I actually just designed a map around switchable lifts like this but have been undesided on the over all design. They look like they really compliment the design here even if they aren't based around an objective or anything. Good job. Wouldn't mind playing this if you want to invite me sometime. GT: Whos Blaze
Thx for the feedback, the lifts were implemented as an strategic element of this map, players gaining top control are rewarded by having LoS on both, denying other players the easy access to the OS and forcing them to use alternative routes. They have respawn time of 15sec so that it dosent't affect the flow too much.
This a cool design, and very well forged. Despite it's small size, it plays quite slowly for a couple of reasons. First, you must have the max number of weapons on the map set to 1 for the Sniper and Brute Shot. I cycled through the map a couple of times hoping to pick them up, but they weren't respawning because either myself or my opponent was holding on to the empty weapon. You should raise the number on map up to at least 2 for a 1v1 map. Second, it's very easy to escape battle. Many of the battles were prolonged. It proved mostly pointless to try and shoot across the middle, because the person you're shooting at can almost always duck around a corner before you can finish them. Slightly widened openings into the middle, combined with slightly widened pathways around the exterior would help alleviate this I think. The only other issue with the map is the drop down/jump up. It wasn't immediately obvious that there was a jump up there, and once we knew it was there, it was still frustrating to use. The jump up is a bit too difficult just because of the angles you've used. There's potential here. It just needs a few tweaks.