An abandoned supply depot has become the site for desperate struggles. Asymmetrical, 4-8 Players. TS, FFA, KOTH, Ball, HT Ricochet. So Cache is an asymm design I did back in Halo 4 but never got around to publishing, so I came back to it in this game. It's an atrium based map based on controlling encounters through the use of power positions and hopefully some spawn manipulation. Its weapon set consists of rockets (90sec) which spawn in blue, sniper (120sec) in gold, and overshield (60sec) in red. I want this map, as an asymm, to feature standout gameplay on asymmetrical gametypes. Particularly KOTH and Ball. I was considering one bomb but instead decided to incorporate one-sided ricochet where blue team gets the ball and have to score 25 points (modified scoring) to end a round. At the end of the round the teams would switch. The main difference between one bomb and this is that defenders can possess the ball.
It started off as a Dammy inspired map, but I kinda broke away from that early on. She needs a little work, but I'm likin' it so far.
So my problem in Halo 4 was that my maps turned out to be too small for 4v4, because of sprint. I have adjusted my building style to that style of gameplay. Now I am finding myself building maps that are way too ****ing big for fast paced 4v4. :/ Oh well just going to have to go through lots of trials and errors I guess
Damn it Aub. I came here all excited about a map I'm working on and then I saw your map and now I'm too embarrassed to show my map. Looks sick mayne (y) Anyway, here's a fairly detailed sketch of what I'm working on. Spoiler[\spoiler] Hehe. I've got my current wip in my file share if anyone wants to check it out. New gt = Denise Rodman
Currently trying to figure out this xbox dvr thing but I'm struggling. Probably would have been easier if I hadn't gone out drinking beforehand. Attempt #1: Stay tuned.
Oh **** okay here we go Take note of the superb camera work Yea so this isn't actually complete yet, still tryig to get the layout done. It's going to a symmetrical map. No idea what to do with that green grassy area though please help
I like so far. You should scale that ish down, though, if you're going for 4s. Not too sure how I feel about the bases atm. I feel like they could use a little work, but I'd like to play it first. Accept my friend request xbl, sir dennis.
I did last night (I think). I still can't figure out this damn xbox one UI lol. About the scaling issue, yea, I'm a little worried about that too. My counter to that is that some of the movement options allow you to traverse the map relatively quickly. Or at least it feels that way to me. However I'm still worried that it's too segmented in some parts. Also purple feels rather flat. I dunno. We'll see I suppose
My thoughts on this: -The line of sight at 1:11 seems super long IMO, maybe add a thin block connecting the pillars if you don't mind the extra cover. -The trees in purple look retar ded (imo) -I hate to say it, but I would like the top mid bridge to be a little longer (by 2 units or so). I like everything about it (including the cover on the sides of it) except for the narrow space that looks into purple and the other side. To put it simple, the bridge looks puny. [edit: on that not -For making the map smaller, I would re-approach purple, and make it much more compact. Instead of the upper connections to the bases being so far back from the rest of the map (I'm referring to both the main route and the back route), I would personally consider making purple connect to the bases just outside of the windows. If you don't get what I'm saying, go to 2:45 on your vid and look right of that window facing purple; that's where the connection would be (and the wall you have there already fits nicely). -As for grass side there is one suggestion I have but it is risky. Personally, I think you should make it one-dimensional and small (literally just grass and rocks). The only 2-way connections would be to the bases, but not as deep as you have them - towards the front of them. You could have windows up high to jump from the bases, and possibly have a window looking to/from purple. The advantages are the great contrast from purple (aesthetically and functionally), a potential place for either Rockets or even Camo (or else plasma grenades), and would make a good flank route (with purple being the primary focus). The only thing I hate about that idea is how it looks with bottom mid. There is my bi-monthly map feedback. I thought I could help here.
I somewhat agree with that. It's definitely long, but I feel like it won't be an issue with how small of a window it is. Not a literal window, but, you know what I mean. I just see it being used more as a way to keep track of player locations, rather than having full-on engagements. Does that make sense? Either way, I'll keep an eye out during testing - shouldn't be a difficult fix. Completely agree. I'm more or less just using them as placeholders for now. I do see what you mean, but my concern with that suggestion - I'd rather not lengthen the distance between red and blue base, even if it's just by two units. But, how about pushing the walls on either side of the bridge back some, that way it's more opened up to purple without actually lengthening the bridge? Like this. I actually really like this suggestion. I'll work with the idea and see what I can come up with. I was honestly thinking the very same thing. At first it was more of a "**** it, I dunno what to do with this area, maybe I'll just throw some rocks down and have them serve as jumps to red and blue." But the more I thought about it, the more I actually felt that it would be the best solution. I'm curious about your last sentence here though - "how it looks with bottom mid." Mind elaborating a little bit? Really appreciate the feedback Ben.
I know what you mean. Understood then. Gotcha. I've personally hated trees as cover since you can still shoot through them (I think, right?). They may look more in place on the grass side of the map if you'd like to try em Yeah, that will be the next best thing if you don't want to spread the bases out more. I am certainly open to that. I had trouble thinking of the explanation when I mentioned that. It has to do with me being picky about having parallel pathways among the bottom (as the bottom route between bases and the route I mentioned are parallel in nature), or anywhere on the map. I'll say it's nothing major though. However, I like the idea you just mentioned. If at least two rocks are jumps to red and blue, then I suggest removing the lower routes to red and blue and keep the route to the middle open (making that the only lower route available). Regarding size, look at the screenshot you showed me, then picture diagonal lines drawn from the corners that big block that is displayed under those 3 rocks (only the left corner is visible); that is an idea of how small I think that room should be. That idea may not be your taste, but my intention behind that is to streamline the routes more and funnel players through the major parts of the map, for faster gameplay. Also, blocking the lower routes may help with spawning by removing the LoS influence. Even if you would like to have rockets in here (which I support 100%), it should be a decent place to spawn when rockets aren't soon to spawn. With changing this and purple side, I would consider either redesigning or just reshaping the bases (after your work with the sides). I would keep them simple, but allow them to fit the connections to the sides reasonably. I am unsure about the Pit-styled back wall you have on the map, though you may be able to fit them on the map somehow (allow yourself to jump from the base's ramp to the 2nd floor, for example). Absolutely, I don't give feedback often enough. Good luck finishing/revamping this map.
@Dax Now, since you don't want to increase the length. Would you be willing to change how the top of the bases interact?
Ah okay, I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way about having multiple routes with similar functions/roles. I'd rather have each route/path serve a unique purpose. Which is why I'm having so much trouble with this haha. Hmm.. so you'd suggest removing the lower routes to rocks while keeping the lower connection between red and blue bases? I'm not necessarily against it, but it just seems as though the lower portion of red and blue base would then feel too, hmm, too closed off? I was going to suggest keeping the lower routes to rocks, while changing the bottom mid connection into windows from both red and blue to bottom mid. But I don't think I really like the window idea. Certainly
I was thinking instead of having a bridge you would have a 3 to 4 unit horizontal slit window creating a line of site between the bases.