Thank you everybody, but could you please leave a better comment then just, "looks interesting." No offense to anyone but I want actual feedback about the map, like an interesting point or somewhere improvable. Don't take it personally or offensively, but please. Thank you though for all the comments and such, I love all that. Thanks guys.
Looks like it was made very well. Looks like a lot of fun. Although, the way juggernaut is described makes him sound TOO powerful, maybe lower his attack damage %. Still going to DL though
Yea Sharp lol, the movie was pretty dam sick! This and my AT-AT were my favorite maps to make, because I loved the movies. Same with Utapau.
I played this map with all 3 game types and sev. different parties. Most thought it was ok, or would prefer not to play it. I think that porcupine is too strong, and assault/ctf is very difficult to get to the top, and that infection, the lms can stay in his spawn room the entire game...
this is ok have seen from what i have seen.i wont dl but hope that doesn't offend u or anything.keep on forging!!!
Hmm... the porcupine can be powerful, I can see that. Maybe Ill edit it and give him some lower abilities... I'll look into that. As to climbing the tower. It really isn't all that difficult. In truth, quite easy. I found when playing with people after two tries or so they got up. With all the health you get, you can afford to take your time as well. Which part did you find difficult? Not sure what you said with, the lms can stay in his spawn, please explain... otherwise thanks for your views!!! Ill definitely look into fixing up these things. As to jaho, thanks, sorry you won't DL, it's ok.
are you serious?! I played this map and it is confusing, unorganized, sloppy, and not fun to play. I like the theme but the overall gameplay and gametypes are not fun... just my opinion. Seems that many otherslike it.
serious about what? jk, but seriously... chill out there Mr. PMS, Im not sure what makes it ok to come into my map thread and go crazy, but either way, Im ok with you not liking my map, but at least say it in a civilized way. This isn't lol. I'd respect you and your comment a lot more if you had said, "I like the theme of your map, but after playing the map, I don't think it played all too well. The game was confusing and somewhat unorganized, and the map was a little bit sloppy. Overall, it unfortunately not very fun. Some suggestions I'd make would be too... "insert helpful suggestion here". Nice idea, but unfortunately, poor execution." See how much nicer and more respectable that is than what you wrote. I'd like to know actual specifics on what you thought was sloppy and unorganized. Until you give me something civilized, I'm just going to ignore your comment, sorry. No offense but, sorry.
I get what you are saying. I should have clarified. So here it goes: 1. The spawns are very confusing to me. 2. The theme of the game is likeable but very unbalanced. 3. The goal of the game is confusing. Bomb assault seems to be impossible to me when you are playing with a lower number of people. 4. The structure of your map is very disorganized and completely confusing. 5. The way you get into some buildings, such as that very tall one, is very difficult. 6. I do like the part where you have to actually let the juggernaut out of his cage. That part I thought was cool. 7. The map would be a lot better if there was some way to know what you were suppose to do. I get the basis of the map and it is some-what fun to play on slayer, although it is unbalanced, but the objective games are very hard and confusing. How is that for civilized? You can disagree because I know you probably will seeing as how it is your map.
Alright man, thank you. Sorry about before, I was a little harsh, just had a bad day :] Anyway, this is much better. I'll respond in order. 1. I personally don't see the spawns as confusing. But to elaborate, the X-Men spawn in the red base and Brotherhood on the bridge. When you spawn there are weapons and things around you. You should pick them up because they are your powers. 2. Thank you. The game isn't extremely balanced or unbalanced. Being one sided, the X-Men are supposed to be the stronger side. Both teams though have extreme health and all so it mostly balances out, but I get what you are saying. 3. Not sure how it is all that confusing, but for assault and all, it is hard to get up. It was built that way. Which part of the tower was though? I know the beginning is hard but after that its basically straightforward. And yes, the man cannons occasionally shoot you off the edge, I know thats supposed to happen. You have to jump into it and crouch and stuff and you should land fine. 4. Still not sure what you mean by structure. It really isn't that confusing. Where is it confusing? It's pretty basic, go to the tower and plant the bomb, get the flag or whatever. Little arrows also should help point the way too. That's it basically. 5. As I said, it really isn't that hard. You need some practice. I know the grav lift in the beginning is difficult. The secret is to get behind it in a corner, and then run and jump, crouch and you make it to the top. The fastest I have seen anyone scale the tower was my friend. After two tries he did it in only 12 and a half seconds. It was fast. You don't have to do it that fast, but it shows it isn't that difficult. 6. Thank you, that was my favorite part too. :] 7. Yes a map like this with a theme is impossible to play without knowing what to do, like when you play cops and robbers with someone a first time, have to explain the rules in the pre-game lobby. It isn't too hard to understand, but I definitely see where you are coming from. For someone who hasn't played it, it can be difficult to understand. If you ever play it again, take the short time to explain what you have to do to everyone. That should help a lot. As for unbalanced, I see that too. It wasn't easy to make each hero/villain while keeping balance. And something had to be slightly sacrificed in order for it to work. However, after playtesting numerous times, I wouldn't say either one team was extremely over powering, though with the juggernaut, it becomes hard. Anyway thank you for re writing your post. I understand all of your points, definitely, but think with some time and patience the map is actually quite understandable and enjoyable. If you don't think so I won't argue, your opinion. Thank you though for the review. And sorry about before, as I said, bad day lol... we all have 'em sometimes...
Lol nice map, like the character system. I'm working on a tf2-ish map (yes, i said tf2, nobody pinch me or slap me or kick me or etc.) that has the same system, only u can choose what class u want to be. 0.o
16 days, 3 hours, and 15 minutes, well you got my DL. Suggestions: Make a Giant X in the sky. Other than that, I can't think of anything, Good Job.
This actually seems cool. I'm confused on some parts, but I'll download it and try it out myself. You had the same idea that me and my friend had (everyone with his or her own weapons). Only we were doing it for a different TV show... PS: I love the enthusiasm you put into your post.