Halo Livestream Questions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 8, 2015.

By WAR on Dec 8, 2015 at 8:31 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    343 is broadcasting another Halo livestream this Friday on Twitch. The forge team should be attending to talk about the large December update which includes forge mode, new warzone and arena maps, new legendary gear and more!

    Friday, Dec 11
    6pm EST, 3pm PT


    343 is going to be talking about the December update: "Cartographer's Gift" and will be giving viewers a preview of some of the gameplay and gear they can expect to see in this update.

    It was noted in the last community update that they will be answering questions about forge from the community. In an effort to collect and deliver some of the most pertinent questions we could offer, lets take this time to come up with some good ones together!

    #1 WAR, Dec 8, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Dec 8, 2015.

    1. purely fat
      purely fat
      Will I be able to trigger wind?
      How many different types of teleporters are there?
      Will we ever be able to control battery percentage?
      Are there going to be walk over power-ups? (you remove the ability to have powerups in the a drop down, over a death pit or in the path of a lift.)
      Why no Reach file browser or interface?
      Why do we never get any objects with a smooth consistent texture to promote easier merging?
      Are you going to fix clambering on rocks?
      Will you update forge maps already in matchmaking to improve experience?
      Why no custom game/forge session browser? (There is a game that costs a dollar that has this.)
      Will we be able to move objects on a circular path?
      Give us some objects that are covenant themed. I demand it. I demand this is put in as well.
    2. SmartAlec13
      What are the other lighting-themes of the Space map, and what does the terrain look like on the space map?

      My biggest question, and it is a gamechanger, is how much movement-scripting to pieces can we do? Like (no one steal my idea here), could I create a flying saucer-ship-thing that floats around the map? Can I have blocks that rotate around a central point? Or can they only move single directions?
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
      Starship Forge, a Chunk and Suicufnoc like this.
    3. Orzium
      How many new game types will come with the December update?
    4. Va1kyrie
      are there teleportals. Will there be a popular playlist for forge maps. To what extent can we script events (like scripting score multipliers or 1 event triggering 100 things at once) any improvements to customs to support unique forge concepts. (Like recreating modes from older Halo's or other franchise's. Also, can we forge with covenant or forerunner themed items...
      Last edited: Dec 8, 2015
      Starship Forge likes this.
    5. SmartAlec13
      Pretty sure Teleporters are confirmed. I remember them saying something about being able to change the orientation of players popping out of teleporters.
    6. xzamplez
      How many remixes can we expect in the DLC in June? (If I can, I'll ask it myself in the stream.)

      Pegasus NEEDS to be taken out of 4v4 gametypes, or at least the pickups on the map have to be changed. It just isn't fun or balanced at all in a competitive setting.

      Rig Strongholds need to be relocated.

      Rail gun needs to get taken off of top mid on Fathom.

      Eden's weapon setup is horrible for any gametype.

      Sorry, nothing forge related. I'll wait until it drops.
      purely fat likes this.
    7. CommanderColson
      When will we be getting more foliage pieces in forge, for example the tree's from both Raid on Apex 7 and the Battle of Noctus?

      Can you script items to rotate? If not, how long will it take you to implement this?

      When will we receive the Infection Gametype?

      When will we receive the 1-Flag Gametype?

      Do you think you understand and underestimate just how advanced some of the designers are who use your so called 'toy', Forge?

      Why did you dodge those last few questions?
    8. Chronmeister
      Would mirroring welded pieces be possible in a future update?
      Will the natural textures on Glacier be fixed?
      When will we start to see community created maps in matchmaking?
      Starship Forge, a Chunk, WAR and 3 others like this.
    9. SmartAlec13
      Whats wrong with the textures on Glacier?
    10. Proximo
      How they plan on selecting maps for MM and a guarantee that forge maps will NEVER be added to the mainstream playlists (Team Arena and Slayer).

      It's been a while since I played Halo, but if I'm gonna play, I don't want to be forced to play subpar community created maps. I'm also hoping they have a new method for selecting maps for MM, because the previous one was horrible and let in way too many bad maps. I know forgers can make good maps, but it seems that the bad ones are always picked up. I want to see a very open process with rigorous testing to ensure only quality maps make the cut.
    11. mr diehard 007
      mr diehard 007
      -What extent is shape variety increased?
      Ex. prisms, spheres, pyramids, 60 degree triangular pieces
      -Texture types?
      Ex. asphalt, brick, wood, moss covered
      Starship Forge likes this.
    12. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -How do light fixtures (lamps, fluorescent lights, etc) affect performance? How many of them can we place on our maps and still maintain decent framerates? For example, could you build a skyscraper, and cover it with 100-200 lights (or more, especially if you have more than one skyscraper), or a spaceship with a lot of exterior lights? I know we could technically place 1024 lights; I'm just curious how many we can place without killing performance.

      -Has the rotation glitch been fixed? Can we rotate coliseum walls, for example, at any angle, and have them stay in place? Are there any other unwanted shifts?

      -Is the save glitch still there, where you can accidentally cause one map to overwrite another?

