Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Jun 20, 2015.

By WAR on Jun 20, 2015 at 4:33 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Welcome back to back to the third installment of the Meet Your Maker contest series! We've had some big news for Halo coming out of E3 this past week we didn't want the momentum to stop there. Now that the Master Chief Collection has a stable party system and player search capabilities are enabled to find custom content, we are finally able to announce something we've been discussing for quite some time now. The contest is collaboratively hosted across three major forge networks: ForgeHub, Halo Customs and The Halo Forge Epidemic - so there should be no shortage of where you can participate!

    The series was founded on collaborative principals between communities, where instead of operating independently of each other creating contest overlap, we decided to band together and coordinate our efforts as one, as friends. This also allows us to focus on the competition at hand and not on the competition of parties involved. With that said we have a lot of motivational candy to enrage your rabid sense of competition, let's get to it.

    Judge Panel:
    FlyingShoe - HaloCustoms
    PsychoDuck - THFE
    Warholic - ForgeHub



    In addition to the prizes listed above, each winner will have an announcement video commentated by PsychoDuck from the Halo Forge Epidemic to showcase your amazing creation! If you haven't already subscribed to their channel you can check them out here: THFE.

    Squad CTF is a 5v5 capture the flag based game mode allowing both 'one flag' and 'neutral flag' to the traditional setup. This will give designers the freedom to create for a variety of game modes eliminating any preconceptions of favoritism to symmetrical vs asymmetrical design philosophies.

    Maps should be designed for one or more of the following modes
    • Squad Multi Flag CTF
    • Squad One Flag CTF
    • Squad Neutral Flag CTF
    Squad settings can be downloaded from the ForgeHub LIVE file share and include the following settings
    • 110% movement speed
    • 50% damage resistance
    • 75% damage modifier
    • Carbine primary
    • Magnum secondary
    • Radar
    • 5 second flag recovery
    • 30 second flag reset
    • Flag at home to score (multi flag only)
    • Maps must have been created on or after Thursday, May 7 2015
    • Maps must be submitted by Saturday, August 15 2015 by 11:59 pm EST
    • Maps must be posted in either the HaloCustoms or the ForgeHub map database and submitted to the respective site's submission thread
    • Co-forging is allowed, but collaborators will need to select one person to receive the prize
    • Multiple submissions per person are allowed
    • Maps submitted early may be edited and re-submitted prior to the submission deadline
    • Maps created by members of the staff of TheHaloForgeEpidemic, HaloCustoms, or ForgeHub who are not taking part in judging the contest are not eligible to place in the top three but may still achieve runner-up status
    • Maps will be judged by the panel consisting of @WARHOLIC, @Flying Shoe ILR, and @Psychoduck
    • The judges will host and participate in testing lobbies throughout the event and provide feedback for map authors
    • Maps will be tested with squad settings at the 5v5 player count
    • Maps will be judged on how well they play for their primary gametype at the 5v5 player count
    • Criteria include originality, replayability, performance, level of depth and enjoyment of gameplay experience, and level of interaction between infantry and vehicles
    • Maps do not need to support more than one gametype
    • The judging panel reserves the right to make tweaks to a map's spawn, objective, or weapon setup
    #1 WAR, Jun 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Jun 20, 2015.

    1. moo43
      This sounds awesome... Now all I have to do is design and build a map for it.
    2. Behemoth
      Too bad Hollow Point would take me 4-5 years to rebuild.... I'm liking the contest criteria ;)
      Psychoduck likes this.
    3. Kyle Courtney
      Kyle Courtney
      So excited! Jumping onto AutoCAD right now to design
    4. Orzium
      Looking forward to this, time to work on my btb forging skills even though i dont have any!
      WAR and Psychoduck like this.
    5. Xandrith
      You guys force me to learn how to design 1v1 maps and now this? I just wanna keep making midship in peace!
    6. Goat
      Does the map have to use vehicles?

