General Halo Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would agree if it weren't so easy to pull off.
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Depending on how hard it is, this could be really cool. BXR and double-shotting isn't hard either, but it has a nice risk/reward balance.

    I seriously doubt anything in the maps were designed with this technique in mind. I'm not saying you're wrong, Chunk; I just think it was a matter of giving players the ability to clamber, then have an incline to meet the required height.
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I'm really excited to get home and try this out. I'm not a good shot, but I love movement based games. Hence my custom control setup for Thrust and Jump on both of the bumpers. This could be really awesome. Maybe one day I'll get platinum in FFA thanks to this (I know I'm sad). Keeping this in mind for forging should be a blast.
  4. Erk

    Erk Legendary

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    I lost a majority of my games in FFA (probably 7 out of 10) and still got onyx somehow... I thought it was bugged.

    As for this glitch, i'm not completely against the slide boost if it wasn't such a dramatic launch forward. The fast fall is just stupid looking and should be completely gone. They probably can't fix one without getting rid of both though so I wouldn't be mad if they both got taken out. Difficulty wise I tried it out and took a few attempts to get, but probably just need to practice the timing. I imagine most players wouldn't be able to pull it off in a situation that it actually benefited them.
  5. MrBamble

    MrBamble Legendary
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    It's important to note that "Toggle Crouch" needs to be off aswell.
    a Chunk likes this.
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    Here's a good video explanation:
    Doju likes this.
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's handy if you're blue team on Plaza trying to get sniper in the initial rush.
  8. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    December Content Update Trailer:
  9. Squally DaBeanz

    343 Industries Forge Critic

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    But still no launch date :mad:
    CommanderColson likes this.
  10. Doju

    Doju Promethean
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    WAR likes this.
  11. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    I like how it said build & "share" maps. Like maybe they have put effort into the file sharing system. I hope it's like it was in Halo 3.
    a Chunk likes this.
  12. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    With how social media has become a thing since the Halo 3 days, I've been surprised at how neglected the sharing aspect of Halo content has been in the last 2 games. I would think they'd be really trying to push the envelope in that area. I hope it's something that will be adequately addressed in Halo 5.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  13. CommanderColson

    CommanderColson Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We can bring it to their attention. We know they'll be listening thanks to forge...
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  14. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    @cluckinho @SecretSchnitzel

    The H5 Magnum: A Utility Weapon?

    First we should define utility weapon.

    A precision weapon a Halo player spawns with which is effective at range and can zoom in. Preferably this weapon requires skill so that 1v1 utility vs utility fights are textured and leave the better player victorious rather than the player who shot first. These weapons should be optimal at medium range and competive at all ranges.

    The only weapons in the sandbox which should be outright better than the utility weapon are power weapons which can be timed, contested for, and controlled. It's important to note power weapons spawn at longer intervals than other weapons and are less liberally placed on maps.

    Other weapon pickups should at most be situationally more useful than a utility weapon.

    A utility weapon should be the preferred weapon to keep when dropping a weapon for a power weapon in most situations other than doubling up on power weapons. When not armed with a power weapon, a skillful player should never want or need to drop his/her utility weapon for anything less than a power weapon.

    Though best in the hands of a professional player, a utility weapon is useful to players of most skill levels, rewarding the precision nature of the gun over less skillful automatic weapons.

    I reserve the right to revise and extend this definition as I think of things.

    Now let's focus on the magnum.

    The H5 magnum is not effective at range in comparison to the sandbox. Though it is skillful and great in 1v1 mirror matches, those are rare in this sandbox, because of the other precision weapons, thus the most skilled player is not regularly enough the victor. The magnum is only useful at medium range in this sandbox in most situations. Automatics beat it up close and rifles have better range and ease of use.

    Nearly every other weapon in the sandbox beats the magnum, and not only in specific situations. It is simply better to have a BR or DMR and they are certainly not power weapons. Weapons like the Stprm Rifle spawn too frequently and beat the magnum too frequently for it to be considered a utility.

    The Halo 3 BR was a pretty slow and inconsistent rifle, but it was never dropped as frequently as players drop the magnum in H5. In nearly every map one of the player on a team will instaneously trade their magnum for another precision weapon at the start of the game.

