i found it early on when i was desperate for a good map to play that was forged. i googled halo 3 maps and there it was.
True & Yavi told me about it, I've been playing with them since Halo 2 and we used to write movies....
i tried it out wen it first came out and i thought it was pretty fun. i just couldnt get more than 4 ppl to join.
I found some of TDF's maps while looking through the Community File's forum on bnet, was very impressed with them, and found Forge Hub from there. Keep up the good maps, I hope to apply one of these days (just put the last touches on a map today). ~Jakester1024
I was browsing the Files Forum at Bungie and saw a link to the site at the end of someones post. I think it was TrueDarkFusion, but it may have been Yavi, I'm not sure.
I found out from Bungie's front page highlight, good job getting noticed! This websites gonna be huge I can see it now...big and massive
Hmmm okay. How I found about the forge hub: So ONE DAY I was pleasantly snoozing in my home and woke up to sip my coffee. After this I received a phone call saying that my coffee had was DECAF! It was a decaf coffee, and I only had 24 hours of energy. I had to get to the bottom of this, so I ended up in a shitload of car chases, doing anal in public, and finally caught up with the man behind it all. I killed him in some crazy way jumping out of a helicopter, and called my girlfriend while falling to the ground. "Hey, you really need to check out this forgehub website!" "I'm about to die you ****ing ****."
I saw TDF's post somewhere and then I saw his sig. The thing was I dont think his post was in the maps section.
actually i have no idea how i ended up here...um...i think i was downloading one of Trickmyster's maps and i decided to try out the link in his description (yes i actually read thru those ), and i didnt ever register or say anything or w/e was there, just downloaded whatever came out...then when this came out, i decided i wanted to be a part of it remember: there is no spoon
I've been a frequent visitor since the HBO post. The Bungie front page let me in on the update though.