Ideal field of view for Halo games? Some background for the unfamiliar... Doller Shave Club 4 lyfe, lol. I feel like anywhere from 90-105 degrees works pretty well in Halo. Do we have any idea what the FOV is on TMCC versions of CE and Classic Halo 2? They seemed pretty good to me (around 90 degrees). I'm curious about the difference in split screen for those games as well. I always preferred playing CE and 2 on split screen because of the increased FOV.
Yeah somebody mentioned it looked like ~90. Original CE splitscreen (what was used in tournaments etc) was 108 FoV. CE fullscreen was 70 FoV. H2 fullscreen was 62 and H2 splitscreen was 74 FoV ( @a Chunk ) Pulled this info from Bungie forums: Ten Years of Halo: Ten Years of FoVs *IMGs* Especially considering more TVs are 16:9 widescreen instead of 4:3 these days, I would be happy with a bigger FoV for CE fullscreen and H2.
I always felt the advantage of a wider FOV more than made up for the reduced size of the picture in split screen. The pics below are a great example of the advantage offered by a wider FOV. You can see soooo much more of the map. Aiming has always felt more natural/smooth to me with a wider FOV too. Halo 3 Fullscreen single-player: 55 (4:3) Halo 3 Fullscreen split-screen: 92 (8:3) Halo 3 Widescreen single-player: 70 (16:9) Thanks for the link Spin! Also regarding the FOV on CE in The Master Chief Collection, someone went onto Halo PC (which allows you to set your FOV), and matched the FOV we saw in the video that was recently released. He said it's 86 degrees.
Ideal utility weapon? Either a 4 shot kill semi auto with a ~1.0 second killtime or a 4 burst kill weapon with a ~1.2 second kill time but with button combos to speed it up if executed correctly.
All other things being equal, I'd probably take the 1.2 second killtime weapon. I'd prefer the first option if it had a killtime of slightly less than 1 second with less aim assist. I'd rather have the skill gap lean towards rewarding aiming accuracy over rewarding a persons ability to perform button combos.
In modern halo, 1.2 is prob right (same as 4sk Reach) Never really knew what FOV did in Halo, cool to learn.
I just think the concept of animation cancels is so elegant. Halo 2: How To Do Every Button Glitch & Combo:
Tactial shooters with slow movement, like Halo and CS are perfectly fine at 90 degrees because focus on a single point at a time is more emphasised than in, say Warsow or Quake where people move at 300kph and general awareness of rapid map movements is more important. I play Warsow at 110 degrees, and something around there is what most good players use. CSGO and TF2 are interestingly locked to 90 degrees despite being PC games, although you can reduce it to around 80 or something by setting a 4:3 resolution which most pros from 1.6 actually use as they feel it makes it easier to focus and aim at a single target in one area at a time and because they don't realise there are commands to centralise the HUD. Splitscreen Halo should be 108 because CE. As for the ideal utility weapon: I don't get what you mean by modern Halo, Doju. Ideal is ideal regardless of what all the games after CE did wrong. My dream utility weapon would reward headshots against shield by breaking the shield a shot earlier than with bodyshots if all the shots connected to the head. 3 hs kill at 0.6s, 4sk at 0.9s with at least one headshot missed. 16 bullets per mag. 3-shots should probably be expected to be an exception rather than the norm. Hs against shield does 34 damage (bleedthrough hs does the 34 + the damage of a health hs) Hs to health does 100 Bodyshots always do 32 damage (since this doesn't make shields pop, players with less than 34 shield points need to have a really distinct shield flare or something to indicate that they're oneshot) Can't remove underline because great phone interface.
Oh wow, I had forgotten all about how the button combo glitches! I used to BXB & BXR constantly. Nobody even showed me I figured it out on my own somehow. It's probably because I was terrible at BR battles so I'd lurk in corners & hallways busting out with quick melee/shoot & double melees, lol. Even with a shotgun I could have sworn there was a RBR I would use just in case the 1st shot didn't kill. I can't remember cuz it's been so long but shoot/melee/shoot sounds familiar... I do remember being dissappointed when those tricks didn't work in halo 3, lol.