      Also, what map is that in the video? There's no way that runs smoothly with all of those terrain pieces, right?
    7. Psychoduck
      The map in the video is called Threshold; it is a work in progress created by Squally DaBeanz. It does run smoothly for the most part, though there were some minor hitches with vehicle explosions. Vehicles are not required for maps submitted to this contest, but they are very strongly encouraged. Squad is really all about taking the competitive foundation of 4v4 Halo and adding vehicles as an additional competitive layer into the mix. Creating interaction between infantry and vehicles adds a ton of depth to squad games. We are looking for maps which pull that off, not just slightly upscaled 4v4 maps that suit 5v5 play. Still, you're welcome to submit a map without vehicles if you wish.
    8. Goat
      Squally's map definitely has me inspired. I'm of course a big fan of giant forerunner architecture and the way he's used the terrain is the kind of map I like playing on, as opposed to path and walkway maps. I can see a hint of Meltdown and Daybreak in there, although I can't say I'm a fan of the vehicles with the little space they have to maneuver. The novelty of mortaring across the bridge would annoy me and distract from the infantry combat.

      As for submitting my own map, a terrain map like that would be much more attractive for me to approach than a structural one. I'm very meticulous when it comes to pathing and object placement however, and when optimizing for framerate is another hurdle on top of that, I know i'll end up compromising the design. I've had enough of those limitations, and I personally don't think it's worth the effort at this stage in the game.

      Nevertheless, I'm interested to see what maps people create, and I'll look out for Threshold when it comes out. I'll be on board for the first Halo 5 contest for sure.
      Last edited: Jun 22, 2015
      brusky0086 and WAR like this.
    9. MultiLockOn
      Just wondering. Why 5v5 and not 6v6 for Squad :) Thanks
      brusky0086 and Orzium like this.
    10. SvenVakkrin
      A quick question, are we allowed to request a change in game time-limit? It is 4-minutes per round right now, but can we have in the description or something a request for a longer/shorter time per round? Thanks
    11. WAR
      5 on 5 marks a player cap that when placing vehicles, forces you to design a space that compliments both infantry and vehicular interaction. We wanted to blur the preconceptions of vehicle placement. Vehicles shouldn't be included for the mere purpose of bringing players from point A to B in a shorter amount of time. We're not interested in how vehicles travel, thats too obvious, we're interested in the interchange occurring between vehicles and infantry and trying to curate an environment that extends that experience further than what we're traditionally given. With the scale required to suite 5v5 and the inclusion of vehicles, I'm sure we'll see a blend between arena and vehicle style play.

      You may even choose not to include vehicles, thats entirely up to you.
      Last edited: Jun 22, 2015
    12. MultiLockOn
      Great answer. Thanks man :)
      WAR likes this.
    13. Psychoduck
      I think we're going to need to stick to the standard settings across all maps. Testing every map with the same settings gives us a better control environment for evaluating different maps against one another. Also, from a logistical standpoint it would be very tedious to allow varying settings between maps. We're going to have to ask that you design with the settings provided in mind. If you have a very strong argument for making small tweaks to those settings across the board, though, we'd be happy to hear it!

      In addition to the points War brought up, we have found over the years that 5v5 to 6v6 is the sweet spot for this sort of map. However, 5v5 has really proven to be ideal in H2A as maps scaled for 5v5 really appear to be the sweet spot for balancing travel times and keeping maps large enough to accomodate vehicles without feeling overscaled for infantry. Most of the best squad maps I have seen have been best-suited for 5v5 play. Additionally, 5v5 is preferable for logistical reasons as getting a stable 10 player lobby together in MCC is a tad easier than doing so for 12 players.
      WAR and REMkings like this.
    14. Chronmeister
      Foot in mouth disease. I was kidding. Anyway, really nice map Squally. Great example of how to properly scale a map for vehicles and still keep things interesting for infantry. This also looks like one of the best uses of the wraith I've seen yet. I'll have to try and make room for one when designing my map.
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    15. Zerk
      Wow.. Wish I knew this was going on earlier. I will be looking for more contest for the future!
    16. Erk
      Yeah it would have been nice to know about this one back in Halo 3 so i could have started practicing my squad forging on Foundry...
      WAR, Erupt and a Chunk like this.
    17. Xandrith
      The map Im making is like if ghost town and prisoner had a mediocre baby
      Psychoduck, WAR, Erupt and 2 others like this.
    18. purely fat
      purely fat
      Just give me the prizes and ask questions later.
    19. Chronmeister
      Damn man, why not wait till after the contest to drop mod status. :no::no::no: We are doomed. :( Cant wait to see your submissions bro.

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