I'm still all for pushing Orion and Complexion for the HCS settings. Although, I've started my own project that I'm gonna push for the HCS settings when it's done. The map is designed for Koth and am looking to have multiple powerweapons/powerups on it. Probably Rockets (3min)/Sniper (2min)/Camo (90sec) and maybe a 60sec speedboost. Here are some sketchup screenshots.
Looks interesting WaiHo. Reminds me of The Pit for some reason. I always struggle to interpret how lines of sight will work when looking at 3D modeling sketches, so I don't really have any feedback on the design right now. I look forward to seeing this come to life in forge.
So everyone knows, the Community Cartographers are looking for candidates for the HCS MM playlist this week only. As far as i know these maps are for padding the playlist and not for actual tournaments, but i could be mistaken. We already have feelers out at BE and HC but i want to make sure the word gets out to all 4v4 symmetrical competitive forgers here and elsewhere.
Only symmetrical? You've gotta be kidding. Orion has seriously been a front-runner since H4, is hands down the most popular choice, and it'd get axed if this is a thing.
Just make sure it gets adequate testing on its core gametype; KotH. Thanks. (It's barely asymm anyhow).
TBH this time i'm not as worried as i have been in the past, because the map pool is so small and most of the people making maps worth a damn tend to make pretty decent quality maps i don't think we'll be seeing **** maps getting pushed through this time. pros on the other hand, they might get some good stuff blocked or terrible things in if they have a heavy say in things.
I will have something up tonight that I would be very happy if you could test the map. How are you getting the maps?
Good question. Usually one of the Cartographers volunteers as task lead and is responsible for collecting all our suggestions, hosting test parties and tallying the results. I will find out who is lead on this task. If you have a CC on your friend's list or described how to find your map (leadsrboard method) in your map post we will find it, otherwise we will message you directly to get it.
I'm acting as task lead for HCS map testing and will be responsible for presenting all of the maps to the rest of the Community Cartographer group and Industries to test. We will begin testing on March 6th, this Friday so please make all necessary adjustments to your maps now. This includes setting up as many functioning gametypes possible, reviewing your spawns, cleaning up those edges and containing your map with kill volumes. Good luck guys, I'm really looking forward to seeing new maps in HCS tournaments. To all HCS submissions: Please make sure to include your leaderboard information in the description area of your map so we can find it easily.
no problem there, i'll just leave my xbox on so war, duck or APC can grab complexion. i'm happy to host other maps you're interested in as well if i can get a hold of them.
I'm currently out of the loop on maps, but I suppose everything we're looking for should be posted in the maps section here on the site, so when I'm not working I'll take a look through them and get some lobbies going later.
Schrizzity on reddit had the idea to stream the map testing on Twitch this weekend. A lot of people don't know that FH is back after the last owners, and this would be a good way to get people back to FH and talking about the maps at the same time. I know if I'm not playing in some of the tests, I would definitely watch a bit.
How do I get my map into this for testing on Friday? (Mayhem v5, GT: Lego Headddddd). Can't seem to see this anywhere.