HCS: Season 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WAR, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. WAR

    WAR Cartographer
    The Creator Forge Critic

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    We are now onto the last Halo Championship Series Online Cup for Season 2. Last week Winterfox stopped Evil Geniuses win streak and took first, this weekend the Top 16 teams battled it out for cash prizes and HCS points. Here are the Top 8 placings for Week 7 of the Halo Championship Series Season 2:


    1st) :EG: Evil Geniuses – $1,500 (150 HCS Points):

    • Snip3down
    • Lunchbox
    • Roy
    • LethuL

    2nd) :winterfox: Winterfox – $1,000 (100 HCS Points):

    • Naded
    • Randa
    • Ryanoob
    • Arkanum

    3rd) :denial: Denial eSports – $600 (75 HCS Points):

    • Heinz
    • aPG
    • Mikwen
    • Chig/Elumnite

    4th) :C9: Cloud9 – $300 (50 HCS Points):
    • iGotUrPistola
    • FearItSelf
    • Victory X
    • Hysteria

    5th/6th) :noble: Noble eSports (35 HCS Points):

    • ContrA
    • Cratos
    • LifeStyle
    • Svspector

    5th/6th) :optic: OpTic Halo (35 HCS Points):

    • Flamesword
    • Ace
    • Assault
    • Maniac

    7th/8th) :CLG: Counter Logic Gaming (25 HCS Points):

    • Snakebite
    • Royal2
    • Cloud
    • OGRE 2

    7th/8th) :rc: Reality Check (25 HCS Points):

    • Suddoth 1
    • Suddoth 2
    • Septic
    • Domey

    With those new placings and points, here are the newly updated Top 8 seeds going into PGL Indianapolis:

    1st) Evil Geniuses – Snip3down, Lunchbox, Roy, LethuL = 1525 HCS Points
    2nd) Denial eSports – Chig, Mikwen, Heinz, aPG = 1010 HCS Points
    3rd) Winterfox – Randa, RyaNoob, Naded, Arkanum = 750 HCS Points
    4th) Cloud9 – FearItSelf, Hysteria, Victory X, iGotUrPistola = 585 HCS Points
    5th) CLG – OGRE 2, Royal 2, Snakebite, Cloud = 400 HCS Points
    6th) OpTic Halo – Flamesword, Ace, Assault, MaNiaC = 300 HCS Points
    7th) Team Liquid – Ninja, Spartan, Aries, Shooter = 275 HCS Points
    8th) eXcellence – Coby, eL ToWn, Frosty, UNLEGIT = 225 HCS Points

    Next weekend, teams will be battling it out at HCS Indianapolis presented byPGL. The Top 8 seeds after the event will head to the HCS Season 2 Finals in Burbank, California in July for a chance at $150,000.

    source: :beyond: Beyond
    #1 WAR, Jan 29, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    CANADIAN ECHO, a Chunk and REMkings like this.
  2. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would like to have a map ready before season two starts, any idea when season 2 starts or season 1 ends?
  3. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think a few of the recommended maps here on ForgeHub would be great candidates.
  4. SloppyBottom

    SloppyBottom Recruit

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    Maybe a good way of looking for maps, would be talking about which gametypes are poorly supported by the current map pool. I haven't watched HCS for a while, but for me KotH comes to mind as a gametype which they've been using but could use a better map. Maybe I'm alone in that though? Other suggestions?
  5. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The two top maps from what I have seen are Orion and Complexion, both seem to excel in koth and a vertical based TS. 2 things checked off the list.

    The problem those maps have is that the current hill gametype with 1 minute hills really butches them (1 min hill isint good full stop), the transition between hill setups is much different between each hill and takes a completely different set up, unlike say, Warlord where it is a quick rotation. Remember MLG construct, teams would give up bottom hill a good 15/20s before a hill change at times to get ready for top, and a good play can result in 30/40s of hill time.

    Does anyone else object to Orion/Complexion as maps that collectively we should push more as a community (alongside any others Im unaware of) and collectively help improve them
    #5 Doju, Feb 1, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm totally on board with that. Those are the 2 maps I feel most comfortable pushing right now. They play well, and they offer a different style of play than the maps currently in the rotation.
    theSpinCycle likes this.
  7. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Start the hype train then.

