Pseudo Creek

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by agenthunk128, May 27, 2008.

  1. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
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    Pseudo Creek
    Created by AgentHUNK128 [​IMG]
    Please Comment on the Bungie Forum as well.


    Supported Gametypes

    All Standard Gametypes are supported but I recommend Team Doubles, Slayer, KOTH and Oddball.

    Map Description

    In an attempt to recreate the battle at Chilling Creek, the UNSC built a similarly designed arena for training purposes.

    Pseudo: Fake, Falsified, Counter-fit

    Pseudo Creek is a brand new, expertly forged small/medium sized symmetrical map. It features geometry-merging, interlocking, floating shield doors and does not use the money glitch so it is editable even though the budget is used up in full.

    My initial idea for Pseudo Creek was to make a remake or "re-imagination" of Battle/Beaver Creek but as I started to build the map and started to work with the Foundry tool set, i felt that i could make a map that though it is built on a similar idea, it would be innovative and new. Thus, Pseudo Creek was born, a open-aired symmetrical map that offers very intense combat.

    The central layout of Pseudo Creek is of a waterfall and stream between two bases (A and B.) Connected to each base is a back walkway that leads to the top of the waterfall where a rocket launcher is located. The waterfall leads to a creek-like, shield door covered pit that contains a power-drain but is somewhat difficult to get out of. Between the two bases in the center is a tube that goes into the stream in which a sentinel beam is located. Also, each side of the river has a mauler inside a box.

    Weapons and Equipment in Pseudo Creek

    - One Rocket Launcher

    - Two Maulers

    - Two Carbines

    - Two Assault Rifles

    - Four SMGs

    - Four Frag-Grenades

    - Four Plasma-Grenades

    - One Sentinel Beam

    - One Power Drainer


    View of Base from Top "without roof"


    The Mauler Spawn


    Frag-Grenade Spawn


    The Sentinel Beam Spawn "Through the Tube and under the Main Level


    Power Drain Spawn "In the Creek"


    One of two symmetrical entrances to the Tube


    Rocket Launcher Spawn at the Top of the Waterfall


    View of a Base from the Outside


    View from the top of the Waterfall


    Pseudo Creek is setup for all game types and plays best on Slayer, KOTH, and Oddball.

    After working hours and hours on this map, i feel comfortable knowing that it is presentable and fun. Please download, comment "please comment on bungie website" , and rate this map as i spent a lot of time on this and i would really like to see it work at its best potential. Also, feel free to send me a friend request at Agenthunk128. However, I will not accept the request unless you have left a comment on my map thread first. I've got almost a full friends list, so I only want people who comment first. Thanks.

    If anyone knows how to post Youtube videos and would like to make one of this map to post on Youtube, it would go Greatly appreciated. I will definitely find out some way to repay you. I would like to have a really great walk through of the map along with some awesome gameplay footage to go along with it in the video. Anyone who might be willing to help me out and do this please let me know VIA message or comment on the Bungie Website. Thank you.

    Just a poll by the way, i wanted to put non-standard weapons in the map "mauler instead of shotty" "carbine instead of BR" and a sentinel beam. Does anyone think maybe a 1 clip fuel rod cannon would be interesting to add to the mix rather then a RL?

    Also i'm debating about ways to get out of the water. What i have set up in v.2 is a grav- lift that allows people in the pit to escape but, the lift takes 30 seconds to respawn after it is destroyed. Anyone have a suggestion on what else i could do because i rather not take away from the feeling of the map.
    #1 agenthunk128, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  2. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Hello and welcome to forgehub. I hope that you will continue to be a part of this community and will be active. However, your post is not up to forgehub standards. You must have your images embedded. Please read this topic for more information about correct posting format. If you need help with embedding pictures, follow these instructions. You must first access them from your screenshots section in your Halo 3 profile. Then, save them to your computer. You must use and external image hosting site, such as imageshack. Upload the images then select them. It should provide and image url for you, then take that url and insert it into the text box that appears when you click the image icon while posting. Good luck with your post, and if you need any further assistance please PM me or a forgehub moderator.
  3. Pizza Truck

    Pizza Truck Ancient
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    Sounds good, you just need pictures. But a mod should be here to tell you that.
  4. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    please put pics wit your posts, its in the rules
  5. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Looks nice dude, just went through quite clever for your first map maybe place the shields closer to the floor to stop shield camping but that probably isnt a problem gj for your first 3/5
  6. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
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    Thank you for the comment, for the shield doors do you mean the tube or the creek itself? It is hard to camp the creek due to the fusion coils inside it and the tube has multiple entrances so it is harder to camp then it seems.
  7. Sanghelios

    Sanghelios Ancient
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    Look at the posting times. They were just seconds apart and were almost certainly typing their posts at the same time, meaning they did not see what others had written before them.
  8. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is pretty awesome, how do you like the map? have you tried it yet?
  9. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
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    Looks really fun. I will DL. But next time you post take the screen shot out of forge mode it just looks nicer.
  10. DarkOverLord007

    DarkOverLord007 Ancient
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    Its ok for a begining post to the sight. but it lacks certain things like a wow factor or better post. i give it a 3/5
  11. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the tip about the screen shots, i totally forgot to go into free-camera mode and that would have really helped with the pictures but thanks for when i post another map tomorrow.

    In response to DarkOverLord007, in what ways can i make this a better post?
    #11 agenthunk128, May 27, 2008
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  12. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Maybe a wider screenshot to show the whole map, I couldn't get a very good idea of what the map looked like from all those close-ups.
  13. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    looks pritty basic and smooth you should have used interlocking a little more on the floor, are we looking towards a v.2
  14. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    well the map copuld be a little neater. but the principle outlook of the map looks insane
  15. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    Well hello AgentHUNK128 I found this map the other day on and I feel like letting you know what I thought of the map. First I did a Forge-through and a 1v1 game with my bro. on my Forge through I Found the the map to be a bit sloppy, Some spots I could clearly through grenades through with out even trying (witch happened a lot in the 1v1). the geo-merging looked sloppy I think geo-merging should look good because it distracts from the Aesthetic if it is sloppy. The creek was very easy to camp even with the Fusion Coils. Also the creek was hard to get out of on the side with out the tubes. People will complain about the main Floor not being interlocked. I liked the weapon placement on the map it helped the flow. Last the rocket spawn was cool looking. Over all tho I deleted the map off my HDD it just wasn't very rememberable.
  16. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    this map looks really cool. the creek and waterfall are really good. good job.
  17. hiddenninja17

    hiddenninja17 Ancient
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    Good job for a first post, i think you should take the negative comments into account, but not too much, i think it looks pretty damn good, back hallway looks nice with the two levels. Good job.
  18. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
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    well i am working on a v.2 in which the floor itself is completely interlocked even though it takes maybe a crate sized chunk from the outline of the arena. As with the geo-merging i had some trouble trying to get it to line up correctly along the wall as it continually liked to squirm.
  19. agenthunk128

    agenthunk128 Ancient
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    Thanks, hopefully the response to v.2 will be very good.

    Just a poll by the way, i wanted to put non-standard weapons in the map "mauler instead of shotty" "carbine instead of BR" and a sentinel beam. Does anyone think maybe a 1 clip fuel rod cannon would be interesting to add to the mix rather then a RL?

    Also im debating about ways to get out of the water. What i have set up in v.2 is a grav lift that allows people in the pit to escape but, the lift takes 30 seconds to respawn after it is destroyed. Anyone have a suggestion on what else i could do because i rather not take away from the feeling of the map.
  20. LiL Viper202

    LiL Viper202 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map i like the design of everything i played this a little earlier and thought it was fun

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