Is this worthy of a thread? We'll let the mods decide that it is, indeed, worthy of a thread. They'll make the right choice, I'm sure. This can either be a full return to Halo, or a $60 investment that I regret, like Halo 4. If forge is an improvement from Reach, I will make an effort to make at least one map.
You have my condolences - especially given that Forge is not supposed to be available until December.
moved it to halo discussion, i don't think its a forge related topic. i got the game as well, so far enjoying it a lot more then h4.
I've been playing the hell out of it since last night. It's great. It feels like what a true sequel to Halo 3 should have been. Is it a bummer that they didn't include a lot of things at launch ? Yeah, but it's better for them to put the stuff in at a later date than put out a half working mess. Lord knows people would be much angrier if the game was delayed or if it was broken at launch than they are with a few things not being there that they'll put in soon.
Game is rock solid. Much better than Halo 4 and definitely no issues on the same magnitude that plagued the MCC. Definitely looking forward to the forge release in December.
I don't think I could be more proud of you Max, buying Halo 5. Remember not to light your disc on fire until after December.
Game is silly fun, the more I play the more I want to, totally addicted. Forge and custom lobbies are gonna be nuts. #WeBack
Thread is very deserving - glad you bought the game Max. Came at a huge surprise knowing how critical you are but I think you made the right choice. The sandbox is one of the best out of the box since H3 or earlier.
Haven't played the game yet, my LE is just sitting there... waiting... for my Elite controller... and headset... and new apartment.
Although its missing forge and some game types at launch. I'm enjoying H5 far more I ever enjoyed Reach or 4. Forge I need you...
I hear that the pistol is really hard to use, like in CE only more wonky hard, but then its skill gap is entirely nullified by the AR's ease of use and over power (to help those who don't want to invest themselves into learning to use the pistol). So if I get the game, it won't be for arena/competitive/pistol skill gapping, but more for forging and BTB casual play. But that is if i have the time to really put into it. I got other things going that are taking my time up these days. And there isn't much use for me to forge, since my goal is to get my maps into the playlists, and 343 hates my ass now days... lol... I do think that Forge 5 creates the most immersive maps ever. The flat textures with high and low trim, the block paint that covers large sections of the wall, and the wide range of hues and shades with the shine adjustments can make maps look high quality when done right. From what I have seen of Basin, there simply no longer exists any reason to make a great playing map that isn't of this standard high quality artistic architecture as well.
If you're good with the pistol it can't be stopped. Yeah the AR is strong, but not strong enough to take out a good pistol user. You definitely want to use the AR close range though. Overall the weapons are really balanced in this game IMO, and they all fill a unique role.
Being derided by the community kind of comes with the territory. I would hope that the people that make the decisions about what goes into matchmaking can see beyond any personal grievances they may have, and judge maps on their own merits.