Pro Player Map Testing

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 22, 2015.

By WAR on Mar 22, 2015 at 9:01 PM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    A lot of discussion has been circulating around all of the new competitive map submissions to ForgeHub in hopes of making it into the spotlight. We have featured a lot of great content here and now would like to see what the competitive community thinks of your creations. ForgeHub is dedicated to help bring forgers some of the most valuable feedback for your maps and is proud to announce partnerships with a handful of pro players. You can view them testing community forge maps on the off chance of their own time or check back here to view announcements of official testing sessions scheduled the pros here at ForgeHub. We will have a tentative schedule for the future sessions so you can plan your availability to view the matches and discuss in advance. For now please standby as we schedule a session with Naded's livestream via twitch for our first session. You can find all of the maps we are tentatively scheduling for session 1 below:

    March 27, LIVE NOW


    DISPUTE (CTF, Slayer)
    By Blaze
    Rockets, Snipe, Camo
    ERUPT (CTF, KoTH, Slayer)
    By SaltyKoalaBear and purely fat
    Rockets, Snipe x2, Plasma Pistol, OS, Shotgun
    EDEN (Slayer, Oddball, KoTH)
    By WaiHo
    Sniper, Camo, Sentinel
    ATHELON (Ricochet, Neutral Bomb, CTF, KoTH)
    Sniper, Rockets, Charging Station
    COMPLEXION (Slayer, KotH)
    By A Haunted Army
    Camo, Rockets
    By aChunk
    Sniper, Camo

    (if time allows these may be played)

    VENOM (KotH)

    By The Fated Fire
    Rockets, OS, Camo, Snipe

    ORION (KotH)
    By SecretSchnitzel
    Rockets, Snipe, OS, Camo

    By SHIFTY time

    ORACLE (Slayer, CTF)
    By SquallyDaBeans

    In no way do these maps reflect :343:'s final selections for Season 2 of the Halo Championship Series events. ForgeHub is conducting these tests with pro players independently and will be evaluating the feedback from both the creative and competitive communities combined. We appreciate all of the submissions and hope to keep the energy going. This collaboration between creator and player is something we really look forward to exploring more in the future as well. Stay tuned for more map testing sessions like the one as we plan to host a few more before April 5th.
    #1 WAR, Mar 22, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
    WaiHo, Buddy Jumps, Blaze and 2 others like this.
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Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Mar 22, 2015.

    1. The Fated Fire
      The Fated Fire
      I was fairly disappointed to see no effort from the forgers in the stream last night (Blaze, Haunted, Xandrith) to ensure that Naded tested all maps listed. I completely understand that you wanted your map to see the most play time possible, but the lack of recognition given to any of the other maps was noted.

      That said, War's map played exceptionally well on stream last night. It is still a tad over-scaled, but I can concede on that just based on the map's pure awesomeness. Eden played well too, and my feedback still stands from my analysis of the map on BE. Luckily Naded is planning to continue testing forge maps throughout the weekend, so those four maps he didn't test should see play time soon.

      The OP should be updated to show Slayer as a game type on Venom, Orion and Temple as well. Map pics would be cool as well to make them look less like afterthoughts.
      Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    2. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      naded said he was going to try and play the other maps today and those maps are on the reserve list so they only get played if there is time for them which clearly naded didn't have last night.

      i thought the point of this was to get feedback on the maps which is why i was there. nothing to do with recognition.

      from what i saw last night most of the maps played quite well.
      WarlordWossman likes this.
    3. The Fated Fire
      The Fated Fire
      The point was to expose high level players to the creativity of the forge community and for forgers to see their maps played at a high level. 4 out of 10 forgers did not get to see their maps played. This thread was executed quite poorly as there is no priority list.
      Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    4. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      4 out of 10 forgesrs? i count 8 forgers because he played all 6 of the pictured maps and 2 of them are co-forged. the order the maps were played in is the order they're presented in this topic.

      and "reserve maps" doesn't make things clear at all?
    5. The Fated Fire
      The Fated Fire
      There is no priority list, and this thread should have never been designed to imply such a list existed. Every map on that list, including the reserve maps, are equally in consideration for HCS: Season 2. Every map should have been given equal emphasis. I disagree with the way this testing was formatted, and hopefully future testing sessions are designed to focus on a single selection of maps.
      SecretSchnitzel likes this.
    6. SecretSchnitzel
      But the maps on the list are the priority! They're just so much better than the rest! This is totally a fair format, you're just salty your map didn't make it.


      Seriously though, the way this is structured is pretty damn stupid. Also, where did Regret go? It was on the HCS list, but isn't even a "reserve" map on this? Come on!
    7. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      you guys do understand that this has nothing to do with HCS right?
    8. WarlordWossman
      Yeah I would love to see Regret bomb getting played as I think that the only other map that plays bomb well is Athelon which is still questionable with that speedboost imo.

      I think we need to test more designs for bomb and Regret is one of those!
    9. SecretSchnitzel
      You do understand that not being part of the core HCS decision doesn't mean it has zero relation to it, right?

      @WarlordWossman Regret isn't "original" enough anyhow. It's pretty much a Haven remake, but worse. :p
    10. Zombievillan
      I'm salty that my map isn't listed...

      Jk, I only got to see one game & it was oddball on Eden I think. I saw naded had Midsalotship loaded up before they started that game though. Lol.

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