I personally felt that the frame rate was poor enough to affect gameplay. It's not constantly bad, but it's not silky smooth either. Everyone has their own definition of what's acceptable when it comes to framerate. We're quite lenient here when it comes to moderation but moving forward, any interaction on this thread that's either attacking a person or their maps will be deleted, along with a short break from the forums. Keep it to constructive feedback, or ignore each other please.
@BOLD: While everyone may have their own definition, that doesn't mean their definition is right. The longstanding ruling has been that visual chop (a drop below the ~25 FPS threshold) is unacceptable for MM or competitive play. Now that we have a 60 FPS game, there is room to argue where the line should be drawn, but given the game's limitations, anything about the previous standard would be absurd. That's all there is to it. Period.
I agree. Multi has said that the map wasn't designed to be used in tournament play though. It was made for customs. In that case, if the people playing the map in customs are fine with the frame drops that happen at times on this map, then there's nothing wrong with that. The standard you're referring to would be relevant in any case where a map could potentially be used in some kind of tournament play. Multi has already said that if the map were going to be entered into a tournament/contest, he would probably make some changes to it to make it more fit for competitive play.
Really badass map but why is it your last, and also you make it sound like your giving up on halo as a whole.
MultiLockOn updated Trinity with a new update entry: New Boundaries Read the rest of this update entry...
I can understand the changes you made for framerate sake, but the map now suffers from open-ness. Try adding trees. 2 Stars.
Really like the addition of the hills, wasn't a huge fan of the previous grassy boundaries. I'll have to download the latest version and try it out!