Weekly testing begins next Tuesday 12/22/15 at 5PM Pacific Standard Time. There will be seven spots available for anyone looking to test their maps. Please don't sign up unless you are committed to the time frame and willing to test everyone's maps. Each person gets one test on their map and the order will be determined by who signs up first. The lobby should run around two hours so plan accordingly. Sign up below and leave your Gamertag so I can find you on LIVE. I looking forward to finally getting this back together. 1.Chronmeister 2.J2H Executioner 3.PRS 4.Xandrith 5.MrWaffles137 6.Virunus 7.RandomStyiez 8.A Haunted Army Backup 1.Lee CG 2. Auburn
TCOJ stands for The Circle of Jerks. I joined it back in Halo 4, but it was around since Reach I believe. I'm not sure there is anything different about it, but we do encourage written feedback on the maps tested if you have the time. Feedback should be left in separate thread that I will start the day after the test or in a maps thread if it has already been posted.
This lobby is going to to max out at 8 players, so BTB will play pretty slow. I won't tell you you can't join, but if the map is too big and playing too slow, I'm not going to make the whole lobby wait if they are getting restless.
Iv'e tested it with 8 players and the gameplay was fine, if everyone isn't having fun with 8 players i have no problem moving onto the next map early.
Sounds good. The map I'm gonna test turned out to be BTB too because I overscaled it when remaking. I'm not even gonna bother scaling it down because I already detailed the crap out of it and I think it will play 6v6 pretty well. Hopefully I can finish the other one I'm working on before the lobby so we can try that one out instead.
I first made Bastille WAY too big, and completely reforged it. I almost deleted it and moved on, but I'm really glad I didn't. I know it really sucks to have to completely restart, but substance would be a stellar 4v4 strongholds/slayer map. I would hate to see it go.
Your map took a **** on mine. I'm done. I don't think it will stay interesting for long enough to warrant a rebuild. I'm moving on to asyms
I dont have any maps to test but i would love to help out in testing them. My GT is RandomStyiez, onyx in slayer and team arena.
I'd like to join in. I don't have a map to test yet and probably won't for quite a while. If that's OK, add me for tomorrow's session, and I'll make sure I'm available. I believe we're still Xbox LIVE friends, but just in case, my GT is LEE C G
I'd be interested in hopping in the lobby if there is room. I have a map I'd like to try, but just playing/testing is fun too. It sounds like you're capping the party at 8 though, so that's fine if there is no room. Gamertag: Virunus
Thanks for that. You don't have to swap with me if you don't want to though! Either way I'll be around at the time just in case, I have a friend testing a map in there already too so I'd like to be able to pop in if there -is- a spot.
Would love to join in and help out tonight but unfortunately I'll be driving down to the 'rents house for Christmas. I added a fair few of you last night when we were testing, but anyone reading this thread should feel free to add me (GT: Debo37). Also, dibs on a spot in the 12/29 lobby.