Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 16, 2015 at 10:03 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    I'm sure you are all loving the new tool set but if you happen to stumble across bugs or have complaint issues please post them here. Remember to be respectful when posting your comments, the team at 343 that will be addressing your concerns in future updates. Lets help them help us;)

    - Take screenshots of what you are referring to when you can
    - Submit video links / DVR as much as possible so they can confirm bugs faster.

    Note to all:
    Do not delete the initial spawn points on your canvas. Set them aside or move them when you are ready. 343 is aware of issues that occur when these spawn points are deleted. They will resolve this in the future, in the meantime just keep them on your map.
    #1 WAR, Dec 16, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
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Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. lxlIcyBulletlxl
      Figured out a way to fix mine. I have no idea what the cause is, but mine were wedged in between others. What I did was (definitely not thinking it was going to work) select two objects, one on either side of the objects that weren't allowing me to select them. I grouped those two objects together and they grouped as well as grouped with all the objects that weren't working. Then I ungrouped them and now I can select all of them, thank God, I was going to be super sad if I couldn't get this thing to work, not like my map is anything special but I put some work into it.
      AnonomissX and SloppyBottom like this.
    2. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      Ran into a bug with welding, after exiting forge with a map saved with the welded groups in it then reentering, the objects won't register as welded together, however when creating a new welded group in the same session all previous groups including the new one become a singular welded group. Best workaround I found was to unweld everything before saving and quiting.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    3. Preacher001
      I was fussing with Fog the other night and found that I could basically make distant fog invisible by selecting it's color as black. It doesn't seem to work the same for the foreground fog but this may work for you. The fog not turning off when setting the fog to off, has definitely got to be a bug.


      Since Dropbox went down 5 seconds after I posted this, here is what I set: reduce the Scale, Thickness and Brightness as low as they can go. You can also set the distant Fog to black.
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
    4. PharmaGangsta1
      I have had the same issues as some of the people above me.

      However, I have noticed something god-awful about custom games that kinda ruins the monster trucks map I made. No spectating other players in Free For All variants. Once someone falls off the map and dies, they practically go afk until the next round starts because all they can do is stare at the void their body flew into.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    5. DarkxelA

      This exact thing happens to me. I'm assuming it has to do with deleting the initial spawns that are on the canvas already. Hasn't happened on other maps where I kept them.

      When I select multiple objects so I can fly them across a map, upon boosting, I sometimes lose a few items from my selection, or they get "snagged" somewhere. (even if it's phased)

      When I get to my destination, I notice a piece or two is missing, place another one, then realize there is another in the middle of the map (where I dragged it across). Doesn't really happen with big pieces though. Only happens with small items. (most of the time with spawns)
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
    6. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      square block, 32x32x16 isn't square.

    7. Erk
      Not a huge deal at the moment but soccer balls are not affected by explosions. Gungoose shots, wraith shots, rockets, all do nothing to it.
      AnonomissX, Kazerra and Orzium like this.
    8. Goat
      kicked out of glacier each time i change the lighting
      AnonomissX likes this.
    9. NOKYARD
      Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
      AnonomissX, WAR and InvokingTexan like this.
    10. xxBRYTExx
      Can no longer select large grouping. All objects that are a part of that group are now fixed into there current locations. The grouping does NOT highlight when scanned over.

      Just Prior:
      I created approximately 20 trees in a 238x180x24 area. After flying over head with a banshee checking the top of the map height relative to the trees (probably unimportant but being thorough) I selected 1 tree -> selected all of -> and mass deleted the trees.
      I immediately went to change the group elevation but couldn't select the land mass in which I created.

      What I Attempted:

      step 1) Leave Forge
      step 2) re-enter forge
      Result: Failure (Group remains locked)

      step 1) Save map as
      step 2) Leave Forge
      step 3) re-enter Forge
      Result: Failure

      Well thats all I got like restarting a router to bad it didn't work this time. At least my group is in a workable location and I don't have to change the settings on anything in it.
    11. lxlIcyBulletlxl
      Please try selecting other objects and grouping them together, this should group them AND your previously grouped items together, which will allow for you to then ungroup them and edit them as you please.
      AnonomissX and SloppyBottom like this.
    12. xxBRYTExx
      Thanks Icy first time i tried nothing happened but it worked out today
      Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
      AnonomissX likes this.
    13. purely fat
      purely fat
      My lighting started getting ****ed up after only placing 121 objects on parallax. Mostly just cylinders and rings is what the map is made of.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    14. NOKYARD
      Antifreeze, Entombed, and Overgrowth have player containment issues.
      AnonomissX, Kazerra and WAR like this.
    15. Graybes
      Going to post this here because I truly believe it's a bug.

      The soccer ball is completely immovable unless you walk or drive into it. In the video above both toys have normal physics. All the toys except the soccer ball behave normally. Weapons and grenades do not move the soccer ball. Melee does not move the soccer ball. Spartan charge does not move the soccer ball. Someone even told me man cannons don't move the soccer ball.

      This completely ruins any possible ball game mode when(if) we get hammers added into the game. Warthogs flip way too easily to even consider them for a ball game type.
      AnonomissX likes this.
    16. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      they should've called you back out to do player containment
    17. Dead Cassette
      Dead Cassette
      how do i get the download url for my map i made im trying to post it
    18. Suicufnoc
      You just have to post your gamertag, peoplebadd you, then look at your files. There's really no file share at the moment..
      AnonomissX likes this.
    19. Dead Cassette
      Dead Cassette
      i just tried pttting my gamertag where it says downlod url file and it didnt work how do i post.
    20. Rex Journey
      Rex Journey
      • As stated before reentering a forge session with groups/welded groups will normally not be grouped/welded, if they are still grouped/welded when grabbed you can only move the groups position/location, open the menus and generate lighting without entering spartan mode.
      • Best work around is to create a new group, which in a reentered session with groups will group all of them together, then ungroup them, to help ungroup/weld at the end of your session.
      Objects unusual shadows:
      The breakout pieces seem to have invisible parts that cast shadows onto normal-physics based objects, while not affecting gameplay, it gets annoying to have objects go totally dark in a lit area

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