With the limitless potential of scripting, coupled with the very limited potential of gametypes, we hopefully can create some new gametypes in forge. Im brainstorming new ideas for 2 v 2 Gold Pro gametypes. Due to the limited number of players, any objective that requires gimping a player/holding something doesnt work for 2 v 2, such as flag/ball/bomb etc. We used this approach to create 2 v 2 1 plot extraction in Halo 4, which played out great. So, we are looking for a 2nd objective gametype that can work with dubs. What good ideas do you people have? Current suggestions including objectives with HP's, push/pull objectives with multi stage gametypes ala Invasion, generator defense style games, objectives altering geometry. Any wacky suggestions/brainstorming would be appreciated.
Well, I made a thread a while back about an idea I had for a gametype. That one. One person drives, the other shoots.
I think once we have forge it won't be too hard to modify strongholds fo 2v2. I had an idea for an elimination gametype with less strongholds, where the cap time was much longer and a single point would win the match. Might require modification of the score interval as well.
Would be interesting if players could hold objectives without gimping a player, a la CSGO. So anyways, as for a wacky idea. Generator defense could be pretty interesting. Could play 1 generator for asyms (attack/defend), and maybe a sym version where both teams have to get try and get picks before pushing the other teams generator.
All of the ideas for game types that I come up with in my head always lead to the same unknown about the new Forge...Can we use scripting to trigger scoring? If the answer to that question is "yes" then dear god the possibilities that brings would be endless. We could then pretty much create any custom objective we could possibly want. Sorry I wasn't more helpful to the specific 2v2 discussion. It's just...I sat here thinking of some cool unique 2v2 ideas and the ideas get stopped at the moment where custom scoring with scripting would need to come in.
You could also make a Strongholds gametype where you have an attacking and defending team -- attacking team has to get from Point A to Point B but the catch is you have to activate buttons to open vents/doors to progress. There's a high risk/high reward for doing difficult trick jumps to bypass certain obstacles. If the attacking team is successful, they will reach the defender's stronghold for an instant cap. In essence, it's very similar to counter-ops in Perfect Dark.
With the object movement scripting, make two bases that look like ships circling around. Occasionally, they will be side-by-side. This is when you can try to board the enemy ship and kill them. Otherwise, you and your partner try to shoot them from afar with Gauss guns, while the enemy team does the same.