I cannot explain how thankful I am of people like you that get stuff done. I cannot help with map matters myself as of now, and I have a deep interest in playing new, awesome maps for season 2. Thank you. Your work is appreciated!
Hope mine has a chance. I like Dispute the most really, hard to compete with that imo. Plus Blaze is getting tweets from higher ups & such, doesn't make it seem possible for me to stand a chance, lol.
I absolutely understand. I chose to position myself to draw fire away from War and 343 so they could do their jobs in peace. I am actually surprized at how calm the response was at Beyond. Was expecting much more heat.
I think a lot of the BE community generally havent had access/been exposed to the forge maps too much, and a lot of the people who promoted/created maps (including myself) are unable to contribute to their forums anymore/left their forge sub section Id honestly say the existing 3 dev maps arent upto competitive standards, I think we should be using Forge for more than just getting maps in, a lot of progress can be made by using forge to improve the dev maps, at the moment I find H2A a very hard game to watch.
Totally agree. We should at least try to get static timers for weapons/powerups for all the maps in the rotation. Other tweaks would be welcome too (for example camo for Shrine TS instead of a rocket launcher). Would be interesting to hear what people would change on the 3 dev maps.
There are precedents for this. They have come to us for our custom setups on dev maps like 2v2 Haven among others. There's no reason we can't also provide upgraded dev maps as part of this task. They are always open to suggestions. Is there any way we could get a sample of one of the maps into their hands for today's test?
I think gold pro had some better version of the dev maps but I am not too sure. Basicly we need to figure out what timers we want for the powerweapons/powerups on each map (when they are static). Shrine could be 90 sec snipers 120 secs rockets and for TS only a 90 sec camo instead of rockets. Warlord would have a camo (not sure if 70 or 90 seconds) beam would also be at 90 secs. Lockdown with a 90 sec sniper and not sure what the sword would have. More than one sword would be questionable. Also Lockdown could have a powerup spawning on elbow or green room. All that stuff needs to be discussed tho and I don't think you could really test it in todays session. We should talk about possible changes/improvements here imo.
I 'm not suggesting we pour over every detail right now. I'm just seeking a sample as a conversation starter. An existing variant is fine as long as it's not too radically different from the current standard. If i suggest the idea that Forgehub forgers should rework base maps in today's test the first thing they will say is, "Sure, we can look at doing that. Let's see what you got". If we can't load at least a sample map the conversation dies right there.
I think that we need to set realistic goals right now. Static timers is something that we should push for, however making the timers to different i.e. Faster than what people are used to I feel that a lot of resentment will arise. Therefore I would keep the timers at 3min, 2min, 90sec. However the biggest thing right now is new maps, let's keep the emphasis on forge maps and keep changes on dev maps on the low.
Okay a sample would be Shrine with static weapon/powerup timers that has rockets for bomb and CTF and a camo for TS. Sniper 90 secs rockets 120 secs camo 90 secs. I think we could use this for today. If I am right this version of Shrine is already there. I can't tell you where you can download it but I think it maybe is in Schnitzels fileshare.
I get what you are saying but all our forge maps have static timers and all the dev maps don't! Even if we have static 2 min for sniper and static 3 min for rockets we need to suggest them because all the possible forge maps have static timers as far as I know.
Yeah I agree to push static timers, wasn't too clear probably in my post. I just think that we shouldnt push faster timers just yet.
Several maps will be shown to 343 today. The map list will be quite different than the list presented in the original post of this thread. Several new designs have been forged over the past two weeks, and I'm really excited to see how they evolve over time in highly competitive play. In my opinion, there are only 3 maps (both asymmetrical and symmetrical) that are ambitious enough for the Halo Championship Series. I'm far more picky than others though - War's list is a little longer.
Static timers should be a thing on all the maps. Period. I might have the GP Sanctuary on my fileshare still...