First off I want to say congrats to everyone making it into the HCS candidates for season 2. After all the sweat that went into recreating Dispute again for the possibility of getting into HCS, mixed with the disappointment of not quite making it in the end, I've become a bit burned out on forge. That being said, when halo 5 comes out I will be back full force. For now though, I was wondering if you guys would appreciate me dumping my unreleased maps before going on a hiatus. I have a few maps I was finishing up and then going to test when I had time to take focus off of dispute. Is this something you guys would like?
I don't like the fact that you are going on Hiatus but I'd love to see your projects. I must say, if they were in your FS at any given point I have most likely seen them already anyway, lol.
Can't blame ya man. You got the short end of the stick. Had a solid map with a large support base and went through the hassle of reforging it to be stiffed when cluttered garbage like Venom makes the cut, absolute bull if you ask me. Personally, I think you're better off finding other investments for your time. Pick up a new hobby, learn something new. Invest in educating yourself. The forge community is a joke at the moment considering hard work and talent get you no where, but ass kissing and politics does. Best of luck in your future endeavors man.
Hes banned but whatever, Il say this now, the salt is too high, and being angry over Venom getting in, but perfectly fine with Tesla getting in is very very odd
Waiho, Sounds like a plan then. I might tightly them up sparingly and post them here any there. Or I might just post them all as is. Depends on how into Reflex I get. Zombie, sorry man. I'll still be forging, can't give up the love but I'll be a lot more silent and a lot of it will probably just me helping people out instead of doing my own stuff. Schnitzel, Disappointment isn't the only thing making me want to take an elongated break. It's also a good bit because I poured so much time into making it different and the way I was suggested to forge it by other forgers rather than the way I preferred. It really ended up turning me off. I've always just forged for me, made maps that people loved and didn't care what people said unless it was a super apparent problem, not preference based. I'm sort of annoyed at how strict map design has become for the forging community, everyone wants you to forge maps that they themselves would forge rather than experimenting, even if from a players perspective it works well and is fun.
I wasn't "banned", I asked War to revoke my posting privileges for 12 hours because I was going out for drinks. I'm fine with Tesla because at this point, I just want to see HCS fail. Hard.
You asked for your posting privileges to be revoked ahahaha that might be the funniest thing I've ever heard. I like you. Blaze, I'm in the same boat as you. I love forge with all my heart but I'm just about wrapping up my final map and I'll be back when H5 comes around. It's kinda sad is what it is. Ill see you on the other side buddy For the record, I didn't care much for the other HCS maps but I loved yours.
Well at least you guys are enjoying H5. I love forging as well (only reason I am on MCC is forge and testing forge maps) but H5 is just not my game. I could not enjoy the beta by any means.
Oh believe me I'm the same way. I believe Halo 5 is a cancer to the series and that anyone who disagrees doesn't understand Halo at a competitive level. That being said, as much as a despise Sprint and clamber and ads and anything else added to Halo 5, I love forging. And I love the Halo universe. Probably won't play it very much though.
Perks of being friends with the staff... Knew I was gonna be in a bad mood about Halo stuff, was going out drinking because I wanted to have fun with friends, and knew I'd come home and hop on my PC after. Nip it in the bud, ask the guys to temp "ban" me so I can't say anything regretful.