Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Jan 24, 2015.

By WAR on Jan 24, 2015 at 11:45 AM
  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    Begin Transmission

    Hello Hubbers and welcome to 2015, a year that is shaping up to be big for Halo. Forgehub is breaking radio silence to announce our upcoming contest aimed at you, our faithful community! We have been busy, working behind the scenes to give you a chance to compete for the coveted title of Top Forger.

    Going Loud

    We are putting out bounties on the best 1v1 maps created in Halo 2 Anniversary. In order to be eligible, maps must be forged on one of the blank canvasses such as Awash, Skyward, or Nebula. In the spirit of community collaboration, co-forging with a buddy is allowed but every map must have a primary author, 18 years of age or older, who will be the recipient of any potential contest winnings. Maps must be original designs and works of your own making, plagiarism will be automatically omitted from winning.

    Coming in Hot

    Nothing heats up these cold winter days like the burning desire to take home some of these fantastic prizes!

    1st Place - $500

    2nd Place - Astro A50 Wireless Headset (Halo Edition)

    3rd Place - Gunnar Glasses ($100 Gift Card)

    4th Place - our appreciation

    Rally Point Alpha

    Entries must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM on March 5th, 2015 so that we have a chance to thoroughly review and test each map. All submissions should be tailored to 1v1 gameplay, both in size and in power weapon placement (generally speaking, smaller maps do not need as many power weapons as larger maps). Judging will commence after the submission deadline and winners will be announced on March 15th at 1pm.

    Maps should be designed around these settings:

    -Slayer gametype only (maps do not need to support objective gametypes)
    -Battle Rifle primary weapon
    -no secondary weapon
    -2 Frag grenades given upon spawning
    -110% player movement speed
    -radar disabled

    Judgement Day

    Eligible map submissions will be judged based on:

    Game-type Support
    • Does the map function for the game-type(s) as necessary? Are all required objects and systems in place to successfully play a game?
    • Is the map fun to play on? Is the spaces fun to navigate through? Do the weapons, spawn and layout promote a positive game experience? Is the map balanced and fair for the given game-type?
    • Does the map suffer from any negative visual or performance issues?
    Originality / Creativity

    Rally Point Bravo

    The goal of this contest is two-fold. First, we want to find great maps...then we want to play on great maps! Yes, you heard right. The winning maps chosen from this contest will be played on during an upcoming tournament (so don't tell anyone about the hidden Rocket Launcher that only you know about).

    There you have it folks. If you didn't have a reason to forge before, you sure do now. Get out there and make us proud Hubbers. To arrange community test sessions, or to find someone to critique your map, please see this thread (thread link).

    The Smackdown

    To submit your map, simply create an account at, visit the "Maps" page and click on the "Submit Your Map" icon. Eligible submissions must contain at least 7 images per map. Youtube video gameplay or walkthroughs are heavily encouraged as well. For our convenience, please label "smackdown" in the 'search tag' section (this is not to be placed in the title of your map). This way we can find all of the contest entrants with one click of a button.

    End Transmission...
    #1 WAR, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015
    ald_, a Chunk, darkprince909 and 16 others like this.
Tags: this article has not been tagged


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by WAR, Jan 24, 2015.

    1. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Also, you can use your banner picture in both locations. You don't need to take an additional pic, just have it be both places. ;)
    2. PA1NTS
      It's 11:23, been trying to post my 1v1 map for half an hour now. Might not make the deadline. Very frustrating. No matter what I do, everytime I click on add map it brings me up to the images portion where I have all of my images in there. They're saying queued.

      I simply followed the form. I don't know what's going on here.

      I've refreshed over and over, tried posting it three times now.
      Orzium likes this.
    3. Kyle Courtney
      Kyle Courtney
      Sorry PA1NTS, you're a really good forger and I would have loved to see your map.
    4. Korlash
      dang, sorry to hear paints. And I have a feeling the submitting ended 11:59 EST anyway, but don't know for certain. I wouldn't ever trust submitting something last minute.
    5. PA1NTS
      It shouldn't take an hour to post a map, still working on it.
      Behemoth likes this.
    6. Behemoth
      I feel like this is a good situation to turn a blind eye to... If it's not working, well then that blows :/
    7. Korlash
      Well I don't know what to tell you honey
    8. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      did you give it time to upload the images?

      edit: nevermind, just noticed you've got it submitted.
    9. Elliot
      Is there a way to only view maps with the "smackdown" tag?
    10. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      well, i wonder what happens when you search the tag on the map page? ;)
    11. Auburn
      Good luck, everybody! There are a lot of good designs to be tested these next couple days.
    12. Elliot
      Oh! Wow that search bar is an elusive little bugger. So am I right in saying there are 80 submissions?
    13. A Haunted Army
      A Haunted Army
      i thought so as well at first but now i can't miss it.
    14. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Yes :surprise:
    15. Korlash
      I would change the color on the search bar so it is more visible (either white or the same color as the magnifying glass).

      I took forever trying to find that personally.

      Anyhow, 80 submissions is a pretty nice turnout. Good luck to everyone that submitted!
    16. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      It will look much cleaner after the Forum Upgrade.
    17. Zombievillan
      I bet I make top 79!
      theSpinCycle likes this.

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