I have some Halo Science to report: After seeing @Psychoduck post more than once about bad vehicle balancing (they fall over from a slight breeze) in H2A I decided to test whether player traits could be altered in such a way that vehicles took less damage while player interaction remained roughly the same. Findings: Damage Resistance: 50% Damage Modifier: 75% I tested these settings with the BR, Sniper, Rockets, stickies, and a little with the shotgun (shotty was only for spartan v Spartan). The vehicles I tested with were the Ghost and Warthog. No other vehicles or weapons have been tested under these conditions--at least by me. Ways to kill a Warthog: 2 Rockets (1 rocket does it in default h2a) 2 Stickies 1 Rocket + 2 and a half clips of BR fire. (I didn't count for the sniper--it was more than default capacity) Ghost: 2 Rockets 1 Sticky (No sniping tests were done) Spartan on Spartan: 4-shot BR kill where the 4th is a head shot 6 body shots makes a kill (unlike the default 7) 2-shot beatdown Sniper also seemed to behave as expected in a 2-shot beatdown scenario 1 shot head shot snipe 2 shot body shot snipe Shotty--I just picked one up quickly and tested it at max red reticule range--took 2 shots--perhaps more consitant at range than h2a, but inconclusive Speculation and conclusions: I speculate that these settings would buff OV since less damage is being delt to the shields which would be a good thing in my eyes. I conclude that--bar further testing--I would recommend using these settings for BTB. Stickies still seem extremely powerful which is unfortunate, so they should probably be treated as a power weapon when placed on maps. Thanks for reading!
This is actually something which @PA1NTS had talked about trying a few weeks ago. I admit, I didn't have much faith in the idea. I recreated the damage settings you mentioned and ran some tests of my own and was (mostly) pleasantly surprised. It appears to take more than two rockets to kill a warthog with these settings, and I think that is a good thing given rockets' tracking abilities. My fear with these settings is that it now takes what seems like an excessively long time for one 'hog to kill another. I didn't time it, but I sat there hosing down an enemy 'hog for quite a while before it died. This is without factoring in teamshotting, so it could prove to work rather nicely. I just worry that warthog battles could grow stale with one 'hog chasing another around the map for a lengthy period before finally destroying it. Still, this is much better than the alternative of 'hogs getting instantly taken out by rockets and plasma grenades and shredded by focused fire from tier 1 and tier 2 weapons. This making melee a two-hit is a nice bonus as well. I'm not thrilled about it becoming easier to kill with body shots from precision weapons, but again I think this is a small enough price to pay that these settings are better than the alternative. Thanks for running these tests, I will be running some more of my own shortly.
Hmm, upon further testing I think @Squally DaBeanz and I have reached a pretty good compromise. The changes to vehicle balance which these settings bring are fantastic: vehicle to vehicle and infantry to vehicle combat are finally where they need to be. The only problem we found with these settings is the BR. When it takes one headshot or two body shots to kill from no shields, the skill gap is severely lessened and the ease with which four-shots can be atained with these settings is absurd. However, the carbine remains a ten body shot or seven headshot kill. We will be playing with these settings but with carbine starts. The BR will become a tier 2 pickup.
@Psychoduck Glad I could help. Excited that something came of it. I didn't even think to test vehicle on vehicle combat. That was a big oversite. The settings you settled with the same I suggested I assume? Just want to make sure I'm not missing out on the optimal settings. I'll definitely change mine to reflect your carbine suggestion.
The settings we are using are: 50% Damage Resistance 75% Damage Modifier 110% Movement Speed Carbine Primary Magnum Secondary I'll have consistent settings across multiple modes on my file share.
I've found something neat, and I think it belongs here. You guys remember Race? You know, that odd game-type full of racing. Well, H2A's got an amusing combination of options for it that can turn it into something amazing. First, it works for both Teams and FFA. Okay, not super amazing. Second, you can stick multiple people in a single vehicle. Still not super amazing, but still interesting. Third, you can disable checkpoint scoring. Okay, not completely amazing, and even somewhat useless. Finally, you can make players gain points for kills. Suddenly, everything above becomes important. Once you've disabled checkpoint scoring and added kill points, congratulations, because you now have Vehicle Slayer. It's Slayer, but in god damn vehicles. FFA 16-man Banshee Slayer? You can do it. 8 v 8 Scorpion Slayer? It's possible. 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 Rocket Gungoose Slayer? Hell yeah. The only thing you can't do is get rid of the checkpoints themselves, but you can get around that by not putting many on the map.
This is actually a hell of a find. If this was 5 years ago when fileshares were around, banshee slayer would have been a massive hit (make it 1 life elimination style as a proper surivor gametype).
I finally decided to make a video to talk about some of the BTB design theory I've developed over the last few years. This squad/arena BTB design is something which is largely unexplored, so I thought that sharing this might generate some interest. Hope you guys enjoy/find it interesting/find it informative.