Kurismic submitted a new map: Sentinel - "Fast-paced games with unique battles". Read more about this map...
The couple of games I played on this map were, well, boring. The map just doesn't have enough going on in my opinion. I suggest adding some sort of hard route from bottom to top in the middle (indoor side) and maybe another room connecting the hard route. If you ended up down there that you had to travel all the way to the bases to get back up, or do a jump up outside. The result was fighting mostly in the bases in my experience.
Thanks for the feedback. Weird how your result was base fighting, when most of the fights I have witnessed take place in top mid. I'll check it out.
Taken into account the hard route from bottom middle to top middle by OS. Thank you for your feedback.
Kurismic updated Sentinel with a new update entry: Update 1: Pathing and Cover Read the rest of this update entry...