What are some of your oddest internet habbits, for example, when I'm not using the internet on my computer, I disconnect from the wifi. Some people may think that is odd, and some others may do it themselves. Now share yours!
Umm...I'm sure alot of other people do this, but i have like thirty tabs unessecarily up...all the time...For example, I will have 3 youtube videos going, 3 Competitive Maps sections, 1 Casual, 1 Mini Game, 1 Aesthetic, 6 User CP, 1 Shoutbox, 1 General Chat, on top of all that, I usually have some other random sites up...unessecary, I know, but I get lazy and neglect to turn off some of them...
for some reason i always have to say some mean ass ignorant **** to people all the time bad internet habit i guess
i never have my Firefox maximised ... its always a window in the middle of the screen about 50-100 pixels from the edge ...
I always check Myspace or Youtube, then I tab open all the forums I use and go crazy. Its kind-of sad
I always have Firefox open with about twenty or so different tabs, as well as MSN messenger, and my TV on in the background. And I am uncertain whether or not this is an odd habit, but...I am my own personal grammar ****. I don't make fun of other people for not posting with proper sentence structure, but I hold myself to -VERY- high standards.
oh yeah me too, drawingman gets mad and is like, "just do one at a time!" but im like...nah ;] other than that i dont think i do anything weird.
I ALWAYS have to have in my tabs these following things: 1. ForgeGuide 2. Youtube playing various songs (EX My **** by DJ Kris) 3. A hacking forum that I don't need to name 4. Free Rider 2 (FTW) Here is an image I made in GIMP for Free Rider.One of my favorites,but it kind of sucks.I used an actual model from Free Rider 2. 5. And now I always have ForgeHub open.They are always in that order.
maybe im wrong but shouldnt there have been a space after the "..." in the part that says "but...I am"
For some reason even though I have PIDGIN downloaded, I still have AIM, MSN and Yahoo! (occasionally) up and running all at the same time. And Dwert, is the hacking forum Hack-tech?
Me too, I try to write my posts like I was writing an essay. I think that I've even used a semicolon once in a post.(The horror!)
1. I am always trying to use good grammar. 2. I always check all my favorite sites at once (haha). I log on to Firefox, and open up H3Artificers, Forgehub, B.Net, and iPw (iPodWizard.net) at the same time. 3. Whenever I am on Forgehub, I open up all the boards in a new tab, and then open up each new thread/ thread with new post in a new tab. I am always updated, then.
I don't think I've ever seen a space after a "..." if it's leading from one phrase to another. Another odd habit, whenever I get up, I -always- check facebook, the various webcomics I read, and all the webforums I've joined before anything else.