Thinking about doing a testing lobby around 7pm - 8pm Arizona time if you guys are interested. If you have a map that was originally Hivemind make sure to add a haven on it over the whole map so it can be compatible for Outlast
Hey guys, I've been working on a list for a couple of weeks now (see original post) Of course, it will mosty likely change as new maps are created and tested. Since is most likely going to keep Cadre and Infection (knowing their track record) I thought it might be a good idea to balance some of the potential disc maps in order to replace the broken ones. Some of the smaller forge maps will also work for Cadre/Infection because the weapons are simply changed into magnums and shotguns automatically. I actually don't mind the default gametypes, they just need the right maps. Feedback is much appreciated as this is a community effort.
@MartianMallCop you need to fix Sinkhole, I was able to climb the steel beams as human and make it to really OP spots.
@Insanmiac @CommanderColson @CANADIAN ECHO can you guys put a generic hill over your entire map, and change it to inf_haven in order to make the maps support Outlast.
I'm pretty sure Port Koll and Hivemine already have hills on them but I'll double check. I won't be able to make it to the lobby tonight due to the night shift at work I'd love, however, if you guys could test my new Infection Gametype for me. This is the first time I've ever really attempted to create my own Infection gametype and I'm really exited for it! Gametype: 'Deliverance' v2.6 Map: Cap Map v2 Ignore the map name, for it is (along with the gametype) still a work in progress. Both can be found on my fileshare unless the MCC decides to wipe it again. The concept of the gametype is as such, "You and your group have been overtaken and captured by an opposing group of survivors. With a strong ounce of team effort, you must break out from the bounds that have been placed upon you and overpower the heavily armed 'nappers, taking their safety camp, and weapons as your own in the process. But beware, for wherever you can find death, Zombies are surely not far behind...."
I I'll add you. Gamertag is PA1NTS. --- Double Post Merged, Sep 16, 2015 --- Butcherbox by CommanderColson added. Will post here when any more changes to the list are made. We may end up removing some of these maps due to performance issues or for other reasons.
I have an updated version of Port Koll on my fileshare. Map flows much better now, made the center building less awkward, moved the stage back to its Halo 4 location and made the stage roof an accessible hold out (not as OP as you may think) and re imagined the back corner were the stage use to be more recently. In need of more feed back, however judging from the one game i got on it, i'd say the experience is vastly improved.
Two new Last Stand maps, prepped and ready for testing, PARKADE: Parkade's gameplay centers around a large, downtown district parking structure, and was designed with more of a 'one large hold out' state of mind (similar to Butcherbox) rather than other traditional Last Stand maps. The varying levers of the structure however, could arguably act as each their own hold out. Also, this map features Levelution, however I'll let the players figure out what it is rather than posting it here. From the few test I've gotten on it, I can say that the action is quite fast paced, intense, and really feels like you're making a last stand as you progress your way to the roof from the bottom floor. SEAMARK: Seamark will be interesting to see play. Originally designed for my own original gametype 'Deliverance' (WIP), I decided to rework the layout in order to compensate for Last Stand. Spawning on the beach, humans find themselves riddled across a small deserted island, with both high ground and low ground. This sandy terrain comes to a culmination with the highlight of the map, a large, long abandoned lighthouse which looms over the rest of the play space. I'm interested to see people reactions to this little map.
It'd be nice if we could test these maps sometime but the last 3 nights I've been online, roughly 80 percent of my friends are grinding Destiny.
Same. I have work every night until Sunday but perhaps if we set a date now for a lobby, we'll have better results. The past couple nights I've been able to pull lobbies of 7-8 together by having everyone involved send at invites as well. It may be our Destiny to resort to that form of creation.