map has been released Spoiler Helios is a map i'm currently working on for 2v2 - 4v4 slayer and CTF. it's a more bridgeworks vertical type map with the main idea being overlapping paths or bridges so if you were to fall off you're more likely to land on a lower part of the map instead of dying and verticality to offer the power positions and segment areas of the map within a tight space. this is the first time i've ever attempted a map like this before so it's mostly for learning. from the few games i've had so far it's looking alright, main issue that seems to be prevelant which is probably somewhat based on personal preference as well is being able to get around corners too quickly causing obstruction to combat so i'm also messing around with scaling on another version to alleviate this issue to some degree which is going to be called Complexion. video preview, not my video but UMEKID decided to feature it then after realized it wasn't finished.
I'm liking your use of geometry in this one Army. Just to be clear, Complexion is the expanded version in the video link?
helios is the small version in the video, no pictures of the expanded version complexion at the moment
update - added rocket platform (credit @WARHOLIC & @SecretSchnitzel ) - moved camo to top mid that can be shot down (credit @SecretSchnitzel ) - added another path around the back of the bases - moved the 'towers' back a bit - removed the lights from the bases - removed the crane aesthetic - added CTF compatibility - added weapons and grenades around the map video:
I'm really digging complexion. Definitely a different map from all the arena maps. Camo looks beastly on this map (in a good way), loving the height variation though. I'd like to play it sometime. Gt: zombievillan Shoot me an FR if you like though we might already be friends lol, Ive been out of the scene for awhile.
The map was a good time to play when the lag wasn't dropping peoples lighting out. It wasn't performance lag is was just the connection. You don't see a lot of maps like Complexion so it was certainly fresh
Loving the look and feel of this map! Like Zombie said, it stands out from your typical arena map. The geometry is great, the drop downs over by rockets are sweet, and the Br fighting between a lot of the windows is something very cool that doesn't happen on a lot of maps. My only criticism would be that the system of "braces" above the rocket spawn (consisting mainly of purple 1x1 tall and thins) looks kind of busy. By that I mean it appears awkward to walk on because of the pillars jutting out everywhere and it created some awkward encounters in your 2nd preview. Some things I would do to aid in this is maybe get rid of the railing rockets lean against so you can walk onto it easier, or maybe make it flush with the top of the railing. Also, there is a place where it kind of splits from a 2 unit wide walkway into two .5 wide walkways. This kind of weird to walk on to begin with, but then they get narrowed even further down when you have to walk past the .2 unit wide LoS breakers. Perhaps you could get rid of the gap in the middle over a portion of it. I realize it's not likely meant to be widely traversed so you didn't treat it like a normal walkway, but it is a little confusing and awkward. I realize my criticism rambled on a lot more than my praise, but that was just because it was such a little thing to try to explain! I really love the way this map looks and would like to get some games on it. Good luck with the rest of testing and fine tuning!
not entirely sure which braces you're reffering to? where are you getting your sizing from? the path widens by 1 whole unit not .5 and there is only one spot on the map where the LoS breaker is .2 and thats bottom mid to rocket jump which are 2x1 flats to allow access through the structure down to rockets, remove the awkwardness of when it was a lot thicker and still do the same job it was doing before of block what i think would be a pretty nasty cross map LoS. @Zombievillan i'll add you next time i'm online.
Not literal brace pieces, they are just pieces that are "bracing" or holding up a walkway aesthetically as far as I can tell. I just watched the video again, and it turns out I was referring to the jump up from bottom mid. I didn't know that that hole led to bottom mid, it appeared to me as a death pit when I watched the video the first time. My issue with it was mainly the situation that occurred around 4:55 in complexion preview 2. You were walking down the structure and got kind of held up where the walkway got narrowed down to a ledge over the jump up. Of course I thought the jump up was a death pit at the time, so it's not as much of an issue. I still don't like the way the bottom mid jump up runs into the railing that rockets are leaning on. It seems like the jump up should run smoothly onto that walkway instead of having to hop again over that railing. Obviously minute criticisms, but that just speaks to how much I like the rest of the map!
There are couple little thing I would like to go over in forge with you when you got time. I have a couple things that I didn't notice the last time I was on the map and a couple of ideas that are not necessary.
minor update, added some space behind the lift because it was a bit tight down there (credit @purely fat ), removed the railing rockets was sitting on and reduced the cover a bit at green towers.
Haunted, this is looking fantastic. I just saw the video you posted in the Skype chat. Really love the new addition you made where rockets are sitting with the lift behind it. I like the lower level you added there that acts as a ramp up to those pesky 1x2's I was always nagging you about. It finally gives those drop downs context and purpose. Overall great design philosophy while making this. I hope others follow these design principals and use map geometry and structure as their primary line of sight blockers. Looking forward to playing this again soon. Will be back at my Xbox late Jan.
update: - added a ledge-window you can jump up to in the bases (credit slaphead) - widened the slide double-jump to top mid by .5 - moved the flags close to bottom mid rockets side - put an anti respawn zone over the old flag spawn - added support for KoTH -added support for odball
Didn't really care for the pillar being in the middle of the first hill. The back hill looked like it could be easy for a team to lock down as well. The teams weren't balanced so the second thing isn't really that big of deal. Have you played oddball on it yet?