Its not about being scared of change. We are witnessing the deconstruction of the mechanics that already made the game unique.
I've very rarely shared my opinion of Halo 5, mostly because I don't have much interest in the game. I don't have much interest because it's not Halo (at least not what I recognize as 'Halo'). But, I totally understand the frustration expressed by fans of the Halo series, and it's completely warranted. My view on it is that the first 3 Halo games established the series as something truly unique amongst shooters. Most Halo fans love it for its simplicity. Virtually anything that takes away from that simplicity makes the game worse in my opinion. The changes on their own may be good, but when you take a game that's founded on simplicity and add complexity on top of complexity to it, you actually erode the quality of the game. It results in a game that doesn't really resemble the gameplay of its' predecessors. Halo has been the one shooter I've truly enjoyed, but Halo Reach, Halo 4, Halo 5...I don't really consider those Halo games, and I don't enjoy them. I've probably played less than 1,000 games in those 3 games combined. I played more than that on CE alone before it was even online, probably over 20,000 on Halo 2. I expect I'll easily eclipse that total on The Master Chief Collection. The simplicity of Halo is what I enjoy. I truly never get tired of it. If they re-released a new Halo game every 2 years and the only difference was new maps, I'd gladly buy that over what they're actually releasing with Halo 5. I honestly wish they'd do alternating games. One that's a traditional style Halo, and one that's a modern style Halo. Everyone would be happy.
It is still simplistic, they are going back to arena styled gameplay for the competitive gametypes scene. They are introducing new CASUAL gametypes in order to appeal to a wider audience, and you cant hate on them for doing that! Keeping the game as it was for halo 2 and 3 is a good idea but not a good idea when your out to make as much money as possible. You will keep the fans but not evolve the game further. You will also have to remember that 343 isn't bungie and they want to make the game still have the same mechanics as halo always had, but bring a new twist on it and design aspects. If they were to just keep the game as simple as bungie did for halo3 and halo 2, they would be just simply copying bungie. As far as im concerned, the game needs to evolve and introduce new thing in order to stay fresh.
Well...I just disagree with most of that. I'm not even that mad about it though. I'll just play a game I enjoy.
Had the idea stuck in my head for ages, no motivation, started as soon as I saw the video. Soooo I'm good .
Who the **** is this punk? Aight, so I'm still in Austria... Had a job interview yesterday that went pretty well, and if I get the job, I'll be staying here. If I don't, well I'm applying to companies in the US (god bless Veteran preference), and will be coming back stateside. The downside to the latter is, I'll be selling my xbox and all my extra **** I've acquired over the years, which will remove me from the gaming community even longer... I still have no intention on coming back before H5, and very little interest in forge now that my financial and economic analysis blog is really starting to develop. --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2015 --- Oh, and why is Karma's member title "new member"?
Well I started a map for mym but I just can't stay motivated enough which sucks but then again it doesn't. Just looking at the pics above is enough to make me think I can't hang with the big boys anymore lol. When I was younger I would sit for hours forging until I had creative & new ideas but I just don't have the time anymore. Growing up sucks. I started forging when I was 18 back in 07-08. Now 27 with too much real life crap going on, mainly a 2 year old daughter, 5 year old son who just finished T-ball & is about to start flag football. Then work & a sexy wife who needs attention lol. Life is good but now I just miss my old forging days. I try but when I start to get in the groove a diaper needs to be changed, the yard needs to be cut, or the wife needs to have love made to her ;D. I can't complain about that but I would like to get a map out there with some recognition like back in the day to show some of the younger newcomers how we used to do it back then.
You can let the judge panel borrow your wife instead of submitting a map if you like. In all seriousness, though, I know what you mean. have a very hard time building anything in forge anymore. I love studying designs and thinking about how they can be improved, but when it comes to creating my own unique design I just can't do it anymore almost ever. For what it's worth, I'd be interested to see what you come up with even if you don't have the time or creative juices to make it your best work. And, you've got almost six weeks still, so anything could happen, eh?
****, y'all telling me. My free time is spent reading financial reports and news on top of job hunting. When I'm not doing either, I'll be at a barr with some mates trying to unwind. Thought life after Uni was supposed to include more free time, but I'm hitting the books harder than ever.
Snippet from a 1v1/2v2 Reach map I've started working on lately... #don't-have-an-Xbox-One-yet It's a dual-atrium map (you're looking at the fourth and topmost level of the bigger atrium right now; that ledge at the bottom is part of the third level of the atrium). The second atrium is through that doorway to the right. Also, I hate budget problems..
Remade Ambiance from Halo: Reach that I forged and rusty eagle designed. It's an asymmetric 2v2 map, I thought it played KotH really well. I took some liberties with some geometry and some proportions.