Hey guys, looking to get involved in the community again! Are there any regular testing lobbies for core maps going on these days?
http://xboxclips.com/RegrettedKarma6/bc7ed106-9850-4e67-b24e-43eef2e8e28f Still need to clean it up and setup gametypes, but here's the structural gist.
https://www.xboxdvr.com/gamer/xXandrith/screenshot/94424 This is a littlo something I have been working on. Its prisoner inspired. Also, for some stupid reason, the nova special fx doesn't show up when you use xbox screenshots.
Community Favorites Voting is up for the next few days. Make sure to stop by the Maps Page to submit your votes. You'll see the Community Favorites button on the left side of the screen, directly above the Hot List. Clicking on the button (highlighted in red in the picture above) will open up a popup window where you'll cast your votes. Grab the maps you want to vote for and drag them to the desired box (Box 1 should be your top choice, box 2 your second choice, and box 3 your 3rd place choice). Each map you vote for will receive points that go towards determining the months winner, with the points being allocated according to which box you place each map in (1st place being the most points, followed by 2nd and 3rd obviously). After you're satisfied with your choices, click on the 'Save' button in the bottom right corner of the popup. Then, wait to see if your favorites made the top 3. Winners should be announced on the 1st day of the following month.
Have two maps I need to test, not quite sure how to go about that. Echelon: Need to test framerate for this map. Been working on it when I can, there's actually a preview for it. The lack of actual testing is making progress slow. Solitude: Anybody interested in this? It's an inverse-symmetrical 4v4 map built on Warlord, thought it came out interesting. Still need to test. Ill get a picture of this up soon. Video Walkthroughs are linked in the map titles.
My d*** just paseed the "can only get so hard" threshold. Now I need to go to the hospital. Thanks Nokyard
This turned out better than the original since i found a way to make a perfectly flat floor in the Skybox.
hey guys I'm looking for somebody/people to help me finish a map need some ideas. The map is about 75% until finished but im running low on resources and I've already spent 30+ hours on it so if anyone wants to get some cool points hit me up Ü Gamertag: triipii
Welcome to forgehub, triipii! Have any pictures of your map? Or video? Those might help tempt people to hit you up
Yes i need some help on map that i designed and that eshkii helped co-forge in halo 4. I have been remaking it in mcc but i just dont have the drive to finish it and im not the best forger. I'm god at the ideas and designing layouts but lack the forge skill. Some of you may know me. Anyways, the map is like 85% i need better piece management and more opinions wouldnt hurt through the building process. plz message/add me : " RipShaDe 41"