    Get better vids out. Get forgers nitpicking at the design. Ensure both maps have the static weapon system in place to ensure that the gameplay is much better on them (90s camo, 120s snipe, 150s rocks will suffice so its staggered) and have those official versions be introduced to more players (not just pros) to drum up support.

    Not sure if Epicentre is at a stage of similar support?
  8. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    he already posted them

    complexion is on static timers, the OS is at 90secs and rocket drop spawning through scripting every 2mins. i've also got a slayer and oddball game recorded when ryanoob was playing on it so i'll try and make a decent preview video when i can get off my lazy ass.
  9. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I know the map hasn't received much attention, but I have been extensively testing Ridge to support KOTH and TS. I've received positive feedback on the design and I think its coming together very well. I just need more people to check it out, I would love to push that one as well if its agreed upon.
  10. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I wouldn't mind seeing Orion and Complexion being pushed, I'm only afraid that most people won't like them based on their appearance as they really look like forge maps.

    Maybe that is an area for improvement in both maps?
  11. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    It's not. It's been basically unplayable due to high object count.
    I finally updated it last night (eliminated about 75 objects), so hopefully it will be playable now. It will need a lot of testing.
  12. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah keep working at it and see what the rest of the forgers say, we'l go from there.

    The goal IMO (speaking on my own rather than from FH's perspective) is that FH should try set up a direct contact with 343 HCS officials and say "here are the 2/3 maps we feel are the best, have solid feedback and have been worked on together as a team", rather than every forger under the sun promoting their map. Having a condensed focus on the maps we select will give them a much better chance. I would say we officially endorse 3 maps. Having a site endorse a map (rather than an individual) will also remove any personal bias that 343/top players may have to certain people (I know myself I am certainly not well liked by many).

    No matter what map gets picked, we can all agree it would be a win for a non midship map to get into settings.
    LowGi likes this.
  13. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I meant more than a simple post, a more focused effort to gaining support for these maps and establishing contact with the people who make the decisions.

    OS ideally would be perfect at 90s, its just so **** in this game though :/ Any attempts at a camo being used?
  14. A Haunted Army

    A Haunted Army Your Local Pessimist
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    oops meant camo... that you can shoot down.
  15. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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  16. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah keep working at it and see what the rest of the forgers say, we'l go from there.

    The goal IMO (speaking on my own rather than from FH's perspective) is that FH should try set up a direct contact with 343 HCS officials and say "here are the 2/3 maps we feel are the best, have solid feedback and have been worked on together as a team", rather than every forger under the sun promoting their map. Having a condensed focus on the maps we select will give them a much better chance. I would say we officially endorse 3 maps. Having a site endorse a map (rather than an individual) will also remove any personal bias that 343/top players may have to certain people (I know myself I am certainly not well liked by many).

    No matter what map gets picked, we can all agree it would be a win for a non midship map to get into settings.[/QUOTE]

    I agree that having a condensed focus on a few maps is the best approach. The thing is, most of you haven't played Ridge so there's not going to be a team push for the map when its so under the radar. I would love some actual feedback from you guys to at least see if it could be possible for tournament play.
    Chronmeister likes this.
  17. Doju

    Doju Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Then do as the same, organise customs, get the feedback you need. I dont see a thread for it anywhere?
  18. WaiHo

    WaiHo Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ridge has already been posted in the map section. Has an unique layout, although again the map really looks like a forge map.

    What about having a super short term contest and have people submit maps. The top 3 maps will be pushed to 343. Like have the deadline in two weeks time or so.
  19. TheElderAcorn

    TheElderAcorn Video Team
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I dont think a map looking like forge peices is a huge deal. The most important aspect is the core gameplay, and due to framerate on MCC we have to make maps look really simplistic.
  20. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I pretty much agree with Acorn. I mean...it would great if we could build maps that didn't look like forge maps and have them perform flawlessly, but it's not really realistic at this point. Anyway, I don't remember anybody ever complaining about Onslaught looking like a forge map, and that's pretty much the epitome of a bare bones forge map.

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