Given To Fly submitted a new map: O L Y M P U S - Olympus is a forerunner spire looming over a downward sloped valley. Designed specifically for 1 Flag CTF. Read more about this map...
Holy cow. This just makes me happy. Thank you guys for giving me something new to drool over. Please don't stop working together, I don't recall you two ever forging together in Halo 3, but it works. So please. Don't stop. I can't wait to walk around on it one day. Probably by the time Halo 6 is out. Great work guys.
You're too kind Mr Ratman, you were quite a good forger yourself back in H3 if I remember correctly. And no Given and I were acquainted and often in the same lobbies but we didn't actually get to forge together until more recently, but he compliments my style so well :3 I've been finished since Trinity but I helped out a little bit on this map. I know for a fact given is done forging in this game. Hope to see some of your stuff in H5!
I'm up for hire if you ever feel the need to bury the map aesthetics under layers of Photoshop filters.
I will "fan-girl" as much as I see fit so that the map creator(s) can be fully assured that their work has been appreciated. While my account here has recently been created, I have been a forger since Halo 3 (alongside MultiLockOn and Given To Fly, both of which I previously spent several hours playing H3 custom games with, testing maps that each of us had created), which I believe makes me qualified to know when to appreciate the capabilities of MCC's Forge and also when those capabilities have been utilized in a way that I can appreciate. Especially since I haven't yet played the MCC for myself to experience those capabilities, seeing great content is a very exciting moment for me. So I'm sorry to distract you from enjoying this beautiful map, since apparently being a **** is more important to you than discussing the topic the website was built for. I'll be sure to "fan-girl" over your content when I feel as though it is on the same level as this and many others. Please let me know if this comment was as petty as the previous was fan-girling.
wow bro! really, it was a ****ing joke. No need to get salty! i think we have a steelgreen number 2 here!
Ho-Ly-Crap!!! This map has to be one of the most gorgeous squad maps I have ever seen. Ever! As one of the replies stated, it looks like one of the maps that comes shipped with the game, this is absolutely true. I have always been a major fan of aesthetics in any multiplayer map, and my maps show that as well. This map is completely over the top and then some, Great Work Gentlemen! This map will get my vote when the voting comes for best squad map in the MYM contest!
Much appreciated man Multi and I always strive to make things look as good as they can, of course keeping in mind framerate and budget. We have always felt like forge maps should be an experience rather than just another map.
While a full-on metallic palette has never settled well with me aesthetically, I think this map pulls it off really nicely with the contrast between the terrain and the forerunner structure. After looking at your other co-forges, this has to be my favorite because of the careful molding of terrain combined with the simplicity and optimization of the metal pieces. My only complaint with the map would have to be that the spire's beam looks a bit strange, though I know that there isn't a solid replacement for it. I would remove it just because I feel that it's an eyesore that draws attention away from the more important structure it originates from. If the gameplay is as solid as the aesthetic design of this map, I would be happy to see it do well in the contest.
OH MY GOD RIFTE YOURE ALIVE! You should get on xbl right now and talk to me... and yes I still make my threads pretty