm glad he is a hero to some people and it looks like he is contributing to the community in a positive way and that's never a bad thing.
  20. WyvernZu

    WyvernZu Forge Critic
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    I recently signed up here on Forgehub and I stumbled upon this thread. I'm just humbled by these kind words!

    It's been really cool to see all the enthusiasm people have been showing towards this project and it has helped me to push through to finish this map. The classic version is about 98% done at the moment. I'm currently doing playtests to find problems with the map so if anyone's interested to join in on those just add me on xbl and send me a message!

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