Submit Infection Content Here For Potential Matchmaking Consideration

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PA1NTS, May 12, 2015.

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    (Subject To Change)
    Infection Matchmaking Update Test List





    Gamertag: PA1NTS


    Outlast Gametype:

    (H2A) Boarding Pass by Zandril S312

    (H2A) Villa Del Pena by CANADIAN ECHO
    (H2A) Port Koll by CommanderColson
    (H2A) Spillway by MartianMallCop
    (H2A) Baron Canyon by Insanmiac
    (H2A) Sinkhole by MartianMallCop
    (H2A) Eridium by MartianMallCop
    (H2A) Hivemine by CommanderColson

    Last Stand Gametype:

    (H2A) Blockhaus by MartianMallCop

    (H2A) Iota by CommanderColson
    (H2A) Terrestrial Warehouse by Halo Man
    (H2A) Butcherbox by CommanderColson
    (H2A) Parkade by CommanderColson



    Hello Infection lovers!

    After :343: industries added infection to MCC matchmaking, I figured I'd start gathering up the best infection maps and gamemodes for potential matchmaking consideration.

    You should design primarily for balanced gameplay on both the survivor's and infected side. A unique theme goes a long way but the maps should be built with performance in mind.

    Submitting your map or gamemode here does not guarantee it a spot in matchmaking. This is simply a pre-planning stage in order to prepare tested content IF :343: asks for Infection considerations.

    Submission form:

    MAP/GAMETYPE: [Name of map and/or gametype]
    AUTHOR: [Name of forger/forgers]
    OBJECT COUNT: [Number or total objects]
    CANVAS: [What canvas did you forge on?]

    I also wanted to spark some public discussion about which halo titles/gamemodes/maps you would like to see in MCC's Infection playlist. Feel free to share your honest opinion on the content you would like to see online.

    A few of my friends and I have started testing a holdout gametype, a free roam gametype and there's also been talk about creating a standard flight gametype (flight is H2A's new Infection mode.)

    I will be testing Infection content pretty regularly (at least when I can) for the next while. Message me on Xbox Live if you would like to join in. Gamertag: PA1NTS

    That's it! Submit & Discuss!
    Sincerely, PA1NTS

    #1 PA1NTS, May 12, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  2. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I haven't really been playing customs lately so I gotta ask. Do Infection custom games work in MCC? I've heard that it has several problems and I actually haven't seen any map features and gameplay of infection maps.

    As for the gametype you guys are testing, is it similar to Hivemind in H4?
    Orzium likes this.
  3. Jesus in Malibu

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    Personally, I'd love to see some of the classic content from Halo 3's Infection playlists to return. Good times.
  4. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    Infection along with one sided objective gametypes when played on a map will despawn objects placed on the map for the players who are not host sadly.
  5. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Infection currently has a few problems with running multiple rounds. I am assuming that since 343 wants to add Infection, they will have to fix this issue. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any other issues.

    I've only featured one Infection map so far because people just aren't forging Infection yet (hence this thread.)

    One of the gametypes is similar to Hivemind, although we wanted to fix Hivemind's problems. Hivemind promoted lone wolf strategies, which I really don't think it was designed to do. It also promoted camping and hiding because of the overpowered last man settings.

    So far, some potential solutions have been to modify radar settings, change the starting weapon from AR to SMG and create a safe haven scoring system that promotes surviving instead of getting kills. Cadre settings also promote teamwork by having 2-3 last men standing instead of 1 extremely overpowered last man. I think it is currently set up so that you don't get radar until cadre settings. This should make players want to survive and get set up at a holdout with other survivors, instead of running around like bunny rabbits looking for places to sit in a corner.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2015 ---
    I tagged people that recently posted Infection maps. Since forge hub is having map database issues, I was only able to see the last 4-5 maps. I then tagged people that have been active in the Infection community in the past. Sorry dude. If you know anyone else that is interested in Infection, feel free to tag them.
  7. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought this would be a great idea too. We definitely aren't limited to only using H2A. If I knew who created the H3 classic Infection maps, I would get a hold of them. A mix of the most popular maps/gametypes from all titles would be ideal, although keep in mind innovation is always nice too.
  8. Foxy Papa Smurf

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Submission 1:
    MAP: Paradise Cove
    GAMETYPE: Pirates
    AUTHOR: Foxy Papa Smurf
    CAMPAIGN LEADERBOARD INFO: Pillar of Autumn, Easy

