Back in Halo Reach my friend and I made a great custom game called Smashball. Very simple concept done by many most likely but we spent so much time perfecting the arena. Before they added actual ball scoring to reach we created a Rube Goldberg-like scoring system that automatically kept score and reset the round when a ball was scored. I remember sharing our method with a lot of people on this site. Little did we know they eventually added an actual ball scoring method to forge after we stopped playing Reach. I'm a bit worried this new Forge will be limited and won't include methods for ball scoring. Any thoughts? EDIT: Sorry for the double topic post. Internet is being screwy. Is there a way to delete the other one?
This is kinda less to do with Forge, and more to do with the available Custom GameTypes. At the moment there's not a whole lot in terms of non-core GameTypes, e.g. there's no Oddball, Haloball, Grifball, Assault, etc. It's those kind of GameTypes you would probably need for something like this. I don't know if it's been confirmed whether new GameTypes will be included alongside the launch of Forge, but I would expect that at least some of these GameTypes will arrive in the near(ish) future ...
It would just stink to pretty much go backwards in some Forge capabilities. It was such a pain creating an automatic scoring system for ball scoring. It actually involved using stockpile as a game type and when the ball scored it triggered a mechanism to push a flag capture point ontop of a stockpile flag to capture it. This could only be done in stock pile due to how flag capturing worked in that. But see a game type like stockpile isn't in the game right now. It's frustrating to think that it could be possible that we won't be able to recreate some of the basic stuff in a new forge that is supposed to be all about possibilities. You're absolutely correct though. All of this does pretty much rely on the game types we get. I sincerely hope forge comes with a host of game types that forge has always flourished with.
I keep forgetting about that haha. I'm sure once I finally get my hands on it ideas will start coming to me.