Btw my map is on my fileshare, it's called "Strain". Add me & I'm on the leaderboard for campaign time on High Charity on H2.
In case I forget, I've got the camo on Blackthorn set on a static timer now. The new version (2.1) is on my fileshare. So if testing is going down anytime soon and asym-maps will be viable then I would appreciate it if you guys could get a game of KotH on it. <3
A lot of your may know this but I have completely redone Dispute with all the feedback I have comprised from all of you guys as well as outsiders to the forging community. It has yet to be tested. When the testing is going on, I'd love to see how it compares.
War and I are testing maps tonight. Looking forward to checking out the redesign. I've updated Venom's layout as well. New path forged from blue to purple, updated the bottom map entrance to speed boost, and ensured perfect performance after optimizing piece usage. New video below.
Looking good man! I hope I get to play with you guys tonight. If I'm not around and you still want to get a test on Disweat, it's in my fileshare. Though until I get some tests on it, it only plays slayer. I'd love to hear feedback though because all the feedback was from you guys.
Anyone got some gameplay on some of these maps? I would like to see some of these designs in action now.
Good news today from Tashi. There's more too, our issues with object count rejecting parties will be patched in the coming title update. Source: twitter
343 said next patch is next month, which is April. Season 2 of HCS starts in Mid-April. Will there even be enough time to have a perfect map ready for S2? I mean, I can't imagine this patch fixing all the issues within forge.
There wasn't any testing last night...I'm being visited by family so I couldn't game. Also, I tried to access your fileshare through the leaderboards and had difficulty finding you. I'd like to get a hold of Strain soon. I'd also like to test "Celestial" by Moo42 at some point - very interesting. Sorry, I don't have an answer for you at this time. We will have to wait to get specifics on these technicalities.
Will you all be testing the maps that you submitted to 343i or other maps too? I was actually wondering how the pace was on my recent map played with 4v4 HCS Oddball or Crazy King
I'll be looking at new maps and making edits to the previous map list for our next session, will need to get a hold of the ones I have in mind soon.