I have no idea what you are asking here. Terrain items are regular phased objects and function just like every other piece, exactly the same as a Coliseum Wall piece or a Satellite Dish. Their only difference is the skins are projected from the ground below.
yes, because i have done this. The better question is whether the map is still there once you leave it?
I had one idea for a Forge feature (assuming it's not one of the features they're already planning on): an autosave feature. Every so many minutes (like say, every five minutes), Forge saves a backup of your map (this would be automatic, and unnoticed by the Forger). This would be sort of a hidden file, not directly accessible by Forgers, and not shown in the file browser. If the forger goes into the menu, there would be an option to "Restore From Last Autosave" (each autosave file would be associated with its parent/original file, so you couldn't accidentally overwrite one map with a backup of another). This would allow Forgers to recover lost work in the event of a power outage, or internet/server issues, if Forge is purely online. This would also function as a limited Undo feature. The reason they give for why a full Undo feature would be difficult is because Forge would have to save a snapshot of the file with each edit. If it only has to save a snapshot every five or ten minutes, I don't think that would be a problem. Sure, you'd still lose a few minutes work, but that's better than losing everything since the last time you manually saved. So you're plugging along, and you goof something up which would a fair amount of time to fix. Unfortunately, the last time you saved was an hour ago. So, rather than lose an hour's work, you go into the Menu and choose "Restore From Last Autosave," and only lose 5 or 10 minutes (or however often the autosave happens). Or let's say the power goes out, and you lose a bunch of work. Or say your Internet connection drops, or there are server issues (if Forge is now online/cloud based, and needs constant internet), causing you to lose work. Just start Forge back up, load up the map you were working on, and choose the Restore feature. In order to save space, Forge would only have one autosave/backup file associated with each map, which would be overwritten every time it autosaves. Further, Forge could be programmed to detect unexpected issues (crashes, Internet connection issues), so that the next time you launch Forge, you get a pop up message allowing you to restore.
Only thing I'd change is to have two backups, and the latest backup would automatically overwrite the oldest existing backup. This way, you'd have two restore points, and since only one is overwritten at a time, there's no chance at losing both to corruption in the event the power fails while it's saving the backup. Forge maps are literally kilobytes anyway.
So basically, there would be the most recent autosave from within the past 5 minutes, and then another from 5 minutes before that? And then when you choose to restore from autosave, the game let's you choose which autosave?
I was thinking it would default to the latest valid/uncorrupted backup. If the latest backup got corrupted while saving, it would then move to the one before that.
There is a quick save button, Back button i believe, but no built-in version saving. My two rules were simple. 1- Every time you smile because something came out right, press the quick save button. 2- Always press the quick save before you press the D-pad Left (Duplicate) or D-pad Right (Delete) in case you press it the wrong way. I deleted my entire Deadlock base without a backup doing this.
They changed Antifreeze to an Arena map.... I just want to point out that while I'm a big supporter of forge, it's a joke that they're using forge maps as "free content". 1 remix and two forge maps for arena, cmon. And I bet the new Warzone map will have the same core design as every other Warzone map....
Big Team is an Arena gamemode. Notice that Entombed (Burial Mounds remake) is also an Arena map. No way they made Burial Mounds a 4v4 map, so I'd say the same goes for Antifreeze
First, what DarkPrince said. BTB is a subsection of Arena. Second, I'm just waiting to see how Antifreeze turns out. If it's true to War's design with minimal changes, which IIRC wasn't exactly a remake/reinvisioning of the map tasked (much like BadBlood/Recurve), that'll send a pretty big message and drama will ensue. If they made changes, and it sucks (again like Recurve), that'll also send a message, and drama will ensue. Yay drama!