Hello everyone! Now that forge is here, we can finally see some remake/remasters of previous halo game maps! Maps that were already recreated in another game (ex: Blackout after Lockout) will not be included in the listing. The Format of posts is as follows: Original level title - Remake name (Author, Date added) ; Second remake (Author, Date added) ; and so on Halo CE: Battle Creek - Blood Gulch - Anemic (HOMEBOUND11, 12/20/15) Boarding Action - Chill Out - Chilly (Chef Linguini, 12/25/15) Chiron TL-34 - Chiron TL-34 (FBI M O T E S, 12/25/15); Complex (sirfriswad, 12/27/15) Damnation - Floodgate (MidnightHinata, 12/19/15); Tracen (Azazel The Fox, 12/20/15); Damnation (Enratic, 12/21/15); Blamnation (stokes86, 12/23/15) Danger Canyon - Death Island - Reaper's Hollow (Biochipy, 12/26/15) Derelict - Gephyrophobia - Hang 'Em High - Ice Fields - Infinity - Longest - Prisoner - Rat Race - Sidewinder - Timberland - Wizard - Occultist (William Worrell, 12/22/15); Warden (bthomas360, 12/23/15) Halo 2: Ascension - Backwash - Burial Mounds - Entombed (Ducain23, 12/16/15) Colossus - Containment - Accident (ArturBloodshot, 12/24/15) District - Foundation - Foundation (SteezyySteve, 12/26/15) Gemini - Headlong - Guillotine (Psychoduck, 11/18/15) Ivory Tower - Lockout - Lookout (xxCorey117xx, 12/20/15); Reminiscent (ViciousSubtlety, 12/22/15) Midship - Truth ( Industries, 10/27/15) Relic - Sanctuary - Sanctuary (BL Forge, 12/21/15); Sanctum (Super Majin Vegeta, 12/22/15); Sacelium (NutterB, 12/23/15); Adytum (Overdoziz, 12/24/15) Terminal - Turf - Planned by darkprince909 Uplift - Waterworks - Zanzibar - Halo 3: Assembly - Avalanche - Citadel - Construct - Deconstruction (Joshuwei, 12/22/15) Epitaph - Foundry - Ghost Town - Planned by darkprince909 Guardian - Garden (Riftzeh 12/17/15); Ourdian (Cheeta x, 12/23/15) High Ground - Isolation - Longshore - Narrows - Planned by fame28 Orbital - Rat's Nest - Planned by MrBamble Sandbox - Sandtrap - Snowbound - Standoff - Deadlock (Nokyard, 11/18/15) The Pit - Valhalla - PharmaGangsta1 is working on one Halo Reach: Anchor 9 - Boardwalk - Boneyard - Breakpoint - Condemned - Countdown - Launch Pad (xXBarthXx, 12/26/15) Highlands - Paradiso (FW) - Powerhouse - Spire - Sword Base - Tempest - The Cage (FW) - Zealot - Halo 4: Abandon - Adrift - Complex - Daybreak - Ascent (Erosion) - Exile - Harvest - Haven - Relay (Impact) - Landfall - Longbow - Meltdown - Monolith - Outcast - Perdition - Settler (Ravine) - Solace - Vertigo - Vortex - Wreckage - Want to see remakes from other games now that forge is out? Take a look at my other recreation thread Here!
If they let you Forge your own Warzone maps Boneyard may actually be a worthwhile map. With MCC around I'm not too hyped on remakes. As a matter of fact I'm the least interested in remakes that I have ever been. The only remakes I am interested in are remakes of my own maps - including ones that never made it out for public consumption, and remakes from other games (ie. UT, Quake, Red Faction ect. . . )
Sadly i do not believe we will be able to forge our own warzone maps, although that would really elongate the halo 5 forge life span *nudge nudge 343". And i do also agree with your comment in your second paragraph, but im curious to see how people will reimagine the classic maps into the new sandbox halo 5 delivers. I agree entirely.
I think standoff would've been a resignation rather than a proper remake if you saw it in the sprint/announcement videos. Just like the Headlong and Coag reimagination shown. Personally, I wouldn't put them in the remake category though if they are intended to be, I'm sure they'll be made to be post release. I'm am very excited to see remakes though, as always. Mainly, the Pit, guardian, damnation, turf, sanc and Zealot.
True, but id like to catalog all the remakes, even if they are shipped with forge. Also, turf and damnation are some of the top maps i wanna see also! right next to sword base, the verticality could be put to great use on there.
Speaking of Gaurdian, let's get some monstrous trees in the new Forge. I would like to see some Ewok village style maps. I want a huge tree with a freaken hole in the middle.
Damnation or something similar has a ton of potential. Halo 5 deserves more ambitious vertical designs like that. The Pit is cool but I think we can be more creative than that.
I'll be mainly remaking Halo: CE and Halo 2, with some Halo 3 I even thought of blending some of them. --- Double Post Merged, Nov 4, 2015 --- I was actually wondering if they would make a canvas based on trees or a jungle with like huge logs like you mentioned or as forge pieces would be good too
Today is a good day to be a BTB fan! I added the two new remakes with the shadow and light update into the list above.
I'm curious how faithful of a High Ground remake could be created in the new Forge. It's maps like that, that have me pushing for grittier Forge texturing options.
One map that I've never seen remade but that was loved by everyone I played with is Containment from Halo 2, remember the BTB snowy map with the large bases with working gates and thee trench down the middle. Even with this powerful forge it might be too big to do. Would also be good to see someone tackle Waterworks complete with scripted rocks hanging from the ceiling. But I've always wanted to make a map based on the bases of containment, they were designed so well for objectives and slayer. Maybe someone could do a mix up like RestinPeace said before. I've always thought that would be a good idea too something like the middle of the pit with the bases from ascension, might not play well but might be worth a shot.
As much as I miss guardian, I don't think it would be optimal in this engine. I would enjoy a Ghost town remake though, seems like it would be a good fit.