Gaming MLF Watcher's HCS Season 0 map features

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jesus in Malibu, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Jesus in Malibu

    Likes Received:
    MLF Watcher will be regularly featuring maps that got into the HCS Season 0 tournament and will be investigating each map pixel by pixel. Enjoy! :tedium:

    FEATURE #1: Tinkywinky by Jesus in Malibu

    FEATURE #2: Diesel by STEELGREEN03 (commentated by pro player 'Ryabread')

    FEATURE #3

    Want to see your map featured on MLF Watcher for HCS Season 0? Tell me below and I will fulfill your greatest dreams. Discuss.
    #1 Jesus in Malibu, Apr 5, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
  2. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Had a couple of laughs at the start, but found myself more annoyed by the 100th time he said "tactical". Would be so much better if this were a tongue-in-cheek parody of **** HCS Pro players say rather than obnoxious absurdity.
    thefro3po and a Chunk like this.
  3. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Top mid is OP.
  4. Untouched fish

    Untouched fish Legendary

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    Got to be tactical mother******
  5. Jesus in Malibu

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    Duly noted kind sir. Will make sure the next video is more tacticool than the last.
  6. Jesus in Malibu

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    Alright guise. New MLF Watcher pro map feature, this time 'Diesel' by STEELGREEN03. This map is the tacticaliest map in HCS Season 0 and its commentated by a special guest pro player 'Ryabread'!

    SteelGreen likes this.
  7. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    Diesel already approved by Tes.... Nikola Tesla.
  8. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright, see you didn't take my advice. Shame. So much lost potential... Would be better as a believable satire instead of absurdity.
  9. Jesus in Malibu

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    LOLWHAT? Seriously, what? What are you talking about? That was the entire point of the second video. Watch it fully if you exited out of it in the first 15 seconds because that's what it seems like you did.
    #9 Jesus in Malibu, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
    SteelGreen likes this.
  10. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Made it to about 45 seconds and was turned off by the absurdity. The best satire is subtle and very tongue-in-cheek, but this is ridiculously blunt and obnoxious. It's about as funny as some one walking up to me on the street and slapping me with a fish, might give some people a laugh, but it's just dumb and annoying.

    Personally, if I were doing a video series like this, I'd take real maps that pro's like that aren't good, and make sly commentary about the maps flaws disguised as praise. It should be disguiesed as a serious video praising a bad map with **** these dumbasses would actually say. Take for instance Ryanoob saying aPK's Midship remake was bad because it "lacked angles", while he claims Tesla has these "angles" and is a better map.

    Here's a few more ideas:

    "You see this bottom mid, it's dead open because if you walk through here you should be dead because that's what plays best", followed by something stupid like "but over here there's a lot of cover because this is a power position and every one should know that and it should be the only part of the map worth controlling", and maybe some bullshit like "yeah, this is kinda similar to Onslaught/Amplified/everyMidshit, but it's different because those play differently" with some bullshit about how they're so different.

    Subtlety is king. Humor us with wit, not the equivalent of fart jokes. Low-brow humor only goes so far and loses its novelty quickly.
  11. Jesus in Malibu

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    Right. Your entire post sure must be valid then. This channel is nothing but what you consider "low-brow humor" as its direct jabs at people I'm parodying off of. I'm not going to give idiots like Ryanoob and maps like Tesla the time of day with something I have to put any real thought process into them. You want to do your own parody? Go right ahead but I'll do my own thing.

    You mention this is like fart-jokes... How is this anywhere comparable to toilet humor?
    #11 Jesus in Malibu, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
    MultiLockOn and SteelGreen like this.
  12. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    No one is forcing you to watch it and yet you're acting like a brat because he didn't listen to you please grow up :)
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  13. Jesus in Malibu

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    Oh well apologizes if this wasn't what you wanted it to be but you were never forced to watch this, FYI. I also mentioned that if you wanted to do a parody of the HCS situation yourself then you are free to but blatantly insulting another member and myself over this is completely unnecessary. I did these parodies for fun, to get a rise out of some people and I understand that not everybody is going to like but dear God, there's no need to be a douche and attack me for something I didn't have to do for the community to watch.

    Steel I can't say you're not any better posting that picture, you're just adding fuel to the flames.
    #13 Jesus in Malibu, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
    SteelGreen likes this.
  14. SteelGreen

    SteelGreen StoolGreen

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    I don't care Shore it was pretty deserving since I got attacked out of nowhere.
  15. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not a freaking parody! And it certainly isn't satire! The fact that you have the gall to label it as either is an insult to comedy everywhere.

    And Steel, that wasn't so much an insult I threw at you, but a statement of fact. You are in fact a child. Children more often than not find toilet humor appealing. I'd say drop your balls and man up here, but I'm sure you're still waiting for that to happen. :trollface:

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