Objective definitely turns maps on their head, and most of the time when i look at a map and judge it, it's for slayer unless otherwise stated. But I definitely agree with you on your examples. And I'm glad you enjoyed the videos
Stellar reply, you took the words out of my mouth. I know for a fact Multi is a better creator than the previously mentioned "shitty forger with a big ego" and I'm glad Multi took the high road by not mentioning who that person is. No need to start a fire in the community.
I think we can all agree that if you have made them you should totally put the remaining videos out there. Whether people agree with them or not, it's always interesting to hear and learn from other peoples perspectives. Sometimes they line up and sometimes they don't. When they don't we learn and there is always something to learn. If everyone agreed with everything then there wouldn't be any reason for the videos or discussion of any kind.
Even believing that I have a reasonable amount of knowledge about map design, I really enjoy seeing your perspective and I feel anyone could benefit from it, not just newer forgers but a lot of the close minded forgers that put themselves in a box. So, let's see these new videos youve made. They're by far the most helpful videos out there beyond the basics of design. And I guess that means I can't consider myself a higher tier forger. Then again, I don't really put myself above anyone anyway. Soooo, new video?
It was done, but..today I reached out to a well known community member about the series, and he's going to be doing a dual commentary with me on a few episodes. I've sent him what I have, so I'm just waiting for him to send back his half should be cool
Sooo happy to hear that. Wish I could jump in your backpack on this. Nice to see this has gotten so popular, especially with all the similar videos coming out. I have by far enjoyed your points far more than any other design talk videos. Keep up the good work buddy.
Just poking around to see if the next video is coming soonish. The videos really helped me solve some of my issues with my forging issues.
I can't deny the dude is intelligent, but I'm really afraid you might be putting him on a bit of a pedestal. His posts going into Halo 5 have reached a level of ridiculousness that a lot of the old MLG/THC are beginning to suspect he is intentionally parodying himself at this point. I would take whatever he has to say with a grain of salt. Regardless, I expect this video to be especially polarizing and controversial. Looking forward to it, even though I don't care for his Lemonade.
I'm loving these videos. I think the strongest thing about them is how they make you think about Halo maps, maybe in a way you haven't before. I think it would be interesting moving forward if you actually designed and tested lemon's lockout. This could be a good opertunity to explore iteration and how to examine whether or not your goals as a forger have been achieved, and whether those goals ended up meshing well with good halo gameplay. I was surprised that you didn't come back at the end of the video to frame the discussion and address lemon's points. Since an idea for a map has been pitched in your video, I think the next logical step would be to analyze whether or not the theories are sound and then from there the execution of those ideas.
Another good video. Nice job. Getting a little more bold now. I don't agree about Onslaught/Amplified having bad pathing with their free flow nature. I also don't agree with the central options on The Pit being bad options. They offer different LoS, so the choice does make a difference. And I enjoy how the Snipe area on Coliseum plays, tbh. And Lemon kind of went in his own direction with his segment. While he did stick to the topic, it almost felt like a different video. I agree with what he said about Lockout, and I'm pretty sure Chris Carney did too, which is why we have the lifts on Guardian.
Keep in mind that a lot of the statements I make in these videos come off super black and white, as opposed to anything in the middle (like lockout being the WORST map ever ). It's just to make points. But I appreciate your comment. Thanks man
Woot! Thanks multi this actually addresses some of my own thoughts on flow vs. LoS. Although I dont 100% agree (which is why we are here) It does show prefrences between two similiar minded players. Taking Lockout for example... I personally feel top mid should have connected blue to library and enclosed to segment & weaken the strength of the towers. Also open bottom mid LoS to be more over reaching. Which would force players to move more frequently due to overall control of less space of the sniper spawn. ( the roof of the enclosion could still be traversed with a tac jump which would, imo, encourage multiple playstyles without detriment to any of them. Neglecting the variance of the strength & position of the other team.) Good video. How many more do you have planned?
First off, great video Multi. You help point things out most people would never think of. Personally, I have always been a fan of room-based maps because like the video said, it's a mind game thing. You are able to bait, confuse, and play more strategically than open air maps, which is why I didn't enjoy the Halo 3 MLG maps for the most part. Same reason I dislike many modern maps as well. You don't feel like you can make strategies because you can be shot from practically anywhere, and if it's a 2-1 fight, you will lose 99% of the time. That is why I favored maps like Cold Storage, and Epitaph. (Yes Epitaph had bad pathing,) but you were successfully able to perform actions similar to room maps even though it isn't directly one. For that I hold it dear. I don't think the pit options are necessarily bad in general. The bigger the teams, the worse the result. For team doubles those pathways were much better because chances were that you don't have one kid camping shotgun, two on snipe tower, and one kid in camo. For doubles, typically one would stay on tower, the other would gravitate towards sword room to be watched over by his teammate. Even though the person in sword building can watch those middle pathways and call out targets, he can also be pushed out of sword due to a lack of sightlines from tower. Still not great bathing, but far superior to 4v4 gameplay.
I like room based maps, but I've hated them in previous Halos because of issues with the sandbox and utility weapon. When you have slow killing utility weapons with strong aim assist and bullet magnetism (The BR and DMR from H2 onwards) prevailing strategy tends to gravitate towards room camping and team shot melting challengers as they trickle in. Fortunately H5 has a skillful and fast killing utility weapon, so room based maps are much more viable again.
I appreciate the time and effort you put into videos for the community man. I do fundamentally disagree with a lot of your content and your presentation, but a little diversity of opinion isn't such a bad thing. Keep 'em coming!