    Submission 2:
    MAP: The Village
    GAMETYPE: Village People
    AUTHOR: Foxy Papa Smurf
    CAMPAIGN LEADERBOARD INFO: Pillar of Autumn, Easy
    REMkings likes this.
  9. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    /cries in a corner
  10. Orzium

    Orzium Mythic

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    343 need to fix the round glitch before people will even consider creating an infection map. I know you want to be hopefully but you just simply can't make infection maps because of the round glitch.
    Jesus in Malibu likes this.
  11. Foxy Papa Smurf

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've played both of my maps with 4 people and haven't had any issues with round glitch. I haven't tried more than that though.
    PA1NTS likes this.
  12. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I only have one Infection map and it's completely untested. So I have absolutely no idea how it would perform. It's Halo 4 version played very nicely with Hivemind settings so I figured why not?

    MAP: Boarding Pass
    AUTHOR: Zandril S312
    CAMPAIGN LEADERBOARD INFO: [Halo 4: Dawn, Normal Difficulty, Solo, Timing] or [Halo 3: Floodgate, Normal Difficulty, Solo, Timing]


    Like I said, the map has had no testing so let me know here or in HC if you encounter any problems.
    #13 Zandril, May 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    Orzium, PA1NTS and Foxy Papa Smurf like this.
  13. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's definitely not stoppping people from creating infection maps. The only drawback is ending the game after one round and restarting, which takes... 2 minutes? I just don't see how the round based glitch would affect your ability to forge an infection map. It's frustrating to play one round at a time of course, but that has nothing to do with designing and forging an infection map.
    Zandril likes this.
  14. cookies4you

    cookies4you Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    Ooh a train.
  15. Orzium

    Orzium Mythic

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    I understand but it just like everything, I wouldn't make a competitive map if the slayer gamtype was broken. I think we all can agree on that !
    --- Double Post Merged, May 13, 2015 ---
    Zandril just based on what I know, the object count is way to high to be able to run say 6 or more people
  16. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map name: Shipping and Handling
    Author: MartianMallCop

    Gametype: Outlast (the haven freeroam gametype)
    Object count: 455 total
    Leaderboard: halo ce Pillar of autumn on easy, or just catch me online
    So far map hasn't had any round issues.

    CANADIAN ECHO Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I noticed the bulletin too paints.. Im still depressed that customs still are fixed and I thought we agreed to stop working on the infection stuff until customs were fixed.. but I guess we can start now lol. I have the new version of hivemind all tested, me and colson have tested it on basic maps and it works pretty good.

    Map Name: Villa Del Pena
    Gametype: HIVEMIND (Not sure yet what the new name is gonna be?)

    And are we still considering the Linear gamemode that we were talking about? Colson was working on the game mode.
  18. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So people tell me. I actually have another version of the map in my hard drive that has fewer pieces. 536 if I remember correctly. Of course, the map doesn't look as good. Is that number of pieces better or does it even make a difference? If it is, I guess I can upload that to my File Share too
  19. CommanderColson

    CommanderColson Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    From personal experience I have found that the best way to do Infection with about 6-10 players is to:

    -Keep your map around 350 solid objects (400 seems to work a majority of the time, but can vary due to connection)

    -Go into the game type settings and turn the RED energy sword, INFECTED shotgun, and INFECTED magnum OFF

    -While forging your map, avoid ALL Objective pieces other than the default Flag Stand, and Capture plate that where in Halo 4.

    These two specific objective^ pieces supposedly are the only two objective pieces that do not cause de-sync because they originate from the original Halo 4 engine, which the H2A engine is built off. I know, I don't get it either, but better safe than sorry.

    Following these guidelines is what lead to the success of 'Butcher Box' which has successfully played 16 players for 5 rounds on multiple occasions, but sits at a measly 332 pieces.

    If you're looking to forge Infection, I highly suggest following these tips, at least while the problems remain. I of course can only guarantee as much success as much as 343i can guarantee the Collection will eventually be fully fixed.

    I have an inappropriate abundance of Infection maps that I look forward to posting... once I figure out how to get the damn files to stop resetting their names to 'Awash', and or 'Skyward', or my personal favorite, 'Blam'.


    Looking forward to seeing everyone's Infection maps!
    --- Double Post Merged, May 14, 2015 ---
    OH, and the flood visual effect appears to causes frame rate and has always just been a personal annoyance, but take that as you will!
    Chronmeister, Zandril, Orzium and 3 others like this.

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