this is probably what surprises me the most. framerate issues can be resolved and maps on other canvases can be relocated. disqualifying maps for visuals is in poor taste and is one of the worst methods of feedback possible. if the layout sucks, it wont matter how pretty it looks; on the other hand, a good layout can be spiced up with aesthetics. there's too many pieces of information missing here. is it possible to get an official statement from 343 about the kind of maps they're looking for?
Considering this tweet by Bravo (thank you Bravo!), it definitely seems possible.
16, bad. Some maps work at that file size. It really depends but typically maps crash between 16,000 bytes and above.
Well here goes nothing. I moved Strain (the map I was going to submit) over to Skyward but it seems things have changed since I spoke of it a few pages back, lol. Here's a clip anyway though I've lost some hope after reading these posts.
Wow. Are they serious? I looked at this and thought it was a bit of a joke really. Who the **** wants to watch only symmetrical maps? Skyward only? I really don't get it.
To build off this and follow up on a point I made a few days ago, whiskey tango foxtrot over?! No, seriously, aiming for CTF and Symmetrical maps is about the most asinine thing we could do with criteria at the moment. We've got two amazing CTF maps already. We want at most only 3 CTF gametypes in the circuit, and the third should offer a different style of game play that that offered by Warlord and Sanctuary. What we should be focusing on is finding maps that offer better gameplay for gametypes the current pool doesn't support well. That would be KotH, Balll, and Bomb! Lets break it down by gametypes here: (3) Team Slayer: Lockdown, Sanc, Warlord (2) CTF: Warlord, Sanc (1) Bomb: Sanc (1) Ball: (Lockdown) (0) KotH: We have 7 solid gametypes. While yes Bomb is also pretty good on Warlord, I excluded it because of the similarities between 5-Bomb and 5-Flag on that map. We need a solid bomb map that plays differently that what the current pool offers, as well as a solid ball map and at least one KotH map. If TS and CTF absolutely need to be buffed to 4 and 3 entries respectively, I'm sure one of the new maps would fit those adaquately. Point is, you're a fool if you think the focus should be on CTF and symmetrical maps. What we need are maps that support asymmetrical gametypes, and asymmetrical maps generally do that better. Focusing on CTF defies logic. It's irrational. The guy running this must have a raging hard on for the gametype and lack the common sense to see what's needed here. Actually, scratch that, the guy is a moron. Only a moron would write off maps as bad without so much as a playtest. Many of us here have been designing maps for years now and wouldn't dream of taking such a judgmental approach. This is by far the most irrational selection process we've ever dealt with. Then again, this is the same guy that thought Atom was a good map... Like, seriously, how can maps like this and Cliffhanger get a pass when the maps offered up here are shot down?
Venom preview. TS - KotH - Ball. Audio is delayed a few seconds due to the Game DVR. If only HCS was looking for asyms.
Yes , let's deny most of these forge maps because they're not 'aesthetically pleasing' even though aesthetically pleasing maps that are well suited for gameplay are impossible to create without high framerate and frequent crashes. This **** honestly pisses me off to no end. These forgers have put days upon days of effort into creating and testing these maps to work alongside the brutal limitations of this game's forge and for what? To get told "**** you" because they're trying to work around the issues? I can't believe this is the company that is handling Halo.
Not to mention that this iteration of forge has been the most limiting we've had to work with yet. Sure, H3 was extremely limited by its ease of use, but at least the maps actually loaded up and were playable. Hell, even Reach and H4, despite their framerate issues were better than this. Here though, we've got crippling frame rate issues, and this bollycock problem with maps kicking players out when it exceeds certain filesize limitations. These extreme "criteria" show that Laskan clearly has no idea the limitations we are forced to work with here. The community needs to work with a new HCS map coordinator with an decent understanding of forge AND level design....because this clearly isn't working.
all i'm hoping is that these unrealistic requirements mean they're going to patch forge soon. lighting problems, gone; framerate issues, gone; static timers, fixed; map crashing, rectified; lobby joining, added. you get the idea.
Dude, forge is so niche and far from being a priority. Case point, they've got this guy running the show who hasn't the faintest idea of the limitations we're faced with, let alone how to design an actual map. Forge is, as it always has been, the understated and overlooked tool, as is the community that uses it.
what is HCS going to do if they don't get a decent forge map? they'll be playing the same **** next season. so if wants anyone to take their competitive league seriously, they're going to need to take the people competing, sustaining and providing maps for it serious. i'm not interested in pointing fingers; that time has long passed. i just want to see results - a blog post or some **** that says they're aware of the issues the editor faces and they're fixing it. putting the goddamn file shares online would be a good start. if they can't meet the community half way and accomplish that, i feel no obligation to provide them with content, thereby compromising my creative abilities by working within their broken-ass editor. there are better programs - most likely working ones - to occupy my time with.
That video lasted 3:43. You are really trying hard to get this map in the HCS settings, aye? Also not a fan of the first hill placement, would be better if it were on the top platform to the left of it imo. Nice unique design overall, although expected a lot more of you aesthetic wise.
Weapon and objective placement is all placeholder and up for discussion at the moment. As far as aesthetics go, it needs more cones and trains.
As I said with Acorn, not a fan of this style of KotH, and I definitely don't think this style is a good choice for HCS. It's not all that different from the style that Lockdown has the potential to offer with adjustments made to its hill locations... Still think the maps too big and needs to be rescaled in a lot of areas Fated. Adjust the scaling and I can definitely get behind the map for Slayer, but nothing more.