      -Are the flat building blocks of uniform thickness thus time? (For example, in the past, a 2x2 flat was significantly thicker than a 5x5 flat)

      -Any chance of getting full gravity control, like say a grav zone that allows you to fully change the direction of gravity (not just influence it), and walk/drive on walls & ceilings?

      -Are there any clear glass panels?

      -Can you script something to spawn in under one condition, and then despawn once a second condition is met?

      -Can we script something to move relative to a parent object or group? Like say, can we script a spaceship to move through space, but also script an elevator aboard the ship to move up or down, while still moving along with the ship?

      -The new dynamic terrain pieces look awesome, but will we also have non-dynamic terrain pieces (grassy hills & such) Ala H2A for those times we don't want to use the texture of the terrain below? For example, suppose your custom terrain extends past a watery area, and you don't want your terrain in that area to appear as water or muddy or whatever.

      -Do magnets work more accurately this time? In Halo 4, even if you got the correct magnet points to mate, they wouldn't line up building blocks very well when they were angled. Do the new grid snaps affect the magnets' accuracy?
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
    13. MultiLockOn
      When can we expect updates to forge that will add objects with new textures. Eg. stone themed pieces, mossy themed pieces, foreunner metal themed pieces, etc.
      Starship Forge, a Chunk, WAR and 2 others like this.
    14. SloppyBottom
      When will forge release?

      When will infection, grifball, race, oddball, hill, bomb, 1-flag, and 1-bomb release? And when will all the additional options release that are missing from current gamemodes?

      it's assumed that we will have access to filshares of friends who are offline: please confirm?

      is #sustain considered successful at 343? If so please provide the statistics to back it up.

      Also, I disagree with Proximo. Get good maps into matchmaking ASAP, please.
    15. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -Can we copy and paste a group of objects to another canvas? Like say I build a Star Destroyer on the space canvas, and down the road a sand/desert canvas is released, could I copy the Star Destroyer into the sand map to make a Jakku map from the Force Awakens without completely rebuilding it? I know I could rebuild the Star Destroyer since every object is available on every map, but a copy and paste would be faster/more efficient.

      -You mentioned a feature to display all kill boundaries at once (to help make sure kill zones line up the way you want). Does this display the hard-coded kill boundaries in the canvas? What about invisible wall boundaries (hard-coded, not the user placeable invisible walls, since I know those show up as glass in Forge)? The ability to see those hard-coded boundaries would help Forgers to know how much space they have to work with (and plan accordingly), so please consider that a feature request if it's not already there.

      -Do we still have a placeable grid object? I used that heavily in past Forge iterations to help with proportions & placement; I'd be lost without it.

      -Out of the 1700 objects, roughly how many of them cannot be colorized?

      -Can we forge offline? Do we need gold? I know we need gold for any customs, but my speciality is forge art, which doesn't need multiplayer at all. Related to that, are maps saved to our hdd's, or is everything on the cloud? If that's the case, will we lose work if our connection drops or the servers go down? Also, if it's all on the cloud, I do hope that simply saving a map won't make it available to download (I wouldn't want it available to download until I was ready to publish to the fileshare).

      -Can we script lights to flicker or blink, or turn on/off when some condition is met? If so, how much control would we have over blink speed? Would we be stuck with 1 second increments, or could we make it blink faster than that?

      -Can all objects be set to phased? In the past, crates, for example, couldn't be phases into objects directly (you had to place the crate first, then phase the building block or whatever into it).
      a Chunk and CommanderColson like this.
    16. Starship Forge
      Starship Forge
      -How many maps will we be able to store at one time in our fileshare?

      -Do spawn points, trait zones, etc count towards the 1024 objects?
      Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
      a Chunk likes this.
    17. Chronmeister
      The snow textures on Glacier dont mesh well at all. I know I'm not the only one who noticed this. Im sure what I'm seeing on Recurve is just bad use of the textures because if they stuck to one piece/texture instead of three different ones in one area it would likely look a lot better. The ice looks really bad too though. It looks like shiny plastic, is super low resolution, and is a very different color than the snow.
    18. CommanderColson
      Oh once you play the H5 dev maps, you'll think differently
      --- Double Post Merged, Dec 9, 2015 ---
      The interesting thing about the glacier rocks is while they do suck for glacier, I could see them being used as other things. In my opinion, the space rocks are going to be the primary rocks to go along with snow pieces
    19. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      • if the community is there would community maps be considered for hcs?
      • are there any other limitations to custom map images for other methods other then having to emulate a GPU?
      • can we apply more then one movement script to an object or welded objects?
      • are we going to get a more extensive filebrowser system like we saw in reach? (reach ui and filesharing/browsing was goat)
      • can we save grouped or welded objects as a new asset to use across multiple canvases?
      • can we change object physics through scritping, so say when playing you trigger a script that would set a boulder from phased to normal and go charging through a map?
      • does normal physics apply to every object constantly this time? (before after none-scenery objects had setelled they behaved like they were fixed)
      • in scripting can we do if {} if else{} else{} condition checking?

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