Tightrope (WIP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Debo37, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi all,

    In the spirit of getting to know the new Forge, I've been working on a relatively small map to test the new stuff the tool has to offer. The map is a small, symmetrical two-base arena map precariously balanced between twin oil pipelines, and is designed to provide hectic games of Multi Flag CTF (but Slayer/Strongholds work well too). Recommended player count is 8 or less, and I'll be testing/iterating/improving on the map for the next week or so to get a better feel for how Forging Halo 5 maps works.


    I'm proud to share a walkthrough clip of the current version with you guys:

    Feel free to either check out the clip and leave feedback, or snag the current version and play it yourself by downloading it from my Bookmarked files - gamertag is Debo37.

    Hope you guys enjoy - and as the map is in that limbo stage between functioning massout and finalized, lay the criticism on me. My intent with Tightrope isn't to make a game-changing, incredible map by any means, but I do want to put together a fluid, tightly balanced experience and would appreciate any and all of your help in refining the map until it reaches that point.

    Cheers, and happy Forging!
    #1 Debo37, Dec 20, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    Rifte and Xandrith like this.
  2. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Really nice layout and clean forging. I'm gonna try to get a game or two on this and leave any feedback I have. Happy forging!
  3. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    It looks really nice - I like how the map promotes movement with higher elevation in the middle. Have you tested this with 8 players? My only concern is that spawning could be slightly predictable with full teams. If you're testing this soon, add me (GT: Kazerra) and I'd be happy to help you test if you need numbers.
  4. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! Definitely let me know what you and your party members who test it think. I also added you and checked out your most recent version of Bastille as well - I'll post my impressions on your thread once I get a full game in on it.

    Awesome, I'll add you. I haven't had a lobby with more than 4 players yet, but my goal is to do some 4v4 testing tonight. Ideally the spawns will be somewhat predictable (enough to allow very skilled teams to trap other teams with coordinated pushes), but I'll have to make sure that any spawn traps are actually breakable with the right defensive positioning, to keep things fair.

    In 2v2 CTF testing I had some issues with people spawning in the opposite base - and it seems that respawn zones in H5 Forge don't have "Flag Home" or "Flag Away" options, so I'll have to figure out how to prevent spawn swapping like that in CTF. I looked at a bunch of 343i's maps and didn't find any respawn zones, so if anyone knows how to prevent enemy spawns around your flag, please let me know! I added some "named location volumes" for the bases with the most recent version, so that may possibly have fixed the issue if those volumes are configured to actually prevent enemy spawns in spite of seeming to be cosmetic in nature.
    Xandrith likes this.

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