How you move around and traverse a map has always been super important in halo. This thread is for sharing and discussing tactical jumps, spots and helpful tricks you've found to possible improve the way people play and obviously to learn yourself. I will start it off with my own videos and will be updating regularly but feel more than welcome to post your own videos in this thread. Post both new ones or you putting ones others have posted to good use. Lets kick this off with Plaza. I've found some I feel are very useful and some that are just plain obvious that you may have missed. Enjoy!
I like how little you rely on clamber. You use crouch whenever possible to minimize time spent in animation frames and to move efficiently. Good stuff. I know of alternate ways to do a couple of the jumps in this video. You can get from Plaza to Plaza Sneaky by jumping on a planter and doing a sprint+jump+thrust+stabilize+clamber jump. You can also get from Cinema to Cinema Loft by jumping on a planter and doing a jump+stabilize+crouch+clamber jump.
When you zoom, you stabilize in the air and hover temporarily. If you combine the extra air time it affords with some momentum from thrust or sprint, it allows you to move further in mid-air.
If you have 'auto stabilize' on, then it's activated by zooming in when you're in the air. If you have it off, then I believe it's activated by using sprint when you're in the air.
Oh, I didn't know that was stabilizing but I have used it many times. Also, ground & pound get get you some hella distance if it's worth stalling in the air at first.
Bodes well for legacy settings if cools jumps are being found without spartan abilities. Nice vid, Plaza has so many little bits just sticking out for cool movement.
Why do you crouch before jumping for some of these? --- Double Post Merged, Nov 12, 2015 --- I will have to make a video for Regret, Schnitzel and I explored some of the jumps on that map and found quite a few, I just need to figure out the game DVR as I don't have a capture card.
crouching before the jump is probably to prevent bumping your head on stuff preventing you from doing the jump
Im impressed. Fathom has a couple of really difficult tac jumps from camo to rail and the cutout of a couple of walls are for sliding under. All ive really found
There's also a jump up to a light fixture above one of those cutouts under the bridge, then you crouch jump backwards to clamber up to top mid.
Thanks for the comments everyone! All the questing were answered correctly, so I'll leave those be but if you have any ask and either I or someone else will get them I'm sure. Heres the next video. Thank you. Avoiding clambering is probably everyones best choice when possible, that one second will more then likely be life or death if someone is shooting at you. This is something that everyone (I hope) will learn from and cary over into their own forge maps by balancing the opportunities appropriately. I've seen a lot of stall combo jumps and though that could be useful, I feel more times than not in such a small fast paced map, it will likely get you killed. So personally I won't be going over those. Same with spring jumps. Springs seem to be even less consistent than other games making it less ideal for common players to learn and the ones who can get them consistently will likely be able to point them out easily themselves. Feel more than welcome to post some of the combo jump videos if you think people woul like to use them though!
Three random map circuits I did on the first day (no gadgets). Maybe you can use a few of these routes to your advantage. Also, Narb made a video for Fathom:
Thank you guys! Keep sharing your videos! @Buddy Jumps Thank you for posting the videos. And I helped Narb out with that. He missed a few I showed him, so I'm going to do a video myself as well. Heres 2 more!
Thank you for contributing duck! Some good ones in there. As I mentioned in a comment on the video, some I believe can be done without the stabilizer stall and that lift one can easily be done with just thruster or thruster into clamber. And just to avoid any flak, I'd suggest a change in the title to Tactical rather than "trick". Trick jumps are for show. Like the ones show in the Look Before You Leap and our old Back2basiks montages while these simply have a tactical purpose.