    In H5 it is not just the lowest levels of play where automatics are preferred. Mid to high level players opt for the automatics far too often.

    What does the H5 magnum need to be considered a utility weapon?

    At minimum A faster kill time. Many players advocate for a 4-shot magnum. I'm of the opinion a faster ROF would also do the trick, but find the chance for three kills in a clip tempting. And perhaps a tweek to its effective range.

    I think the sandbox tiers and weapon placement also needs adjustment.

    Hopefully it can be buffed in such a way in tandem with a sandbox adjustment so that it isn't a given to drop the magnum for a rifle. And so players are encouraged to use the more skillful precision starting weapon rather than the easier automatics.
    Chef Linguini and MultiLockOn like this.
  15. Wpns Grade

    Wpns Grade Legendary

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    I think Halo 5 will die just like Halo 4 did, but NOT for the same reasons. Halo 4 failed because it was trying to be something that it wasn't, while Halo 5 will die because of it's severity in lack of content and shortfall of community features. Halo 5 is also the lowest selling Main halo game of all time, and In all honesty that should not come surprising to you considering it only supports a mediocre campaign, an incomplete multiplayer experience, and Warzone. I think Halo 5 has so much potential, it could have been a great Halo game competing with the classics. Yet again, because of its ignorance of content and lack of community features that is not the case. I know what you are thinking... 343 are releasing the December update and adding more Free DLC so its not big deal. I'd say your entirely wrong, just because content is releasing in the future does not mean players will stick around waiting for it in the present. It's the first impression that counts the most, and Halo 5 completely missed its window of opportunity to impress gamers. Everyone that already left wont come back for an update that contains more content because the damage has already been done and they moved on the other games that set that good first impression.
    I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say about this.
  16. Eodmg

    Eodmg Legendary

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    Things we care about:
    • Presumably Ducain and Warholic's maps
    • In-game File Browser (with vague implication of expanded features in future updates)
    • No new game modes
    You can probably rule out anyone who guessed forge will drop before the 11th, since that's when they'll be having their livestream discussing it.

    Really, the only things that are missing at this point are core gametypes and online file browsing, and I can live without the second. I think 343 will respond to the lack of gametypes in the next update, since they seem to be keeping close tabs on the community, and at that point, we'll have 100% of a halo game.
  17. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Fresh off the presses. Just a TL;DR

    -Forge. Forge. FORGE.
    -New Arena maps; Plaza Remix (Overgrowth), Burial Mounds & Sidewinder forged BTB
    -New Warzone map; Battle of Noctus (layout looks interesting. Its the City map)
    -Tons of REQ items, including Mark IV
    -File Browser confirmed, in the way that we like it
    -Seasons starting
    -Social Playlists, including BTB
    -CSR tuning (SWAT/FFA like 90% Onyx, super-high placements across other playlists, changing all that)
    -6 Player FFA
    -UI fixes and updates. Most impactful IMO is showing REQ energy costs on the cards

    I am now severely hyped. Gotta hand it to 343. Supposed to drop the week of the 15th
    InvokingTexan and a Chunk like this.
  18. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    They almost hinted that they are working on the gametypes.

    "There’s more to come in the December update (join us next Friday to see some of it in action) and lots more happening here across the entire studio. The Warzone team is currently running final tests on updates to Warzone level progression, the multiplayer team is hammering on new playlists and modes, the services team is actively making updates to increase ban length for excessive quitting, and plenty of other stuff we’ll soon be diving into. Oh, and we’re moving to a new building next month. We’ll be sure to show you around."

    This could be just the social playlists/modes, but who knows.
  19. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the monthly updates will do a pretty good job of keeping everyone interested.
    Orzium likes this.
  20. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I merged your thread's guys.

    The only thing I'm not super happy about is the fact that people have to be in your active roster to be able to download their content. It was a huge pain in H2A for me, because there were several people who's maps I wanted to download that were never online at the same time as I was. Plus, I don't necessarily want to add everyone that makes a map I want to download. Hopefully it won't take too long before we at least get a search function.
    MultiLockOn likes this.

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