As with the last few Halo's, the old Gold Pro team will attempt to create a hyper competitive 2 v 2 experience (4sk, no sprint, fast strafing, all that shite) and will be looking to forge again for maps as the Halo 5 sandbox and maps has seemingly being fully designed around 4 v 4 play (another rant for another thread). What maps do people planning on remaking? We've seen in the past that vertical based/quake/ce inspired maps have proven to play very well in such a gametype. What new designs do people have cooked up? What scripting tools would people like to take advantage of (since 343 wont seemingly)? Will it be slayer focused maps? We saw in Halo 4 that 1 plot extraction proved to excellent as an alternative gametype to slayer. Will scripting help create a new custom 2 v 2 gametype, or will we just have to wait for extraction/hill to be supplied to use from 343? As for me, my favourite 2 v 2 map in modern times was Downrush, a Halo CE 1.5 map remade by @aPK in Reach, which was inspired off the Quake map, Aerowalk. My main wish however is to see a true Dammy successor/remake, something that has never really been achieved I feel in Forge.
I literally just started designing a damnation successor today. a Chunk can attest to that! About the scripting tools, purely fat and I were talking about elevators in slayer maps. Some with buttoms, and some that are in a loop like ivory tower. You could even have the elevator block/open up routes and lines of sight as it moves up and down the shaft.
Sell me on the idea of elevators. On paper you could say its an easy way to get from the lowest part of the map to the highest too easily (something I hated on Construct for example). Trying to think of a way it could work in an objective gametype, or if its slayer, lift control be important, and being close to the lift gives advantageous spawns. Would prefer a button rather than a loop like Ivory Tower, always thought that lift was very awkward.
My main concern with 2v2 right now is gametypes. Slayer is the only usable gametype right now. I'd love to see Extraction make a comeback.
Dont we all Elevator ideas (with scripting presumptions). Elevator has a power core, a team needs to activate for 5/10/x amount of seconds to make the lift operational for that team only. Once its operational...... then ???????????????? Team gets advantage in gametype (access to an objective/part of the map not easily accessible without the use of a lift for example)
Maybe the elevator has 3 stops and there is a delay between activations. The elevator could also be exposed somehow during travel through a window or just glass. Imagine a lift where the rocket ship is on countdown. The elevator could be all glass on the side facing rockets so that anyone on that side could call out that someone is moving up or down, making it very easy for your teammate to counter. The lift would also have a delay between activations. Press button, door closes, move to level 2. Door opens, press button, door closes, move to level 3.
Moving stronghold maybe? The elevator would have a second stationary door at each stop, so anyone not on the glass side couldn't know when it was opening.
Potentially, team who has control of the lift controls where the objective goes height wise. Ive heard worse ideas.
The elevator could just be a lot faster than any other route from bottom to top. It all depends on how you design your map, so I think it could work.
I've been messing around with a redesign of a previous 2v2 map o' mine. It's 2-base, 2-tower. Xzamplez would be proud.
I've got 7 or 8 finished designs, 4 of them are for 2's Wish I could show them to you, tbere's some crazy stuff I have planned
Elavators with a button on another part of the map could lead to quick get aways in 2v2 CTF, however the part of the map with the Switch could be highly contestable. relying on team work to make the route "work" however it would be important not to make it a guaranteed cap, leaving the carrier exposed on ceratin parts of the lifts movement allowing for shots on them would be good, and leaving the lift exit fairly exposed OR in a very nadable position would also be necessary. these ideas would be for bigger maps that space the team out further. its a crude description for what would require a more in depth implementation. it could also be considered very gimmicky an just unnecessary. but unique map feature if done well to give maps more characters would be nice.
Im not sure 2 V 2 ctf should be considered at any level, only 1 plot and possibly Hill really excel in two. Do agree with the theory that what dynamic element a team controls (elevator, map geometry change etc) gives a team a solid, but not unstoppable advantage, essentially operating the same as a power weapon Thats what Id want to avoid, it being a gimmick. Would like to be a key part of the map.
Lets Say you have a map with 2 levels, and a large elavator in the middle that can be shifted to any of these two floors. When at each floor, pieces fit into it to alter the way movement flows on this elavator depending on the floor its on. So it blocks paths and opens new ones. Controlling the switches to change floors level is split between the team, having the Elavator on a certain floor can make a position harder or easier to defend, but the team has to split up to use it effectively, thats the trade off.^tfw They've yet to make a good 2 v 2 in MM. Not holding my breath.
The maps don't work for 2v2. They can adjust weapons (weapons set, placement, ammo, and respawn rates). That would make the gametype less shitty, and I think that's about the best they can do until they add forge maps or release new maps that are designed for it.