Halo 5 Forge: Other Game Remakes?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by roadkill630, Nov 3, 2015.


Which game series do you want to see some remakes out of?

  1. Counter Strike

    8 vote(s)
  2. Quake

    8 vote(s)
  3. Call of Duty

    5 vote(s)
  4. Unreal Tournament

    5 vote(s)
  5. Rainbow Six

    4 vote(s)
  6. Halo (Check out my other thread!)

    3 vote(s)
  7. Other (Please discuss in chat, i may add it to the poll!)

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. roadkill630

    roadkill630 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello all! here I will be documenting any map recreations/re-imaginings from games other than main title halo games. Anything from Counter Strike to Quake will be documented here for all you quick to find needs.

    Call of Duty 4
    Shipment - Scrapyard (HamoOd10, 12/26/15)

    Twilight Gap - Twilight Gap (Thomas Bradford, 12/24/15)
    Vertigo - Vertigo (Thomas Bradford, 12/25/15)

    Halo Wars
    UNSC Firebase - Halo Wars UNSC Fortress (CryingNeutrons, 12/24/15)

    Mario Kart 64
    Block Fort - Block Fort 2.0 (Garrett757, 12/28/15)

    Quake 3
    Longest Yard - Longest Yard (Raide UK, 12/25/15)

    Want to see recreations of maps from Halo? Why not visit my other thread Here!
    #1 roadkill630, Nov 3, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  2. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    It's been forever since I played it, but there were a few maps in Bioshock 2's multiplayer that might transfer to Halo 5's gameplay (that's if I'm remembering the layout correctly, and if the layout can be updated to a Halo aesthetic, because even with the new forge, there's no way we could pull off Rapture.) I remember Fontaine's Home for the Poor being kind of reminiscent of Prisoner, and the Fort Frolic level was always fun.
  3. roadkill630

    roadkill630 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've never seen actual game play from Bioshock 2 multiplayer, but if the maps were like anything you said, it would be cool to see some recreations!
  4. R3stinP3ac3

    R3stinP3ac3 Legendary

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    You're thinking too much fps but could broaden that perspective with other types of maps that be modified to a PvP competitive Fps environment. I'll just give some examples: Pokemon (gym or outside etc.), Legend of Zelda (Hyrule castle, Deku forest, Goron village etc.) , Mario world, Mega man environments converted to 3d, (since you didn't put it) Battlefield and Battlefront environments, even Dark souls environments and much more. With Forge there would be endless ideas converted to competitive arenas.
  5. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    While different games share similarities, 1:1 remakes from one game to another are ineffective because gaes are fundamentally different. Halo 5 plays such that even maps from previous Halo titles, much less other franchises, rarely transfer well. You can absolutely port a map over from one game to another, but you're going to be making a compromise when you do. Rather, it is best to learn lessons from other games and apply them to designing specifically within Halo. We have a lot to learn from games like Quake, Unreal Tournament, and Counter Strike, but we don't learn that by directly porting maps over. We learn that by taking lessons from those games and applying them to designs built for Halo.
  6. roadkill630

    roadkill630 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was actually thinking of adding an Assassins Creed selection to the poll, but i wasn't sure if people would just scoff at me and think "what a stupid idea!". However, I do think it would be interesting to see re-imaginings of games that did not initially have a fps concept in mind.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 4, 2015 ---
    I guess i did say remakes, didn't I? That's not what i was trying to get across, but more of a re-imagining of similar maps, adding some routs that can only be accessible by clambering or something similar, like how 343 changed up midship into truth; it is still a "remake" in a sense, but more of a re-imagining.
  7. R3stinP3ac3

    R3stinP3ac3 Legendary

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    Yea that's what I was thinking, since this is a new Halo I already understood these remakes would still be changed to allow the gameplay go more smoothly. Although even then I thought you could turn off spartan abilities in custom games. Yea, putting an Assassin Creed map wouldn't be bad you just have to figure out how to implement the map to best fit the combat that will take place.
  8. Dialup Jimmy

    Dialup Jimmy Legendary

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    Maybe Goldeneye. Might need to customize the physics a bit. But I always thought that agme had really good close quarters combat.
  9. CrystalEggnog

    CrystalEggnog Legendary

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    The more Timesplitters 2 that happens, the better. That game is the best. Me and another dude are ready to remake Chasm from that game.
    roadkill630 and Va1kyrie like this.
  10. Va1kyrie

    Va1kyrie Legendary

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    Looking into titanfall map design myself for btb maps.
    roadkill630 likes this.
  11. roadkill630

    roadkill630 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thomas Bradford has remade 2 maps from destiny, Vertigo and Twilight Gap
    CryingNeutrons remade a Firebase from Halo Wars
    Raide UK remade Longest Yard from Quake 3
    HamoOd10 remade Shipment from Modern Warfare
    and Garrett575 remade Block Fort from Mario Kart 64
  12. Neo Hybodus

    Neo Hybodus Legendary

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    Hi all, new here. Not sure if any one besides me will remember this one, but I am working on a Hall Of Giants remix from Unreal Tournament. It was a user created map, but a very popular one.
  13. Sp1vo

    Sp1vo Promethean

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    Screw nuketown, firing range is a far superior map from black ops, I might have to start remaking that if no one else does.
  14. Raide UK

    Raide UK Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow. Thanks for posting about my map.

    I love trying to recreate the feel of Quake maps. I love putting secrets and man-cannons in a map and have fun with the mobility options.

    Starting a Project to remake some of the Quake 1 DeathMatch maps. Kinda wish they had water volumes in though so I can do them correctly.
  15. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I plan on remaking a Skyrim town map, specifically, Markarth.

    I was playing some Skyrim this summer, waiting for Halo 5 to come out, and I was standing on the ledge overlooking Markarth, when suddenly I realized "Holy crap, this could be a great Halo map!".

    I won't be going for 1:1 remake status, but I want to make a map with a similar design
  16. Col Biscuit

    Col Biscuit Legendary

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    I am remaking every map from the Wii exclusive FPS title The Conduit. The game was great, however underappreciated. It was my Halo before the 360. The maps from the game are:

    (Original - Halo Remake)
    Bunker - Strongside
    Complex - Complexion
    Sanctum - Sanctify
    Streets - Crossroads
    Warehouse - Storage
    Pentagon - Command
    Infirmary - Medical

    I have been building these maps since Reach, each time its a different design, however it's basically the same layout as the original. My best friend from The Conduit days is kev584, for he has been helping me build these maps in Halo 5, and I thank him a lot. None of the maps are finished, as Crossroads has lighting issues and Strongside has some scaling wrong.

    I will finish them, I just need time.
  17. BlueFlash

    BlueFlash Legendary

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    I made an attempt at Goldeneye's Complex. You can find it at...

    GT: BlueFlash

    Bookmarks: GE Complex v1.

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