This map has the most views on this forum right now? You have got to be shitting me. See folks, that's what happens. The "competitive" community doesn't care for quality, they're blind sheep that'll follow the ignorant opinions of pro players and fools like Cursed Lemon to the grave.
The author can view it themselves and it will count as a view. The name in it self is unique which would spark the interest of us viewers in which upon seeing it, we are then encouraged to review the map and discuss the pros and cons which will consequently help the author as he/she progresses in the forging community.
No its not the name of the map thats drawing viewers Rayzor. Its the 2.09 rating and the 15 comments.
Some of the reviews left on this map are insulting at best and offer little to no fair criticism. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, seriously. Diesel you seem new to forge. Find a more experienced forger and have him explain some basic principles to you, spawning, does and don'ts, piece usage, and maybe take a look at some of his maps to spark some creativity. Despite the criticisms you've receive I'm glad you posted this, any additional content for this forum is always good, especially during this drought. But a noble first attempt. Keep forging.
I would love to help renovate this piece as well as help you with other maps in the future. Add me if you'd like. III RAYZOR III
I don't know why my post from a few hours ago deleted but I'll just repost it because it deserves to be said. Some of the reviews left on this map anything but helpful, and insulting at best. The behavior and responses that some of you have shown here are disgusting, extremely rude, and none of you are in any position to talk down to this user. Seriously dissappointed in you guys. Diesel, you seem new to forge. See if you can get in touch with a forger who's been around for a while; have them explain and show you some map philosophies, do's and don'ts, item usage, spawns, and maybe look at some of their maps to hopefully advance your own understanding. I'm glad you posted this, despite a lot of the uneeded responses you're getting. Any new content for the forum is good news, especially during this drought. Your map was a noble attempt. Welcome to the world of forge, keep it up.
I get why the responses bother you MultiLockOn, and I don't care for most of them much myself. However, I think if you knew the full story behind the map your opinion may be slightly changed. Diesel is not a forger. He's not interested in learning to forge or design maps with 'depth'. His history is as a coach for professional Halo teams. He, along with many professional players believe that this is the best type of map for Halo. Some of those players are supporting Tesla for season 2 of the HCS. Much of the anger surfacing in this thread is not directed at Diesel himself, but at the fact that professional players are pushing it for HCS, while other forge maps (far superior forge maps in my opinion) are being overlooked. So, it's not the forger that these comments are being directed at. It's mostly a frustration with the perceived preferencial treatment resulting from his history with pro players, and frustration with the fact that such a map would be given any consideration at all given there are many better options available.
Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and clear a few things up. If you’re in the competitive community you might know me or have at least heard of me in some way since H2. I used to play competitively a long time ago and i’ve been coach ever since. I’ve coached Status Quo, Dynasty, Ambush, CLG, and Believe the Hype. If you don’t know me by TylerHoyt or Diesel you may know me by the nickname i got in H4 of NASA by the way i count down weapons. Any way i’m not here to talk about my background in competitive halo, i’m here to talk about this map. Notice how i said “this” map instead of “my” map. I recently heard that Tesla was posted on here so I wanted to check it out. I’ve read the comments and thought i would post and talk to a few of you. I do want to start off by saying i know forge pretty well and have used it since H3. I might not be the BEST or most skill aesthetically, but i do know what i’m doing. I worked with Killa KC and Ponytar on finding and testing maps in Reach. I also worked with Ghos7 on the competitive settings. So since 2008 i’ve worked with a lot of forgers. Now to Tesla. Yes I am the one who forged it. I didn’t sit with a pencil and paper for hours on hours designing it. This is not my masterpiece. I’m close with a lot of professional halo players I talked with about 6-7 of them on what they wanted in a map. I took notes and i came up with the idea that i would take the bases from Onslaught and the side structures of midship and combine them. They want a map that they believe plays well and is simple. I like real clean and simple maps (as you can tell, its my style i guess) I’m sorry if you’re not a fan of that. I worked with the pros on every step of this map, asking what they wanted, like and didn’t like about the map and changed it up on what played the best. I want to make it clear that i have no clue if the HCS is going to be using any forge maps for the 2nd season. I also want to say that i don’t have any pull or what not to get my map in Season 2 I just worked with my friends on a map and they enjoy it. If you play this map i hope you enjoy it. PS if you have any tips on spawns LET ME KNOW!!! my twitter is @TylerHoyt
Closing this thread since the author is unable to edit/update it. New thread is here -