I thought I was having a math induced aneurysm when looking at the poll percentages, until I noticed you could select multiple choices.
It would be nice to have a feedback section integrated into the file browser. Every map has a section to provide feedback that goes directly to the corresponding GT. Players would have the option to be notified every time someone provides feedback. Also, a like or "thumbs up" system would help elevate good maps.
seems everyone else has already pointed out what we need. 343i give us reach UI and file sharing already, its GOAT. i don't think having to use the roster is as bad as it was in TMCC because unlike TMCC halo 5 shows everyone who is on your friendslists regardless if they're online, playing h5 or not, so i would assume you can just add the person, find him in your roster, grab his content then remove him after (if you want). still not great and a royal pain in the ass but not as bad as TMCC was.
Idk if 343 favorites would be all that great. Bungie had a lot of garbage on the Favorites back in Halo 3.
Holy crap guys. I left the Waypoint forums because i was exhausted reading crap posts like some of the posts in here. "Stop being lazy and making excuses"? Really?!? How would feel if that line was the extent of our map feedback to your Forge creations?
I was actually thinking that WE would be selecting our favorite maps and placing them in our own folder, something for quick access.
@NOKYARD I agree with the sentiment, in a perfect world, everyone in the forum community would be your flavor of awesome. In an Ideal world, you could pick and choose the most compatible forum family. In reality, the forum is the wild west, and it is often either tumble weeds or a mayhem filled with moments of insight, while admins race around like sheriffs more worried about keeping the peace than filtering the IQ's of it's inhabitants. In short, it is what it is.
What I find crazy is that everyone is on the same page with what they want for Halo's File Browser. Did none of these suggestions ever come across 343i's minds, you know its not like they had to think too much about it, Halo 3 and Reach had most if not all of the wants and needs for a good File Browser. Did 343i not think to ask any of the Forgers who they invited to make free maps for them about what features are NEEDED for a good File Browser sometime during the 3 years of development? (have been informed below that 343i did have that conversation when the forgers built their maps) If none of the above results in a "Yes" answer, then they really just don't care about the Forge/Customer community.
@Swaino it has already been stated in a few places that this discussion did take place when the guys went in to build maps on the new Forge. It's also been stated that the interface will continue to be iterated upon after launch. We will have to wait and see exactly how good/bad it is upon release.
Thats good. I wasn't aware of that, my bad. Its a shame that conversation happened so close to the game going gold rather then a few years before when the ideas could of been implemented before. The way Bravo worded it was that it would be iterated upon based on community feedback, which sounds like 343i don't have plans for it and are relying on the community for ideas. I'm super stoked for Forge and I probably came across a bit bitter in my previous post, purely because I want the best for the Forge community. Fingers crossed for the future.
The way CS:GO handles their custom maps, that's what I would love to see implemented. For those who may not know what I am talking about, say you like this map and you download the map in H3/HR and the person updated a day later with "Fixed bugs" and "Added blocks", this required you to redownload the map again. Now, with the CS:GO file share system, you Subscribe to a map and as the developer updates the map, the map is automatically updated in your customs list. That's what I would love to see.
THIS! The Grifball live streamers used an old version of the court and it drove me crazy every time i watched.
On the flip side. If a forger gets pissed off he can wipe his map out of existence by replacing it with a blank copy. Everyone who subscribed to the map would have a blank copy if they were automatically updated.
@NOKYARD I think the smart thing would be for the system to download and replace the existing file but keep the previous versions of the map stored as variants. This way you could choose which revisions of the map you want to keep or toss. What would be cool, is if upon creation, the map was stamped with a unique identifier. You could technically search to see if anyone has uploaded a variant of your map. The downside is that if someone created a small prebuilt flat space in the Forge and offered it to the community, it would sort of look like they were the original creator of whatever was built within it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but right now that person shows up as the actually creator forever, right? So this would at least be an improvement, perhaps.
@Suicufnoc I believe that is how Bungie did it. I'm not too sure about the newer Forge as I haven't enjoyed it enough to spend much time with it.
I think they're over thinking it. A thumbnail wouldn't necessarily have to be generated from within forge. Why not use theater for that? Say we're looking at our map in Theater mode, and we take a screenshot. Theater would then give us the option to set that screenshot as the thumbnail for the parent map, and when we upload the map to our fileshare, the thumbnail is uploaded along with it.
It would be great if we could assign screenshots we take of our map to the map file. If you remember in the past there was a feature in Halo Reach called "Screenshots of You" - where your gamertag would be identified if someone took a photo. Similar logic could be applied where the system knows the name of the map file you are taking screenshots of, then allowing us to select which ones we want linked to the map file. Ultimately, building a web browser experience within the console itself would greatly benefit the way players find and download maps. We have traditionally relied on 3rd party websites like forgehub to view maps before downloading and identifying the best content.
they're definitely over thinking it. couldn't they just create the screenshot in forge, compress it then write it into the saved file. all the menu stuff would have to do is load the image portion of the file? that's what i'd try to do.