well, it didn't take me long to adjust to the new controls and once you've got it down i've been finding that blocking out maps is sooo much quicker, however from the chat's i've been in people have been struggling all evening to learn the new controls so here's my guide: - LT = left trigger - LS = left stck - LB = left bumper (same for the right side of the controller) - ^ = up on the d-pad - < = left on the d-pad - > = right on the d-pad - \/ = down on the d-pad The Hud: - at the top of the screen you will see a bar that whill show you what settings you are using. - below your reticule it will tell you the location and orientation of the object you are looking at or trying to move/rotate. this i've found to speed things up tone because you no longer need to keep jumping into menus to read this stuff. - top left will be a list of the controls, i found it enough to quickly get to grips with things but i've been seeing a lot of people struggle all evening. you can toggle this off in the tool options menu - bottom of the screen is all your performance information. - pressing the back button will quick save - pressing (X) will bring up property menus and (Y) will bring up object catagories (though these should be obvious) Moving Around: - to move forwards and backwads, left and right is the same old LS - to look again is the same RS - to move up and down which has been confusing people is now (A) (B), (A) takes you down and (B) takes you up, this was the hardest thing i found to adjust to, clawng is reccomended. - pressing LS switches you to the very slow precision movement. - holding LS will boost your movement soo fast you'll be out of bounds and on the respawn screen before you know, be careful with this one. if needed i reccomended using very short bursts. - pressing \/ will swap you to spartan mode, holding it will generate your lighting first before switching. to switch back to monitor/editor press it again. Selecting And Grouping Objects: - to select an object press RB - to select multiple objects press RB on each object or you can hold RB and span over the objects you want to select. holding down and spanning can select objects you don't want to in built up areas so i reccomend pressing on each individual object unless you want to grab a large area. - to release an object press RB on the object you want to release. - to release every object that you have selected press [/u]LB[/u]. i reccomend using LB most of the time because that when i want to release an object from multiple selected it's usually all of them. - to group objects select more then one and hold ^ - to un-group objects select a group and hold ^ - t0 weld objects together, create or select a group of objects, press (X), choose object properties, scroll down and choose weld. - pressing RS while an object is selected will lock your view to the object so it acts how holding an object used to in h3/reach/h4/h2a, this works for moving and rotating and object as well just flying around it. - while your view is locked on an object and not holding LT or RT, moving LS will unlock your view and let you move freely again - < will delete the object/s or groups you have selected, if you don't have any selected it will delete the object you're looking at. - [/u]>[/u] will duplicate the object/s or groups you have selected, if none are selected it will duplicated the object you're looking at. Rotating Objects: - to rotate on object hold down RT and move LS, holding LT as well will give you the other directions to rotate in. - to change rotation settings hold down RT and use the d-pad: - pressing ^ while also holding LT will switch your gimbol between global, object and camera, the global gimbal is static and doesn't move (note it will only rotate objects you have selected), the object gimbal will rotate with the object and the camera gimbals orientation will be based on where you are looking. for the majority of rotations i reccomend using the global gimbal. - pressing < or > will adjust the rotaton snap. - pressing ^ will move your pivot point between the center of the object and the center of one of the faces. - pressing \/ will reset your objects rotation - reminder: pressing LS, NOT HOLDING, will switch you between precision and normal movement. - note: to rotate multiple objects as one they have to be grouped Moving an object: - all object moving is done by holding ONLY LT and moving LS - pressing (A) will move the object down - pressing (B) will move the object up - to change object movement settings hold LT and use the d-pad: - pressing < or > adjusts your movement snap, personlly i've been using either 1 or 0.001 (really fine movements to help fix texture fighting, highly reccomend for precise positioning) - pressing ^ will toggle magnets on or off, to adjust magnet strength you will have to press (X) and go to tool settings. - pressing \/ will switch your axis between global and object, when its set to object you will see some colored axis arrows appear, this is how you tell which setting its on. the object axis will rotate with objects rotation so is incredibly helpfull when position objects that aren't a varient of 90 degrees. i highly reccomend using it. - when using magnets you can influence what magnet points snap to each other by looking at them, incredibly usefeull and has sped up my build speed a tone, but, i've also found it to be a bit buggy at times. reminder: pressing LS, NOT HOLDING, will switch you between precision and normal movement. - tip: if you're having problems lining an object up you can fly up close to the place you're trying to align it before holding LT to move, use precision movement with movement snap set to 0.001 for the most precise movement possible. i think that's it.
I have the elite controller, my right paddles are mapped to A & B so it's actually easy to me. I can go up & down without taking my thumb off the joystick
Same, I mapped out a control scheme for forge and put the L and R bumpers to my L and R back paddles. Now I can fly normally and still have the same functionality for selection.